#!/bin/bash # Very simple systemd unit generator for vitastor-osd services # Not the final solution yet, mostly for tests # Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ # License: MIT # USAGE: # 1) Put etcd_address and osd_network into /etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf. Example: # { # "etcd_address":["","",""], # "osd_network":"" # } # 2) Run ./make-osd.sh /dev/disk/by-partuuid/xxx [ /dev/disk/by-partuuid/yyy]... set -e -x # Create OSDs on all passed devices for DEV in $*; do OSD_NUM=$(vitastor-cli alloc-osd) echo Creating OSD $OSD_NUM on $DEV OPT=$(vitastor-cli simple-offsets --format options $DEV | tr '\n' ' ') META=$(vitastor-cli simple-offsets --format json $DEV | jq .data_offset) dd if=/dev/zero of=$DEV bs=1048576 count=$(((META+1048575)/1048576)) oflag=direct mkdir -p /var/log/vitastor id vitastor &>/dev/null || useradd vitastor chown vitastor /var/log/vitastor cat >/etc/systemd/system/vitastor-osd$OSD_NUM.service <>/var/log/vitastor/osd$OSD_NUM.log 2>&1' WorkingDirectory=/ ExecStartPre=+chown vitastor:vitastor $DEV User=vitastor PrivateTmp=false TasksMax=infinity Restart=always StartLimitInterval=0 RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=vitastor.target EOF systemctl enable vitastor-osd$OSD_NUM done