// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const os = require('os'); const WebSocket = require('ws'); const LPOptimizer = require('./lp-optimizer.js'); const stableStringify = require('./stable-stringify.js'); const PGUtil = require('./PGUtil.js'); // FIXME document all etcd keys and config variables in the form of JSON schema or similar const etcd_nonempty_keys = { 'config/global': 1, 'config/node_placement': 1, 'config/pools': 1, 'config/pgs': 1, 'history/last_clean_pgs': 1, 'stats': 1, }; const etcd_allow = new RegExp('^'+[ 'config/global', 'config/node_placement', 'config/pools', 'config/osd/[1-9]\\d*', 'config/pgs', 'config/inode/[1-9]\\d*/[1-9]\\d*', 'osd/state/[1-9]\\d*', 'osd/stats/[1-9]\\d*', 'osd/inodestats/[1-9]\\d*', 'osd/space/[1-9]\\d*', 'mon/master', 'mon/member/[a-f0-9]+', 'pg/state/[1-9]\\d*/[1-9]\\d*', 'pg/stats/[1-9]\\d*/[1-9]\\d*', 'pg/history/[1-9]\\d*/[1-9]\\d*', 'pool/stats/[1-9]\\d*', 'history/last_clean_pgs', 'inode/stats/[1-9]\\d*/[1-9]\\d*', 'pool/stats/[1-9]\\d*', 'stats', 'index/image/.*', 'index/maxid/[1-9]\\d*', ].join('$|^')+'$'); const etcd_tree = { config: { /* global: { // WARNING: NOT ALL OF THESE ARE ACTUALLY CONFIGURABLE HERE // THIS IS JUST A POOR MAN'S CONFIG DOCUMENTATION // etcd connection config_path: "/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf", etcd_prefix: "/vitastor", // etcd connection - configurable online etcd_address: "", // mon etcd_mon_ttl: 30, // min: 10 etcd_mon_timeout: 1000, // ms. min: 0 etcd_mon_retries: 5, // min: 0 mon_change_timeout: 1000, // ms. min: 100 mon_stats_timeout: 1000, // ms. min: 100 osd_out_time: 600, // seconds. min: 0 placement_levels: { datacenter: 1, rack: 2, host: 3, osd: 4, ... }, // client and osd tcp_header_buffer_size: 65536, use_sync_send_recv: false, use_rdma: true, rdma_device: null, // for example, "rocep5s0f0" rdma_port_num: 1, rdma_gid_index: 0, rdma_mtu: 4096, rdma_max_sge: 128, rdma_max_send: 8, rdma_max_recv: 16, rdma_max_msg: 132096, block_size: 131072, disk_alignment: 4096, bitmap_granularity: 4096, immediate_commit: false, // 'all' or 'small' // client and osd - configurable online log_level: 0, client_dirty_limit: 33554432, peer_connect_interval: 5, // seconds. min: 1 peer_connect_timeout: 5, // seconds. min: 1 osd_idle_timeout: 5, // seconds. min: 1 osd_ping_timeout: 5, // seconds. min: 1 up_wait_retry_interval: 500, // ms. min: 50 max_etcd_attempts: 5, etcd_quick_timeout: 1000, // ms etcd_slow_timeout: 5000, // ms etcd_keepalive_timeout: 30, // seconds, default is max(30, etcd_report_interval*2) etcd_ws_keepalive_interval: 30, // seconds // osd etcd_report_interval: 5, // seconds run_primary: true, osd_network: null, // "" or an array of masks bind_address: "", bind_port: 0, readonly: false, osd_memlock: false, // osd - configurable online autosync_interval: 5, autosync_writes: 128, client_queue_depth: 128, // unused recovery_queue_depth: 4, recovery_pg_switch: 128, recovery_sync_batch: 16, no_recovery: false, no_rebalance: false, print_stats_interval: 3, slow_log_interval: 10, inode_vanish_time: 60, auto_scrub: false, no_scrub: false, scrub_interval: '30d', // 1s/1m/1h/1d scrub_queue_depth: 1, scrub_sleep: 0, // milliseconds scrub_list_limit: 1000, // objects to list on one scrub iteration scrub_find_best: true, scrub_ec_max_bruteforce: 100, // maximum EC error locator brute-force iterators // blockstore - fixed in superblock block_size, disk_alignment, journal_block_size, meta_block_size, bitmap_granularity, journal_device, journal_offset, journal_size, disable_journal_fsync, data_device, data_offset, data_size, disable_data_fsync, meta_device, meta_offset, disable_meta_fsync, disable_device_lock, // blockstore - configurable offline inmemory_metadata, inmemory_journal, journal_sector_buffer_count, journal_no_same_sector_overwrites, // blockstore - configurable online max_write_iodepth, min_flusher_count: 1, max_flusher_count: 256, throttle_small_writes: false, throttle_target_iops: 100, throttle_target_mbs: 100, throttle_target_parallelism: 1, throttle_threshold_us: 50, }, */ global: {}, /* node_placement: { host1: { level: 'host', parent: 'rack1' }, ... }, */ node_placement: {}, /* pools: { : { name: 'testpool', // 'ec' uses Reed-Solomon-Vandermonde codes, 'jerasure' is an alias for 'ec' scheme: 'replicated' | 'xor' | 'ec' | 'jerasure', pg_size: 3, pg_minsize: 2, // number of parity chunks, required for EC parity_chunks?: 1, pg_count: 100, failure_domain: 'host', max_osd_combinations: 10000, // block_size, bitmap_granularity, immediate_commit must match all OSDs used in that pool block_size: 131072, bitmap_granularity: 4096, // 'all'/'small'/'none', same as in OSD options immediate_commit: 'none', pg_stripe_size: 0, root_node?: 'rack1', // restrict pool to OSDs having all of these tags osd_tags?: 'nvme' | [ 'nvme', ... ], // prefer to put primary on OSD with these tags primary_affinity_tags?: 'nvme' | [ 'nvme', ... ], // scrub interval scrub_interval?: '30d', }, ... }, */ pools: {}, osd: { /* : { reweight?: 1, tags?: [ 'nvme', ... ] }, ... */ }, /* pgs: { hash: string, items: { : { : { osd_set: [ 1, 2, 3 ], primary: 1, pause: false, } } } }, */ pgs: {}, /* inode: { : { : { name: string, size?: uint64_t, // bytes parent_pool?: , parent_id?: , readonly?: boolean, } } }, */ inode: {}, }, osd: { state: { /* : { state: "up", addresses: string[], host: string, port: uint16_t, primary_enabled: boolean, blockstore_enabled: boolean, }, */ }, stats: { /* : { time: number, // unix time blockstore_ready: boolean, size: uint64_t, // bytes free: uint64_t, // bytes host: string, op_stats: { : { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t }, }, subop_stats: { : { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t }, }, recovery_stats: { degraded: { count: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t }, misplaced: { count: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t }, }, }, */ }, inodestats: { /* : { : { read: { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t }, write: { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t }, delete: { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t }, }, }, */ }, space: { /* : { : { : uint64_t, // bytes }, }, */ }, }, mon: { master: { /* ip: [ string ], id: uint64_t */ }, standby: { /* : { ip: [ string ] }, */ }, }, pg: { state: { /* : { : { primary: osd_num_t, state: ("starting"|"peering"|"incomplete"|"active"|"repeering"|"stopping"|"offline"| "degraded"|"has_incomplete"|"has_degraded"|"has_misplaced"|"has_unclean"| "has_invalid"|"has_inconsistent"|"has_corrupted"|"left_on_dead"|"scrubbing")[], } }, */ }, stats: { /* : { : { object_count: uint64_t, clean_count: uint64_t, misplaced_count: uint64_t, degraded_count: uint64_t, incomplete_count: uint64_t, write_osd_set: osd_num_t[], }, }, */ }, history: { /* : { : { osd_sets: osd_num_t[][], all_peers: osd_num_t[], epoch: uint64_t, next_scrub: uint64_t, }, }, */ }, }, inode: { stats: { /* : { : { raw_used: uint64_t, // raw used bytes on OSDs read: { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t, bps: uint64_t, iops: uint64_t, lat: uint64_t }, write: { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t, bps: uint64_t, iops: uint64_t, lat: uint64_t }, delete: { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t, bps: uint64_t, iops: uint64_t, lat: uint64_t }, }, }, */ }, }, pool: { stats: { /* : { used_raw_tb: float, // used raw space in the pool total_raw_tb: float, // maximum amount of space in the pool raw_to_usable: float, // raw to usable ratio space_efficiency: float, // 0..1 } */ }, }, stats: { /* op_stats: { : { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t, bps: uint64_t, iops: uint64_t, lat: uint64_t }, }, subop_stats: { : { count: uint64_t, usec: uint64_t, iops: uint64_t, lat: uint64_t }, }, recovery_stats: { degraded: { count: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t, bps: uint64_t, iops: uint64_t }, misplaced: { count: uint64_t, bytes: uint64_t, bps: uint64_t, iops: uint64_t }, }, object_counts: { object: uint64_t, clean: uint64_t, misplaced: uint64_t, degraded: uint64_t, incomplete: uint64_t, }, object_bytes: { total: uint64_t, clean: uint64_t, misplaced: uint64_t, degraded: uint64_t, incomplete: uint64_t, }, */ }, history: { last_clean_pgs: {}, }, index: { image: { /* : { id: uint64_t, pool_id: uint64_t, }, */ }, maxid: { /* : uint64_t, */ }, }, }; // FIXME Split into several files class Mon { constructor(config) { this.die = (e) => this._die(e); if (fs.existsSync(config.config_path||'/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf')) { config = { ...JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config.config_path||'/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf', { encoding: 'utf-8' })), ...config, }; } this.parse_etcd_addresses(config.etcd_address||config.etcd_url); this.verbose = config.verbose || 0; this.initConfig = config; this.config = {}; this.etcd_prefix = config.etcd_prefix || '/vitastor'; this.etcd_prefix = this.etcd_prefix.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/').replace(/^\/?(.*[^\/])\/?$/, '/$1'); this.etcd_start_timeout = (config.etcd_start_timeout || 5) * 1000; this.state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.constructor.etcd_tree)); this.signals_set = false; this.stat_time = Date.now(); this.ws = null; this.ws_alive = false; this.ws_keepalive_timer = null; this.on_stop_cb = () => this.on_stop(0).catch(console.error); } parse_etcd_addresses(addrs) { const is_local_ip = this.local_ips(true).reduce((a, c) => { a[c] = true; return a; }, {}); this.etcd_local = []; this.etcd_urls = []; this.selected_etcd_url = null; this.etcd_urls_to_try = []; if (!(addrs instanceof Array)) addrs = addrs ? (''+(addrs||'')).split(/,/) : []; if (!addrs.length) { console.error('Vitastor etcd address(es) not specified. Please set on the command line or in the config file'); process.exit(1); } for (let url of addrs) { let scheme = 'http'; url = url.trim().replace(/^(https?):\/\//, (m, m1) => { scheme = m1; return ''; }); const slash = url.indexOf('/'); const colon = url.indexOf(':'); const is_local = is_local_ip[colon >= 0 ? url.substr(0, colon) : (slash >= 0 ? url.substr(0, slash) : url)]; url = scheme+'://'+(slash >= 0 ? url : url+'/v3'); if (is_local) this.etcd_local.push(url); else this.etcd_urls.push(url); } } async start() { await this.load_config(); await this.get_lease(); await this.become_master(); await this.load_cluster_state(); await this.start_watcher(this.config.etcd_mon_retries); for (const pool_id in this.state.config.pools) { if (!this.state.pool.stats[pool_id] || !Number(this.state.pool.stats[pool_id].pg_real_size)) { // Generate missing data in etcd this.state.config.pgs.hash = null; break; } } await this.recheck_pgs(); this.schedule_update_stats(); } async load_config() { const res = await this.etcd_call('/kv/txn', { success: [ { requestRange: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/config/global') } } ] }, this.etcd_start_timeout, -1); if (res.responses[0].response_range.kvs) { this.parse_kv(res.responses[0].response_range.kvs[0]); } this.check_config(); } check_config() { this.config.etcd_mon_ttl = Number(this.config.etcd_mon_ttl) || 30; if (this.config.etcd_mon_ttl < 10) { this.config.etcd_mon_ttl = 10; } this.config.etcd_mon_timeout = Number(this.config.etcd_mon_timeout) || 0; if (this.config.etcd_mon_timeout <= 0) { this.config.etcd_mon_timeout = 1000; } this.config.etcd_mon_retries = Number(this.config.etcd_mon_retries) || 5; if (this.config.etcd_mon_retries < 0) { this.config.etcd_mon_retries = 0; } this.config.mon_change_timeout = Number(this.config.mon_change_timeout) || 1000; if (this.config.mon_change_timeout < 100) { this.config.mon_change_timeout = 100; } this.config.mon_stats_timeout = Number(this.config.mon_stats_timeout) || 1000; if (this.config.mon_stats_timeout < 100) { this.config.mon_stats_timeout = 100; } // After this number of seconds, a dead OSD will be removed from PG distribution this.config.osd_out_time = Number(this.config.osd_out_time) || 0; if (!this.config.osd_out_time) { this.config.osd_out_time = 600; // 10 minutes by default } } pick_next_etcd() { if (this.selected_etcd_url) return this.selected_etcd_url; if (!this.etcd_urls_to_try || !this.etcd_urls_to_try.length) { this.etcd_urls_to_try = [ ...this.etcd_local ]; const others = [ ...this.etcd_urls ]; while (others.length) { const url = others.splice(0|(others.length*Math.random()), 1); this.etcd_urls_to_try.push(url[0]); } } this.selected_etcd_url = this.etcd_urls_to_try.shift(); return this.selected_etcd_url; } restart_watcher(cur_addr) { if (this.ws) { this.ws.close(); this.ws = null; } if (this.ws_keepalive_timer) { clearInterval(this.ws_keepalive_timer); this.ws_keepalive_timer = null; } if (this.selected_etcd_url == cur_addr) { this.selected_etcd_url = null; } this.start_watcher(this.config.etcd_mon_retries).catch(this.die); } async start_watcher(retries) { let retry = 0; if (!retries || retries < 1) { retries = 1; } const tried = {}; while (retries < 0 || retry < retries) { const cur_addr = this.pick_next_etcd(); const base = 'ws'+cur_addr.substr(4); let now = Date.now(); if (tried[base] && now-tried[base] < timeout) { await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, timeout-(now-tried[base]))); now = Date.now(); } tried[base] = now; const ok = await new Promise((ok, no) => { const timer_id = setTimeout(() => { this.ws.close(); this.ws = null; ok(false); }, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout); this.ws = new WebSocket(base+'/watch'); const fail = () => { ok(false); }; this.ws.on('error', fail); this.ws.on('open', () => { this.ws.removeListener('error', fail); if (timer_id) clearTimeout(timer_id); ok(true); }); }); if (ok) break; if (this.selected_etcd_url == cur_addr) this.selected_etcd_url = null; this.ws = null; retry++; } if (!this.ws) { this.die('Failed to open etcd watch websocket'); } const cur_addr = this.selected_etcd_url; this.ws_alive = true; this.ws_keepalive_timer = setInterval(() => { if (this.ws_alive) { this.ws_alive = false; this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({ progress_request: {} })); } else { console.log('etcd websocket timed out, restarting it'); this.restart_watcher(cur_addr); } }, (Number(this.config.etcd_keepalive_interval) || 30)*1000); this.ws.on('error', () => this.restart_watcher(cur_addr)); this.ws.send(JSON.stringify({ create_request: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/'), range_end: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'0'), start_revision: ''+this.etcd_watch_revision, watch_id: 1, progress_notify: true, }, })); this.ws.on('message', (msg) => { this.ws_alive = true; let data; try { data = JSON.parse(msg); } catch (e) { } if (!data || !data.result) { console.error('Unknown message received from watch websocket: '+msg); } else if (data.result.canceled) { // etcd watch canceled if (data.result.compact_revision) { // we may miss events if we proceed console.error('Revisions before '+data.result.compact_revision+' were compacted by etcd, exiting'); this.on_stop(1); } console.error('Watch canceled by etcd, reason: '+data.result.cancel_reason+', exiting'); this.on_stop(1); } else if (data.result.created) { // etcd watch created } else { let stats_changed = false, changed = false, pg_states_changed = false; if (this.verbose) { console.log('Revision '+data.result.header.revision+' events: '); } this.etcd_watch_revision = BigInt(data.result.header.revision)+BigInt(1); for (const e of data.result.events||[]) { this.parse_kv(e.kv); const key = e.kv.key.substr(this.etcd_prefix.length); if (key.substr(0, 11) == '/osd/stats/' || key.substr(0, 10) == '/pg/stats/' || key.substr(0, 16) == '/osd/inodestats/') { stats_changed = true; } else if (key.substr(0, 10) == '/pg/state/') { pg_states_changed = true; } else if (key != '/stats' && key.substr(0, 13) != '/inode/stats/') { changed = true; } if (this.verbose) { console.log(JSON.stringify(e)); } } if (pg_states_changed) { this.save_last_clean().catch(this.die); } if (stats_changed) { this.schedule_update_stats(); } if (changed) { this.schedule_recheck(); } } }); } async save_last_clean() { // last_clean_pgs is used to avoid extra data move when observing a series of changes in the cluster const new_clean_pgs = { items: {} }; next_pool: for (const pool_id in this.state.config.pools) { new_clean_pgs.items[pool_id] = (this.state.history.last_clean_pgs.items||{})[pool_id]; const pool_cfg = this.state.config.pools[pool_id]; if (!this.validate_pool_cfg(pool_id, pool_cfg, false)) { continue next_pool; } for (let pg_num = 1; pg_num <= pool_cfg.pg_count; pg_num++) { if (!this.state.pg.state[pool_id] || !this.state.pg.state[pool_id][pg_num] || !(this.state.pg.state[pool_id][pg_num].state instanceof Array)) { // Unclean continue next_pool; } let st = this.state.pg.state[pool_id][pg_num].state.join(','); if (st != 'active' && st != 'active,left_on_dead' && st != 'left_on_dead,active') { // Unclean continue next_pool; } } new_clean_pgs.items[pool_id] = this.state.config.pgs.items[pool_id]; } this.state.history.last_clean_pgs = new_clean_pgs; await this.etcd_call('/kv/txn', { success: [ { requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/history/last_clean_pgs'), value: b64(JSON.stringify(this.state.history.last_clean_pgs)) } } ], }, this.etcd_start_timeout, 0); } get_mon_state() { return { ip: this.local_ips(), hostname: os.hostname() }; } async get_lease() { const max_ttl = this.config.etcd_mon_ttl + this.config.etcd_mon_timeout/1000*this.config.etcd_mon_retries; // Get lease let res = await this.etcd_call('/lease/grant', { TTL: max_ttl }, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout, -1); this.etcd_lease_id = res.ID; // Register in /mon/member, just for the information const state = this.get_mon_state(); res = await this.etcd_call('/kv/put', { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/mon/member/'+this.etcd_lease_id), value: b64(JSON.stringify(state)), lease: ''+this.etcd_lease_id }, this.etcd_start_timeout, 0); // Set refresh timer this.lease_timer = setInterval(async () => { const res = await this.etcd_call('/lease/keepalive', { ID: this.etcd_lease_id }, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout, this.config.etcd_mon_retries); if (!res.result.TTL) { this.die('Lease expired'); } }, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout); if (!this.signals_set) { process.on('SIGINT', this.on_stop_cb); process.on('SIGTERM', this.on_stop_cb); this.signals_set = true; } } async on_stop(status) { clearInterval(this.lease_timer); await this.etcd_call('/lease/revoke', { ID: this.etcd_lease_id }, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout, this.config.etcd_mon_retries); process.exit(status); } async become_master() { const state = { ...this.get_mon_state(), id: ''+this.etcd_lease_id }; while (1) { const res = await this.etcd_call('/kv/txn', { compare: [ { target: 'CREATE', create_revision: 0, key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/mon/master') } ], success: [ { requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/mon/master'), value: b64(JSON.stringify(state)), lease: ''+this.etcd_lease_id } } ], }, this.etcd_start_timeout, 0); if (res.succeeded) { break; } console.log('Waiting to become master'); await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, this.etcd_start_timeout)); } console.log('Became master'); } async load_cluster_state() { const res = await this.etcd_call('/kv/txn', { success: [ { requestRange: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/'), range_end: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'0') } }, ] }, this.etcd_start_timeout, -1); this.etcd_watch_revision = BigInt(res.header.revision)+BigInt(1); this.state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.constructor.etcd_tree)); for (const response of res.responses) { for (const kv of response.response_range.kvs) { this.parse_kv(kv); } } } all_osds() { return Object.keys(this.state.osd.stats); } get_osd_tree() { const levels = this.config.placement_levels||{}; levels.host = levels.host || 100; levels.osd = levels.osd || 101; const tree = { '': { children: [] } }; let up_osds = {}; for (const node_id in this.state.config.node_placement||{}) { const node_cfg = this.state.config.node_placement[node_id]; if (/^\d+$/.exec(node_id)) { node_cfg.level = 'osd'; } if (!node_id || !node_cfg.level || !levels[node_cfg.level]) { // All nodes must have non-empty IDs and valid levels continue; } tree[node_id] = { id: node_id, level: node_cfg.level, parent: node_cfg.parent, children: [] }; } // This requires monitor system time to be in sync with OSD system times (at least to some extent) const down_time = Date.now()/1000 - this.config.osd_out_time; for (const osd_num of this.all_osds().sort((a, b) => a - b)) { const stat = this.state.osd.stats[osd_num]; if (stat && stat.size && (this.state.osd.state[osd_num] || Number(stat.time) >= down_time)) { // Numeric IDs are reserved for OSDs const osd_cfg = this.state.config.osd[osd_num]; let reweight = osd_cfg && Number(osd_cfg.reweight); if (reweight < 0 || isNaN(reweight)) reweight = 1; if (this.state.osd.state[osd_num] && reweight > 0) { // React to down OSDs immediately up_osds[osd_num] = true; } tree[osd_num] = tree[osd_num] || {}; tree[osd_num].id = osd_num; tree[osd_num].parent = tree[osd_num].parent || stat.host; tree[osd_num].level = 'osd'; tree[osd_num].size = reweight * stat.size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; // terabytes if (osd_cfg && osd_cfg.tags) { tree[osd_num].tags = (osd_cfg.tags instanceof Array ? [ ...osd_cfg.tags ] : [ osd_cfg.tags ]) .reduce((a, c) => { a[c] = true; return a; }, {}); } delete tree[osd_num].children; if (!tree[stat.host]) { tree[stat.host] = { id: stat.host, level: 'host', parent: null, children: [], }; } } } for (const node_id in tree) { if (node_id === '' || tree[node_id].level === 'osd' && (!tree[node_id].size || tree[node_id].size <= 0)) { continue; } const node_cfg = tree[node_id]; const node_level = levels[node_cfg.level] || node_cfg.level; let parent_level = node_cfg.parent && tree[node_cfg.parent] && tree[node_cfg.parent].children && tree[node_cfg.parent].level; parent_level = parent_level ? (levels[parent_level] || parent_level) : null; // Parent's level must be less than child's; OSDs must be leaves const parent = parent_level && parent_level < node_level ? node_cfg.parent : ''; tree[parent].children.push(tree[node_id]); delete node_cfg.parent; } return { up_osds, levels, osd_tree: tree }; } async stop_all_pgs(pool_id) { let has_online = false, paused = true; for (const pg in this.state.config.pgs.items[pool_id]||{}) { // FIXME: Change all (||{}) to ?. (optional chaining) at some point const cur_state = (((this.state.pg.state[pool_id]||{})[pg]||{}).state||[]).join(','); if (cur_state != '' && cur_state != 'offline') { has_online = true; } if (!this.state.config.pgs.items[pool_id][pg].pause) { paused = false; } } if (!paused) { console.log('Stopping all PGs for pool '+pool_id+' before changing PG count'); const new_cfg = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.config.pgs)); for (const pg in new_cfg.items[pool_id]) { new_cfg.items[pool_id][pg].pause = true; } // Check that no OSDs change their state before we pause PGs // Doing this we make sure that OSDs don't wake up in the middle of our "transaction" // and can't see the old PG configuration const checks = []; for (const osd_num of this.all_osds()) { const key = b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/osd/state/'+osd_num); checks.push({ key, target: 'MOD', result: 'LESS', mod_revision: ''+this.etcd_watch_revision }); } const res = await this.etcd_call('/kv/txn', { compare: [ { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/mon/master'), target: 'LEASE', lease: ''+this.etcd_lease_id }, { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/config/pgs'), target: 'MOD', mod_revision: ''+this.etcd_watch_revision, result: 'LESS' }, ...checks, ], success: [ { requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/config/pgs'), value: b64(JSON.stringify(new_cfg)) } }, ], }, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout, 0); return false; } return !has_online; } reset_rng() { this.seed = 0x5f020e43; } rng() { this.seed ^= this.seed << 13; this.seed ^= this.seed >> 17; this.seed ^= this.seed << 5; return this.seed + 2147483648; } pick_primary(pool_id, osd_set, up_osds, aff_osds) { let alive_set; if (this.state.config.pools[pool_id].scheme === 'replicated') { // Prefer "affinity" OSDs alive_set = osd_set.filter(osd_num => osd_num && aff_osds[osd_num]); if (!alive_set.length) alive_set = osd_set.filter(osd_num => osd_num && up_osds[osd_num]); } else { // Prefer data OSDs for EC because they can actually read something without an additional network hop const pg_data_size = (this.state.config.pools[pool_id].pg_size||0) - (this.state.config.pools[pool_id].parity_chunks||0); alive_set = osd_set.slice(0, pg_data_size).filter(osd_num => osd_num && aff_osds[osd_num]); if (!alive_set.length) alive_set = osd_set.filter(osd_num => osd_num && aff_osds[osd_num]); if (!alive_set.length) { alive_set = osd_set.slice(0, pg_data_size).filter(osd_num => osd_num && up_osds[osd_num]); if (!alive_set.length) alive_set = osd_set.filter(osd_num => osd_num && up_osds[osd_num]); } } if (!alive_set.length) return 0; return alive_set[this.rng() % alive_set.length]; } save_new_pgs_txn(save_to, request, pool_id, up_osds, osd_tree, prev_pgs, new_pgs, pg_history) { const aff_osds = this.get_affinity_osds(this.state.config.pools[pool_id] || {}, up_osds, osd_tree); const pg_items = {}; this.reset_rng(); new_pgs.map((osd_set, i) => { osd_set = osd_set.map(osd_num => osd_num === LPOptimizer.NO_OSD ? 0 : osd_num); pg_items[i+1] = { osd_set, primary: this.pick_primary(pool_id, osd_set, up_osds, aff_osds), }; if (prev_pgs[i] && prev_pgs[i].join(' ') != osd_set.join(' ') && prev_pgs[i].filter(osd_num => osd_num).length > 0) { pg_history[i] = pg_history[i] || {}; pg_history[i].osd_sets = pg_history[i].osd_sets || []; pg_history[i].osd_sets.push(prev_pgs[i]); } if (pg_history[i] && pg_history[i].osd_sets) { pg_history[i].osd_sets = Object.values(pg_history[i].osd_sets .reduce((a, c) => { a[c.join(' ')] = c; return a; }, {})); } }); for (let i = 0; i < new_pgs.length || i < prev_pgs.length; i++) { // FIXME: etcd has max_txn_ops limit, and it's 128 by default // Sooo we probably want to change our storage scheme for PG histories... request.compare.push({ key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pg/history/'+pool_id+'/'+(i+1)), target: 'MOD', mod_revision: ''+this.etcd_watch_revision, result: 'LESS', }); if (pg_history[i]) { request.success.push({ requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pg/history/'+pool_id+'/'+(i+1)), value: b64(JSON.stringify(pg_history[i])), }, }); } else { request.success.push({ requestDeleteRange: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pg/history/'+pool_id+'/'+(i+1)), }, }); } } save_to.items = save_to.items || {}; if (!new_pgs.length) { delete save_to.items[pool_id]; } else { save_to.items[pool_id] = pg_items; } } validate_pool_cfg(pool_id, pool_cfg, warn) { pool_cfg.pg_size = Math.floor(pool_cfg.pg_size); pool_cfg.pg_minsize = Math.floor(pool_cfg.pg_minsize); pool_cfg.parity_chunks = Math.floor(pool_cfg.parity_chunks) || undefined; pool_cfg.pg_count = Math.floor(pool_cfg.pg_count); pool_cfg.failure_domain = pool_cfg.failure_domain || 'host'; pool_cfg.max_osd_combinations = Math.floor(pool_cfg.max_osd_combinations) || 10000; if (!/^[1-9]\d*$/.exec(''+pool_id)) { if (warn) console.log('Pool ID '+pool_id+' is invalid'); return false; } if (pool_cfg.scheme !== 'xor' && pool_cfg.scheme !== 'replicated' && pool_cfg.scheme !== 'ec' && pool_cfg.scheme !== 'jerasure') { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid coding scheme (one of "xor", "replicated", "ec" and "jerasure" required)'); return false; } if (!pool_cfg.pg_size || pool_cfg.pg_size < 1 || pool_cfg.pg_size > 256 || pool_cfg.scheme !== 'replicated' && pool_cfg.pg_size < 3) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid pg_size'); return false; } if (!pool_cfg.pg_minsize || pool_cfg.pg_minsize < 1 || pool_cfg.pg_minsize > pool_cfg.pg_size || pool_cfg.scheme === 'xor' && pool_cfg.pg_minsize < (pool_cfg.pg_size - 1)) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid pg_minsize'); return false; } if (pool_cfg.scheme === 'xor' && pool_cfg.parity_chunks != 0 && pool_cfg.parity_chunks != 1) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid parity_chunks (must be 1)'); return false; } if ((pool_cfg.scheme === 'ec' || pool_cfg.scheme === 'jerasure') && (pool_cfg.parity_chunks < 1 || pool_cfg.parity_chunks > pool_cfg.pg_size-2)) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid parity_chunks (must be between 1 and pg_size-2)'); return false; } if (!pool_cfg.pg_count || pool_cfg.pg_count < 1) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid pg_count'); return false; } if (!pool_cfg.name) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has empty name'); return false; } if (pool_cfg.max_osd_combinations < 100) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid max_osd_combinations (must be at least 100)'); return false; } if (pool_cfg.root_node && typeof(pool_cfg.root_node) != 'string') { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid root_node (must be a string)'); return false; } if (pool_cfg.osd_tags && typeof(pool_cfg.osd_tags) != 'string' && (!(pool_cfg.osd_tags instanceof Array) || pool_cfg.osd_tags.filter(t => typeof t != 'string').length > 0)) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid osd_tags (must be a string or array of strings)'); return false; } if (pool_cfg.primary_affinity_tags && typeof(pool_cfg.primary_affinity_tags) != 'string' && (!(pool_cfg.primary_affinity_tags instanceof Array) || pool_cfg.primary_affinity_tags.filter(t => typeof t != 'string').length > 0)) { if (warn) console.log('Pool '+pool_id+' has invalid primary_affinity_tags (must be a string or array of strings)'); return false; } return true; } filter_osds_by_tags(orig_tree, flat_tree, tags) { if (!tags) { return; } for (const tag of (tags instanceof Array ? tags : [ tags ])) { for (const host in flat_tree) { let found = 0; for (const osd in flat_tree[host]) { if (!orig_tree[osd].tags || !orig_tree[osd].tags[tag]) delete flat_tree[host][osd]; else found++; } if (!found) { delete flat_tree[host]; } } } } get_affinity_osds(pool_cfg, up_osds, osd_tree) { let aff_osds = up_osds; if (pool_cfg.primary_affinity_tags) { aff_osds = { ...up_osds }; this.filter_osds_by_tags(osd_tree, { x: aff_osds }, pool_cfg.primary_affinity_tags); } return aff_osds; } async recheck_pgs() { // Take configuration and state, check it against the stored configuration hash // Recalculate PGs and save them to etcd if the configuration is changed // FIXME: Do not change anything if the distribution is good and random enough and no PGs are degraded const { up_osds, levels, osd_tree } = this.get_osd_tree(); const tree_cfg = { osd_tree, pools: this.state.config.pools, }; const tree_hash = sha1hex(stableStringify(tree_cfg)); if (this.state.config.pgs.hash != tree_hash) { // Something has changed const new_config_pgs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.config.pgs)); const etcd_request = { compare: [], success: [] }; for (const pool_id in (this.state.config.pgs||{}).items||{}) { if (!this.state.config.pools[pool_id]) { // Pool deleted. Delete all PGs, but first stop them. if (!await this.stop_all_pgs(pool_id)) { this.schedule_recheck(); return; } const prev_pgs = []; for (const pg in this.state.config.pgs.items[pool_id]||{}) { prev_pgs[pg-1] = this.state.config.pgs.items[pool_id][pg].osd_set; } // Also delete pool statistics etcd_request.success.push({ requestDeleteRange: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pool/stats/'+pool_id), } }); this.save_new_pgs_txn(new_config_pgs, etcd_request, pool_id, up_osds, osd_tree, prev_pgs, [], []); } } for (const pool_id in this.state.config.pools) { const pool_cfg = this.state.config.pools[pool_id]; if (!this.validate_pool_cfg(pool_id, pool_cfg, false)) { continue; } let pool_tree = osd_tree[pool_cfg.root_node || '']; pool_tree = pool_tree ? pool_tree.children : []; pool_tree = LPOptimizer.flatten_tree(pool_tree, levels, pool_cfg.failure_domain, 'osd'); this.filter_osds_by_tags(osd_tree, pool_tree, pool_cfg.osd_tags); // These are for the purpose of building history.osd_sets const real_prev_pgs = []; let pg_history = []; for (const pg in ((this.state.config.pgs.items||{})[pool_id]||{})) { real_prev_pgs[pg-1] = this.state.config.pgs.items[pool_id][pg].osd_set; if (this.state.pg.history[pool_id] && this.state.pg.history[pool_id][pg]) { pg_history[pg-1] = this.state.pg.history[pool_id][pg]; } } // And these are for the purpose of minimizing data movement let prev_pgs = []; for (const pg in ((this.state.history.last_clean_pgs.items||{})[pool_id]||{})) { prev_pgs[pg-1] = this.state.history.last_clean_pgs.items[pool_id][pg].osd_set; } prev_pgs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prev_pgs.length ? prev_pgs : real_prev_pgs)); const old_pg_count = real_prev_pgs.length; const optimize_cfg = { osd_tree: pool_tree, pg_count: pool_cfg.pg_count, pg_size: pool_cfg.pg_size, pg_minsize: pool_cfg.pg_minsize, max_combinations: pool_cfg.max_osd_combinations, ordered: pool_cfg.scheme != 'replicated', }; let optimize_result; if (old_pg_count > 0) { if (old_pg_count != pool_cfg.pg_count) { // PG count changed. Need to bring all PGs down. if (!await this.stop_all_pgs(pool_id)) { this.schedule_recheck(); return; } const new_pg_history = []; PGUtil.scale_pg_count(prev_pgs, real_prev_pgs, pg_history, new_pg_history, pool_cfg.pg_count); pg_history = new_pg_history; } for (const pg of prev_pgs) { while (pg.length < pool_cfg.pg_size) { pg.push(0); } } if (!this.state.config.pgs.hash) { // Re-shuffle PGs optimize_result = await LPOptimizer.optimize_initial(optimize_cfg); } else { optimize_result = await LPOptimizer.optimize_change({ prev_pgs, ...optimize_cfg, }); } } else { optimize_result = await LPOptimizer.optimize_initial(optimize_cfg); } if (old_pg_count != optimize_result.int_pgs.length) { console.log( `PG count for pool ${pool_id} (${pool_cfg.name || 'unnamed'})`+ ` changed from: ${old_pg_count} to ${optimize_result.int_pgs.length}` ); // Drop stats etcd_request.success.push({ requestDeleteRange: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pg/stats/'+pool_id+'/'), range_end: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pg/stats/'+pool_id+'0'), } }); } LPOptimizer.print_change_stats(optimize_result); const pg_effsize = Math.min(pool_cfg.pg_size, Object.keys(pool_tree).length); this.state.pool.stats[pool_id] = { used_raw_tb: (this.state.pool.stats[pool_id]||{}).used_raw_tb || 0, total_raw_tb: optimize_result.space, pg_real_size: pg_effsize || pool_cfg.pg_size, raw_to_usable: (pg_effsize || pool_cfg.pg_size) / (pool_cfg.scheme === 'replicated' ? 1 : (pool_cfg.pg_size - (pool_cfg.parity_chunks||0))), space_efficiency: optimize_result.space/(optimize_result.total_space||1), }; etcd_request.success.push({ requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pool/stats/'+pool_id), value: b64(JSON.stringify(this.state.pool.stats[pool_id])), } }); this.save_new_pgs_txn(new_config_pgs, etcd_request, pool_id, up_osds, osd_tree, real_prev_pgs, optimize_result.int_pgs, pg_history); } new_config_pgs.hash = tree_hash; await this.save_pg_config(new_config_pgs, etcd_request); } else { // Nothing changed, but we still want to recheck the distribution of primaries let new_config_pgs; let changed = false; for (const pool_id in this.state.config.pools) { const pool_cfg = this.state.config.pools[pool_id]; if (!this.validate_pool_cfg(pool_id, pool_cfg, false)) { continue; } const replicated = pool_cfg.scheme === 'replicated'; const aff_osds = this.get_affinity_osds(pool_cfg, up_osds, osd_tree); this.reset_rng(); for (let pg_num = 1; pg_num <= pool_cfg.pg_count; pg_num++) { const pg_cfg = this.state.config.pgs.items[pool_id][pg_num]; if (pg_cfg) { const new_primary = this.pick_primary(pool_id, pg_cfg.osd_set, up_osds, aff_osds); if (pg_cfg.primary != new_primary) { if (!new_config_pgs) { new_config_pgs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.config.pgs)); } console.log( `Moving pool ${pool_id} (${pool_cfg.name || 'unnamed'}) PG ${pg_num}`+ ` primary OSD from ${pg_cfg.primary} to ${new_primary}` ); changed = true; new_config_pgs.items[pool_id][pg_num].primary = new_primary; } } } } if (changed) { await this.save_pg_config(new_config_pgs); } } } async save_pg_config(new_config_pgs, etcd_request = { compare: [], success: [] }) { etcd_request.compare.push( { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/mon/master'), target: 'LEASE', lease: ''+this.etcd_lease_id }, { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/config/pgs'), target: 'MOD', mod_revision: ''+this.etcd_watch_revision, result: 'LESS' }, ); etcd_request.success.push( { requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/config/pgs'), value: b64(JSON.stringify(new_config_pgs)) } }, ); const res = await this.etcd_call('/kv/txn', etcd_request, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout, 0); if (!res.succeeded) { console.log('Someone changed PG configuration while we also tried to change it. Retrying in '+this.config.mon_change_timeout+' ms'); this.schedule_recheck(); return; } console.log('PG configuration successfully changed'); } // Schedule next recheck at least at schedule_next_recheck_at(unixtime) { this.next_recheck_at = !this.next_recheck_at || this.next_recheck_at > unixtime ? unixtime : this.next_recheck_at; const now = Date.now()/1000; if (this.next_recheck_timer) { clearTimeout(this.next_recheck_timer); this.next_recheck_timer = null; } if (this.next_recheck_at < now) { this.next_recheck_at = 0; this.schedule_recheck(); } else { this.next_recheck_timer = setTimeout(() => { this.next_recheck_timer = null; this.next_recheck_at = 0; this.schedule_recheck(); }, now-this.next_recheck_at); } } // Schedule a recheck to run after a small timeout (1s) // If already scheduled, cancel previous timer and schedule it again // This is required for multiple change events to trigger at most 1 recheck in 1s schedule_recheck() { if (!this.recheck_timer) { this.recheck_timer = setTimeout(() => { this.recheck_timer = null; this.recheck_pgs().catch(this.die); }, this.config.mon_change_timeout || 1000); } } derive_osd_stats(st, prev) { const zero_stats = { op: { bps: 0n, iops: 0n, lat: 0n }, subop: { iops: 0n, lat: 0n }, recovery: { bps: 0n, iops: 0n } }; const diff = { op_stats: {}, subop_stats: {}, recovery_stats: {} }; if (!st || !st.time || prev && (prev.time || this.stat_time/1000) >= st.time) { return diff; } const timediff = BigInt(st.time*1000 - (prev && prev.time*1000 || this.stat_time)); for (const op in st.op_stats||{}) { const pr = prev && prev.op_stats && prev.op_stats[op]; let c = st.op_stats[op]; c = { bytes: BigInt(c.bytes||0), usec: BigInt(c.usec||0), count: BigInt(c.count||0) }; const b = c.bytes - BigInt(pr && pr.bytes||0); const us = c.usec - BigInt(pr && pr.usec||0); const n = c.count - BigInt(pr && pr.count||0); if (n > 0) diff.op_stats[op] = { ...c, bps: b*1000n/timediff, iops: n*1000n/timediff, lat: us/n }; } for (const op in st.subop_stats||{}) { const pr = prev && prev.subop_stats && prev.subop_stats[op]; let c = st.subop_stats[op]; c = { usec: BigInt(c.usec||0), count: BigInt(c.count||0) }; const us = c.usec - BigInt(pr && pr.usec||0); const n = c.count - BigInt(pr && pr.count||0); if (n > 0) diff.subop_stats[op] = { ...c, iops: n*1000n/timediff, lat: us/n }; } for (const op in st.recovery_stats||{}) { const pr = prev && prev.recovery_stats && prev.recovery_stats[op]; let c = st.recovery_stats[op]; c = { bytes: BigInt(c.bytes||0), count: BigInt(c.count||0) }; const b = c.bytes - BigInt(pr && pr.bytes||0); const n = c.count - BigInt(pr && pr.count||0); if (n > 0) diff.recovery_stats[op] = { ...c, bps: b*1000n/timediff, iops: n*1000n/timediff }; } return diff; } sum_op_stats(timestamp, prev_stats) { const sum_diff = { op_stats: {}, subop_stats: {}, recovery_stats: {} }; if (!prev_stats || prev_stats.timestamp >= timestamp) { return sum_diff; } const tm = BigInt(timestamp - (prev_stats.timestamp || 0)); // Sum derived values instead of deriving summed for (const osd in this.state.osd.stats) { const derived = this.derive_osd_stats(this.state.osd.stats[osd], this.prev_stats && this.prev_stats.osd_stats && this.prev_stats.osd_stats[osd]); for (const type in derived) { for (const op in derived[type]) { for (const k in derived[type][op]) { sum_diff[type][op] = sum_diff[type][op] || {}; sum_diff[type][op][k] = (sum_diff[type][op][k] || 0n) + derived[type][op][k]; } } } } return sum_diff; } sum_object_counts() { const object_counts = { object: 0n, clean: 0n, misplaced: 0n, degraded: 0n, incomplete: 0n }; const object_bytes = { object: 0n, clean: 0n, misplaced: 0n, degraded: 0n, incomplete: 0n }; for (const pool_id in this.state.pg.stats) { let object_size = 0; for (const osd_num of this.state.pg.stats[pool_id].write_osd_set||[]) { if (osd_num && this.state.osd.stats[osd_num] && this.state.osd.stats[osd_num].block_size) { object_size = this.state.osd.stats[osd_num].block_size; break; } } const pool_cfg = (this.state.config.pools[pool_id]||{}); if (!object_size) { object_size = pool_cfg.block_size || this.config.block_size || 131072; } if (pool_cfg.scheme !== 'replicated') { object_size *= ((pool_cfg.pg_size||0) - (pool_cfg.parity_chunks||0)); } object_size = BigInt(object_size); for (const pg_num in this.state.pg.stats[pool_id]) { const st = this.state.pg.stats[pool_id][pg_num]; if (st) { for (const k in object_counts) { if (st[k+'_count']) { object_counts[k] += BigInt(st[k+'_count']); object_bytes[k] += BigInt(st[k+'_count']) * object_size; } } } } } return { object_counts, object_bytes }; } sum_inode_stats(prev_stats, timestamp, prev_timestamp) { const inode_stats = {}; const inode_stub = () => ({ raw_used: 0n, read: { count: 0n, usec: 0n, bytes: 0n }, write: { count: 0n, usec: 0n, bytes: 0n }, delete: { count: 0n, usec: 0n, bytes: 0n }, }); const seen_pools = {}; for (const pool_id in this.state.config.pools) { seen_pools[pool_id] = true; this.state.pool.stats[pool_id] = this.state.pool.stats[pool_id] || {}; this.state.pool.stats[pool_id].used_raw_tb = 0n; } for (const osd_num in this.state.osd.space) { for (const pool_id in this.state.osd.space[osd_num]) { this.state.pool.stats[pool_id] = this.state.pool.stats[pool_id] || {}; if (!seen_pools[pool_id]) { this.state.pool.stats[pool_id].used_raw_tb = 0n; seen_pools[pool_id] = true; } inode_stats[pool_id] = inode_stats[pool_id] || {}; for (const inode_num in this.state.osd.space[osd_num][pool_id]) { const u = BigInt(this.state.osd.space[osd_num][pool_id][inode_num]||0); inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num] = inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num] || inode_stub(); inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num].raw_used += u; this.state.pool.stats[pool_id].used_raw_tb += u; } } } for (const pool_id in seen_pools) { const used = this.state.pool.stats[pool_id].used_raw_tb; this.state.pool.stats[pool_id].used_raw_tb = Number(used)/1024/1024/1024/1024; } for (const osd_num in this.state.osd.inodestats) { const ist = this.state.osd.inodestats[osd_num]; for (const pool_id in ist) { inode_stats[pool_id] = inode_stats[pool_id] || {}; for (const inode_num in ist[pool_id]) { inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num] = inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num] || inode_stub(); for (const op of [ 'read', 'write', 'delete' ]) { inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num][op].count += BigInt(ist[pool_id][inode_num][op].count||0); inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num][op].usec += BigInt(ist[pool_id][inode_num][op].usec||0); inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num][op].bytes += BigInt(ist[pool_id][inode_num][op].bytes||0); } } } } if (prev_stats && prev_timestamp >= timestamp) { prev_stats = null; } const tm = prev_stats ? BigInt(timestamp - prev_timestamp) : 0; for (const pool_id in inode_stats) { for (const inode_num in inode_stats[pool_id]) { let nonzero = inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num].raw_used > 0; for (const op of [ 'read', 'write', 'delete' ]) { const op_st = inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num][op]; const prev_st = prev_stats && prev_stats[pool_id] && prev_stats[pool_id][inode_num] && prev_stats[pool_id][inode_num][op]; op_st.bps = prev_st ? (op_st.bytes - prev_st.bytes) * 1000n / tm : 0; op_st.iops = prev_st ? (op_st.count - prev_st.count) * 1000n / tm : 0; op_st.lat = prev_st ? (op_st.usec - prev_st.usec) / ((op_st.count - prev_st.count) || 1n) : 0; if (op_st.bps > 0 || op_st.iops > 0 || op_st.lat > 0) nonzero = true; } if (!nonzero && (!this.state.config.inode[pool_id] || !this.state.config.inode[pool_id][inode_num])) { // Deleted inode (no data, no I/O, no config) delete inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num]; } } } return { inode_stats, seen_pools }; } serialize_bigints(obj) { obj = { ...obj }; for (const k in obj) { if (typeof obj[k] == 'bigint') { obj[k] = ''+obj[k]; } else if (typeof obj[k] == 'object') { obj[k] = this.serialize_bigints(obj[k]); } } return obj; } async update_total_stats() { const txn = []; const timestamp = Date.now(); const { object_counts, object_bytes } = this.sum_object_counts(); let stats = this.sum_op_stats(timestamp, this.prev_stats); let { inode_stats, seen_pools } = this.sum_inode_stats( this.prev_stats ? this.prev_stats.inode_stats : null, timestamp, this.prev_stats ? this.prev_stats.timestamp : null ); this.prev_stats = { timestamp, inode_stats, osd_stats: { ...this.state.osd.stats } }; this.stat_time = Date.now(); stats.object_counts = object_counts; stats.object_bytes = object_bytes; stats = this.serialize_bigints(stats); inode_stats = this.serialize_bigints(inode_stats); txn.push({ requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/stats'), value: b64(JSON.stringify(stats)) } }); for (const pool_id in inode_stats) { for (const inode_num in inode_stats[pool_id]) { txn.push({ requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/inode/stats/'+pool_id+'/'+inode_num), value: b64(JSON.stringify(inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num])), } }); } } for (const pool_id in this.state.inode.stats) { for (const inode_num in this.state.inode.stats[pool_id]) { if (!inode_stats[pool_id] || !inode_stats[pool_id][inode_num]) { txn.push({ requestDeleteRange: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/inode/stats/'+pool_id+'/'+inode_num), } }); } } } for (const pool_id in this.state.pool.stats) { if (!seen_pools[pool_id]) { txn.push({ requestDeleteRange: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pool/stats/'+pool_id), } }); delete this.state.pool.stats[pool_id]; } else { const pool_stats = { ...this.state.pool.stats[pool_id] }; this.serialize_bigints(pool_stats); txn.push({ requestPut: { key: b64(this.etcd_prefix+'/pool/stats/'+pool_id), value: b64(JSON.stringify(pool_stats)), } }); } } if (txn.length) { await this.etcd_call('/kv/txn', { success: txn }, this.config.etcd_mon_timeout, 0); } } schedule_update_stats() { if (this.stats_timer) { return; } this.stats_timer = setTimeout(() => { this.stats_timer = null; this.update_total_stats().catch(console.error); }, this.config.mon_stats_timeout); } parse_kv(kv) { if (!kv || !kv.key) { return; } kv.key = de64(kv.key); kv.value = kv.value ? de64(kv.value) : null; let key = kv.key.substr(this.etcd_prefix.length+1); if (!this.constructor.etcd_allow.exec(key)) { console.log('Bad key in etcd: '+kv.key+' = '+kv.value); return; } try { kv.value = kv.value ? JSON.parse(kv.value) : null; } catch (e) { console.log('Bad value in etcd: '+kv.key+' = '+kv.value); return; } let key_parts = key.split('/'); let cur = this.state; for (let i = 0; i < key_parts.length-1; i++) { cur = (cur[key_parts[i]] = cur[key_parts[i]] || {}); } if (etcd_nonempty_keys[key]) { // Do not clear these to null kv.value = kv.value || {}; } const old = cur[key_parts[key_parts.length-1]]; cur[key_parts[key_parts.length-1]] = kv.value; if (key === 'config/global') { this.config = { ...this.initConfig, ...this.state.config.global }; this.check_config(); for (const osd_num in this.state.osd.stats) { // Recheck PGs later this.schedule_next_recheck_at( !this.state.osd.stats[osd_num] ? 0 : this.state.osd.stats[osd_num].time+this.config.osd_out_time ); } } else if (key === 'config/pools') { for (const pool_id in this.state.config.pools) { // Adjust pool configuration so PG distribution hash doesn't change on recheck() const pool_cfg = this.state.config.pools[pool_id]; this.validate_pool_cfg(pool_id, pool_cfg, true); } } else if (key_parts[0] === 'osd' && key_parts[1] === 'stats') { // Recheck OSD tree on OSD addition/deletion const osd_num = key_parts[2]; if ((!old) != (!kv.value) || old && kv.value && old.size != kv.value.size) { this.schedule_recheck(); } // Recheck PGs after last OSD statistics report this.schedule_next_recheck_at( !this.state.osd.stats[osd_num] ? 0 : this.state.osd.stats[osd_num].time+this.config.osd_out_time ); } } async etcd_call(path, body, timeout, retries) { let retry = 0; if (retries >= 0 && retries < 1) { retries = 1; } const tried = {}; while (retries < 0 || retry < retries) { retry++; const base = this.pick_next_etcd(); let now = Date.now(); if (tried[base] && now-tried[base] < timeout) { await new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, timeout-(now-tried[base]))); now = Date.now(); } tried[base] = now; const res = await POST(base+path, body, timeout); if (res.error) { if (this.selected_etcd_url == base) this.selected_etcd_url = null; console.error('failed to query etcd: '+res.error); continue; } if (res.json) { if (res.json.error) { console.error('etcd returned error: '+res.json.error); break; } return res.json; } } this.die(); } _die(err) { // In fact we can just try to rejoin console.error(new Error(err || 'Cluster connection failed')); process.exit(1); } local_ips(all) { const ips = []; const ifaces = os.networkInterfaces(); for (const ifname in ifaces) { for (const iface of ifaces[ifname]) { if (iface.family == 'IPv4' && !iface.internal || all) { ips.push(iface.address); } } } return ips; } } function POST(url, body, timeout) { return new Promise((ok, no) => { const body_text = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)); let timer_id = timeout > 0 ? setTimeout(() => { if (req) req.abort(); req = null; ok({ error: 'timeout' }); }, timeout) : null; let req = http.request(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': body_text.length, } }, (res) => { if (!req) { return; } clearTimeout(timer_id); let res_body = ''; res.setEncoding('utf8'); res.on('error', (error) => ok({ error })); res.on('data', chunk => { res_body += chunk; }); res.on('end', () => { if (res.statusCode != 200) { ok({ error: res_body, code: res.statusCode }); return; } try { res_body = JSON.parse(res_body); ok({ response: res, json: res_body }); } catch (e) { ok({ error: e, response: res, body: res_body }); } }); }); req.on('error', (error) => ok({ error })); req.on('close', () => ok({ error: new Error('Connection closed prematurely') })); req.write(body_text); req.end(); }); } function b64(str) { return Buffer.from(str).toString('base64'); } function de64(str) { return Buffer.from(str, 'base64').toString(); } function sha1hex(str) { const hash = crypto.createHash('sha1'); hash.update(str); return hash.digest('hex'); } Mon.etcd_allow = etcd_allow; Mon.etcd_tree = etcd_tree; module.exports = Mon;