#include "osd.h" #include "osd_http.h" #include "base64.h" void osd_t::init_cluster() { if (consul_address != "") { printf("OSD %lu reporting to Consul at %s each %d seconds\n", osd_num, consul_address.c_str(), consul_report_interval); report_status(); this->consul_tfd = new timerfd_interval(ringloop, consul_report_interval, [this]() { report_status(); }); } } json11::Json osd_t::get_status() { json11::Json::object st; timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); st["time"] = std::to_string(ts.tv_sec)+"."+std::to_string(ts.tv_nsec/1000000); st["state"] = "up"; if (bind_address != "") st["addresses"] = { bind_address }; else { if (bind_addresses.size() == 0) bind_addresses = getifaddr_list(); st["addresses"] = bind_addresses; } st["port"] = bind_port; st["primary_enabled"] = run_primary; st["blockstore_ready"] = bs->is_started(); st["blockstore_enabled"] = bs ? true : false; if (bs) { st["size"] = bs->get_block_count() * bs->get_block_size(); st["free"] = bs->get_free_block_count() * bs->get_block_size(); } json11::Json::object op_stats, subop_stats; for (int i = 0; i <= OSD_OP_MAX; i++) { op_stats[osd_op_names[i]] = json11::Json::object { { "count", op_stat_count[0][i] }, { "sum", op_stat_sum[0][i] }, }; } for (int i = 0; i <= OSD_OP_MAX; i++) { subop_stats[osd_op_names[i]] = json11::Json::object { { "count", subop_stat_count[0][i] }, { "sum", subop_stat_sum[0][i] }, }; } st["op_latency"] = op_stats; st["subop_latency"] = subop_stats; return st; } void osd_t::report_status() { std::string st = get_status().dump(); // (!) Keys end with . to allow "select /osd/state/123. by prefix" // because Consul transactions fail if you try to read non-existing keys json11::Json::array txn = { json11::Json::object { { "KV", json11::Json::object { { "Verb", "set" }, { "Key", consul_prefix+"/osd/state/"+std::to_string(osd_num)+"." }, { "Value", base64_encode(st) }, } } }, }; for (auto & p: pgs) { auto & pg = p.second; json11::Json::object pg_st; json11::Json::array pg_state; for (int i = 0; i < pg_state_bit_count; i++) if (pg.state & pg_state_bits[i]) pg_state.push_back(pg_state_names[i]); pg_st["state"] = pg_state; pg_st["object_count"] = pg.total_count; pg_st["clean_count"] = pg.clean_count; pg_st["misplaced_count"] = pg.misplaced_objects.size(); pg_st["degraded_count"] = pg.degraded_objects.size(); pg_st["incomplete_count"] = pg.incomplete_objects.size(); pg_st["write_osd_set"] = pg.cur_set; txn.push_back(json11::Json::object { { "KV", json11::Json::object { { "Verb", "set" }, { "Key", consul_prefix+"/pg/state/"+std::to_string(pg.pg_num)+"." }, { "Value", base64_encode(json11::Json(pg_st).dump()) }, } } }); if (pg.state == PG_ACTIVE && pg.target_history.size()) { pg.target_history.clear(); pg.all_peers = pg.target_set; txn.push_back(json11::Json::object { { "KV", json11::Json::object { { "Verb", "delete" }, { "Key", consul_prefix+"/pg/history/"+std::to_string(pg.pg_num)+"." }, } } }); } } consul_txn(txn, [this](std::string err, json11::Json res) { if (err != "") { consul_failed_attempts++; printf("Error reporting state to Consul: %s\n", err.c_str()); if (consul_failed_attempts > MAX_CONSUL_ATTEMPTS) { throw std::runtime_error("Cluster connection failed"); } // Retry tfd->set_timer(CONSUL_RETRY_INTERVAL, false, [this](int timer_id) { report_status(); }); } else { consul_failed_attempts = 0; } }); } void osd_t::consul_txn(json11::Json txn, std::function callback) { std::string req = txn.dump(); req = "PUT /v1/txn HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: "+consul_host+"\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "Content-Length: "+std::to_string(req.size())+"\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"+req; http_request_json(consul_address, req, callback); } uint64_t stoull_full(std::string str, int base = 10) { if (isspace(str[0])) { return 0; } size_t end = -1; uint64_t r = std::stoull(str, &end, base); if (end < str.length()) { return 0; } return r; } // Start -> Load PGs -> Load peers -> Connect to peers -> Peer PGs // Wait for PG changes -> Start/Stop PGs when requested // Peer connection is lost -> Reload connection data -> Try to reconnect -> Repeat void osd_t::load_pgs() { assert(this->pgs.size() == 0); json11::Json::array txn = { json11::Json::object { { "KV", json11::Json::object { { "Verb", "get" }, { "Key", consul_prefix+"/config/pgs" }, } } }, json11::Json::object { { "KV", json11::Json::object { { "Verb", "get-tree" }, { "Key", consul_prefix+"/pg/history/" }, } } }, }; consul_txn(txn, [this](std::string err, json11::Json data) { if (err != "") { printf("Error loading PGs from Consul: %s\n", err.c_str()); tfd->set_timer(CONSUL_START_INTERVAL, false, [this](int timer_id) { load_pgs(); }); return; } json11::Json pg_config; std::map pg_history; for (auto & res: data["Results"].array_items()) { std::string key = res["KV"]["Key"].string_value(); std::string json_err; json11::Json value = json11::Json::parse(base64_decode(res["KV"]["Value"].string_value()), json_err); if (json_err != "") { printf("Bad JSON in Consul key %s: %s\n", key.c_str(), json_err.c_str()); } if (key == consul_prefix+"/config/pgs") { pg_config = value; } else { // /pg/history/%d. pg_num_t pg_num = stoull_full(key.substr(consul_prefix.length()+13, key.length()-consul_prefix.length()-14)); if (pg_num) { pg_history[pg_num] = value; } } } parse_pgs(pg_config, pg_history); }); } void osd_t::parse_pgs(const json11::Json & pg_config, const std::map & pg_history) { uint64_t pg_count = 0; for (auto pg_item: pg_config.object_items()) { pg_num_t pg_num = stoull_full(pg_item.first); if (!pg_num) { throw std::runtime_error("Bad key in PG hash: "+pg_item.first); } auto & pg_json = pg_item.second; osd_num_t primary_osd = pg_json["primary"].uint64_value(); if (primary_osd == this->osd_num) { // Take this PG std::set all_peers; std::vector target_set; for (auto pg_osd_num: pg_json["osd_set"].array_items()) { osd_num_t pg_osd = pg_osd_num.uint64_value(); target_set.push_back(pg_osd); if (pg_osd != 0) { all_peers.insert(pg_osd); } } if (target_set.size() != 3) { throw std::runtime_error("Bad PG "+std::to_string(pg_num)+" config format: incorrect osd_set"); } std::vector> target_history; auto hist_it = pg_history.find(pg_num); if (hist_it != pg_history.end()) { for (auto hist_item: hist_it->second.array_items()) { std::vector history_set; for (auto pg_osd_num: hist_item["osd_set"].array_items()) { osd_num_t pg_osd = pg_osd_num.uint64_value(); history_set.push_back(pg_osd); if (pg_osd != 0) { all_peers.insert(pg_osd); } } target_history.push_back(history_set); } } this->pgs[pg_num] = (pg_t){ .state = PG_PEERING, .pg_cursize = 0, .pg_num = pg_num, .all_peers = std::vector(all_peers.begin(), all_peers.end()), .target_history = target_history, .target_set = target_set, }; this->pgs[pg_num].print_state(); // Add peers for (auto pg_osd: all_peers) { if (pg_osd != this->osd_num && osd_peer_fds.find(pg_osd) == osd_peer_fds.end()) { wanted_peers[pg_osd] = { 0 }; } } } pg_count++; } this->pg_count = pg_count; if (wanted_peers.size() > 0) { peering_state |= OSD_CONNECTING_PEERS; } } void osd_t::load_and_connect_peers() { json11::Json::array load_peer_txn; for (auto wp_it = wanted_peers.begin(); wp_it != wanted_peers.end();) { osd_num_t osd_num = wp_it->first; if (osd_peer_fds.find(osd_num) != osd_peer_fds.end()) { // It shouldn't be here wanted_peers.erase(wp_it++); if (!wanted_peers.size()) { // Connected to all peers peering_state = peering_state & ~OSD_CONNECTING_PEERS; } } else if (peer_states.find(osd_num) == peer_states.end()) { if (!loading_peer_config && (time(NULL) - wp_it->second.last_load_attempt >= peer_connect_interval)) { // (Re)load OSD state from Consul wp_it->second.last_load_attempt = time(NULL); load_peer_txn.push_back(json11::Json::object { { "KV", json11::Json::object { { "Verb", "get-tree" }, { "Key", consul_prefix+"/osd/state/"+std::to_string(osd_num)+"." }, } } }); } wp_it++; } else if (!wp_it->second.connecting && time(NULL) - wp_it->second.last_connect_attempt >= peer_connect_interval) { // Try to connect wp_it->second.connecting = true; const std::string addr = peer_states[osd_num]["addresses"][wp_it->second.address_index].string_value(); int64_t port = peer_states[osd_num]["port"].int64_value(); wp_it++; connect_peer(osd_num, addr.c_str(), port, [this](osd_num_t osd_num, int peer_fd) { wanted_peers[osd_num].connecting = false; if (peer_fd < 0) { auto & addrs = peer_states[osd_num]["addresses"].array_items(); const char *addr = addrs[wanted_peers[osd_num].address_index].string_value().c_str(); printf("Failed to connect to peer OSD %lu address %s: %s\n", osd_num, addr, strerror(-peer_fd)); if (wanted_peers[osd_num].address_index < addrs.size()-1) { // Try all addresses wanted_peers[osd_num].address_index++; } else { wanted_peers[osd_num].last_connect_attempt = time(NULL); peer_states.erase(osd_num); } return; } printf("Connected with peer OSD %lu (fd %d)\n", clients[peer_fd].osd_num, peer_fd); wanted_peers.erase(osd_num); if (!wanted_peers.size()) { // Connected to all peers printf("Connected to all peers\n"); peering_state = peering_state & ~OSD_CONNECTING_PEERS; } repeer_pgs(osd_num); }); } else { // Skip wp_it++; } } if (load_peer_txn.size() > 0) { consul_txn(load_peer_txn, [this](std::string err, json11::Json data) { loading_peer_config = false; if (err != "") { printf("Failed to load peer configuration from Consul: %s\n", err.c_str()); return; } for (auto & res: data["Results"].array_items()) { std::string key = res["KV"]["Key"].string_value(); // /osd/state/. osd_num_t peer_osd = std::stoull(key.substr(consul_prefix.length()+11, key.length()-consul_prefix.length()-12)); std::string json_err; json11::Json st = json11::Json::parse(base64_decode(res["KV"]["Value"].string_value()), json_err); if (json_err != "") { printf("Bad JSON in Consul key %s: %s\n", key.c_str(), json_err.c_str()); } if (peer_osd > 0 && st.is_object() && st["state"] == "up" && st["addresses"].is_array() && st["port"].is_number()) { peer_states[peer_osd] = st; } } }); } }