Fork 0

Fix PG optimizer removing PGs without adding new ones

This happened when the distribution was already valid for the current OSD tree,
but didn't use all OSDs. For example, OSDs 1 2 3 and all PGs equal to [ 1, 2 ]
remained unchanged.
Vitaliy Filippov 2021-02-25 23:25:33 +03:00
parent 2d73b19a6c
commit 08d4bef419
1 changed files with 5 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -275,6 +275,11 @@ async function optimize_change({ prev_pgs: prev_int_pgs, osd_tree, pg_size = 3,
lp += 'max: '+all_pg_names.map(pg_name => (
prev_weights[pg_name] ? `${pg_size+1}*add_${pg_name} - ${pg_size+1}*del_${pg_name}` : `${pg_size+1-move_weights[pg_name]}*${pg_name}`
)).join(' + ')+';\n';
lp += all_pg_names
.map(pg_name => (prev_weights[pg_name] ? `add_${pg_name} - del_${pg_name}` : `${pg_name}`))
.join(' + ')+' = '+(pg_count
- Object.keys(prev_weights).reduce((a, old_pg_name) => (a + (all_pgs_hash[old_pg_name] ? prev_weights[old_pg_name] : 0)), 0)
for (const osd in pg_per_osd)
if (osd !== NO_OSD)