// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+ // License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details) #include "blockstore_impl.h" journal_flusher_t::journal_flusher_t(blockstore_impl_t *bs) { this->bs = bs; this->max_flusher_count = bs->max_flusher_count; this->min_flusher_count = bs->min_flusher_count; this->cur_flusher_count = bs->min_flusher_count; this->target_flusher_count = bs->min_flusher_count; dequeuing = false; trimming = false; active_flushers = 0; syncing_flushers = 0; // FIXME: allow to configure flusher_start_threshold and journal_trim_interval flusher_start_threshold = bs->dsk.journal_block_size / sizeof(journal_entry_stable); journal_trim_interval = 512; journal_trim_counter = bs->journal.flush_journal ? 1 : 0; trim_wanted = bs->journal.flush_journal ? 1 : 0; journal_superblock = bs->journal.inmemory ? bs->journal.buffer : memalign_or_die(MEM_ALIGNMENT, bs->dsk.journal_block_size); co = new journal_flusher_co[max_flusher_count]; for (int i = 0; i < max_flusher_count; i++) { co[i].bs = bs; co[i].flusher = this; } } journal_flusher_co::journal_flusher_co() { wait_state = 0; simple_callback_r = [this](ring_data_t* data) { bs->live = true; if (data->res != data->iov.iov_len) bs->disk_error_abort("read operation during flush", data->res, data->iov.iov_len); wait_count--; }; simple_callback_w = [this](ring_data_t* data) { bs->live = true; if (data->res != data->iov.iov_len) bs->disk_error_abort("write operation during flush", data->res, data->iov.iov_len); wait_count--; }; } journal_flusher_t::~journal_flusher_t() { if (!bs->journal.inmemory) free(journal_superblock); delete[] co; } bool journal_flusher_t::is_active() { return active_flushers > 0 || dequeuing; } void journal_flusher_t::loop() { target_flusher_count = bs->write_iodepth*2; if (target_flusher_count < min_flusher_count) target_flusher_count = min_flusher_count; else if (target_flusher_count > max_flusher_count) target_flusher_count = max_flusher_count; if (target_flusher_count > cur_flusher_count) cur_flusher_count = target_flusher_count; else if (target_flusher_count < cur_flusher_count) { while (target_flusher_count < cur_flusher_count) { if (co[cur_flusher_count-1].wait_state) break; cur_flusher_count--; } } for (int i = 0; (active_flushers > 0 || dequeuing || trim_wanted > 0) && i < cur_flusher_count; i++) co[i].loop(); } void journal_flusher_t::enqueue_flush(obj_ver_id ov) { #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("enqueue_flush %lx:%lx v%lu\n", ov.oid.inode, ov.oid.stripe, ov.version); #endif auto it = flush_versions.find(ov.oid); if (it != flush_versions.end()) { if (it->second < ov.version) it->second = ov.version; } else { flush_versions[ov.oid] = ov.version; flush_queue.push_back(ov.oid); } if (!dequeuing && (flush_queue.size() >= flusher_start_threshold || trim_wanted > 0)) { dequeuing = true; bs->ringloop->wakeup(); } } void journal_flusher_t::unshift_flush(obj_ver_id ov, bool force) { #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("unshift_flush %lx:%lx v%lu\n", ov.oid.inode, ov.oid.stripe, ov.version); #endif auto it = flush_versions.find(ov.oid); if (it != flush_versions.end()) { if (it->second < ov.version) it->second = ov.version; } else { flush_versions[ov.oid] = ov.version; if (!force) flush_queue.push_front(ov.oid); } if (force) flush_queue.push_front(ov.oid); if (force || !dequeuing && (flush_queue.size() >= flusher_start_threshold || trim_wanted > 0)) { dequeuing = true; bs->ringloop->wakeup(); } } void journal_flusher_t::remove_flush(object_id oid) { #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("undo_flush %lx:%lx\n", oid.inode, oid.stripe); #endif auto v_it = flush_versions.find(oid); if (v_it != flush_versions.end()) { flush_versions.erase(v_it); for (auto q_it = flush_queue.begin(); q_it != flush_queue.end(); q_it++) { if (*q_it == oid) { flush_queue.erase(q_it); break; } } } } void journal_flusher_t::request_trim() { dequeuing = true; trim_wanted++; bs->ringloop->wakeup(); } void journal_flusher_t::mark_trim_possible() { if (trim_wanted > 0) { dequeuing = true; if (!journal_trim_counter) journal_trim_counter = journal_trim_interval; bs->ringloop->wakeup(); } } void journal_flusher_t::release_trim() { trim_wanted--; } void journal_flusher_t::dump_diagnostics() { const char *unflushable_type = ""; obj_ver_id unflushable = {}; // Try to find out if there is a flushable object for information for (object_id cur_oid: flush_queue) { obj_ver_id cur = { .oid = cur_oid, .version = flush_versions[cur_oid] }; auto dirty_end = bs->dirty_db.find(cur); if (dirty_end == bs->dirty_db.end()) { // Already flushed continue; } auto repeat_it = sync_to_repeat.find(cur.oid); if (repeat_it != sync_to_repeat.end()) { // Someone is already flushing it unflushable_type = "locked,"; unflushable = cur; break; } if (dirty_end->second.journal_sector >= bs->journal.dirty_start && (bs->journal.dirty_start >= bs->journal.used_start || dirty_end->second.journal_sector < bs->journal.used_start)) { // Object is more recent than possible to flush bool found = try_find_older(dirty_end, cur); if (!found) { unflushable_type = "dirty,"; unflushable = cur; break; } } unflushable_type = "ok,"; unflushable = cur; break; } printf( "Flusher: queued=%ld first=%s%lx:%lx trim_wanted=%d dequeuing=%d trimming=%d cur=%d target=%d active=%d syncing=%d\n", flush_queue.size(), unflushable_type, unflushable.oid.inode, unflushable.oid.stripe, trim_wanted, dequeuing, trimming, cur_flusher_count, target_flusher_count, active_flushers, syncing_flushers ); } bool journal_flusher_t::try_find_older(std::map::iterator & dirty_end, obj_ver_id & cur) { bool found = false; while (dirty_end != bs->dirty_db.begin()) { dirty_end--; if (dirty_end->first.oid != cur.oid) { break; } if (!(dirty_end->second.journal_sector >= bs->journal.dirty_start && (bs->journal.dirty_start >= bs->journal.used_start || dirty_end->second.journal_sector < bs->journal.used_start))) { found = true; cur.version = dirty_end->first.version; break; } } return found; } #define await_sqe(label) \ resume_##label:\ sqe = bs->get_sqe();\ if (!sqe)\ {\ wait_state = label;\ return false;\ }\ data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data); // FIXME: Implement batch flushing bool journal_flusher_co::loop() { // This is much better than implementing the whole function as an FSM // Maybe I should consider a coroutine library like https://github.com/hnes/libaco ... if (wait_state == 1) goto resume_1; else if (wait_state == 2) goto resume_2; else if (wait_state == 3) goto resume_3; else if (wait_state == 4) goto resume_4; else if (wait_state == 5) goto resume_5; else if (wait_state == 6) goto resume_6; else if (wait_state == 7) goto resume_7; else if (wait_state == 8) goto resume_8; else if (wait_state == 9) goto resume_9; else if (wait_state == 10) goto resume_10; else if (wait_state == 12) goto resume_12; else if (wait_state == 13) goto resume_13; else if (wait_state == 14) goto resume_14; else if (wait_state == 15) goto resume_15; else if (wait_state == 16) goto resume_16; else if (wait_state == 17) goto resume_17; else if (wait_state == 18) goto resume_18; else if (wait_state == 19) goto resume_19; else if (wait_state == 20) goto resume_20; else if (wait_state == 21) goto resume_21; else if (wait_state == 22) goto resume_22; resume_0: if (flusher->flush_queue.size() < flusher->min_flusher_count && !flusher->trim_wanted || !flusher->flush_queue.size() || !flusher->dequeuing) { stop_flusher: if (flusher->trim_wanted > 0 && flusher->journal_trim_counter > 0) { // Attempt forced trim flusher->active_flushers++; goto trim_journal; } flusher->dequeuing = false; wait_state = 0; return true; } cur.oid = flusher->flush_queue.front(); cur.version = flusher->flush_versions[cur.oid]; flusher->flush_queue.pop_front(); flusher->flush_versions.erase(cur.oid); dirty_end = bs->dirty_db.find(cur); if (dirty_end != bs->dirty_db.end()) { repeat_it = flusher->sync_to_repeat.find(cur.oid); if (repeat_it != flusher->sync_to_repeat.end()) { #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Postpone %lx:%lx v%lu\n", cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version); #endif // We don't flush different parts of history of the same object in parallel // So we check if someone is already flushing this object // In that case we set sync_to_repeat and pick another object // Another coroutine will see it and re-queue the object after it finishes if (repeat_it->second < cur.version) repeat_it->second = cur.version; wait_state = 0; goto resume_0; } else flusher->sync_to_repeat[cur.oid] = 0; if (dirty_end->second.journal_sector >= bs->journal.dirty_start && (bs->journal.dirty_start >= bs->journal.used_start || dirty_end->second.journal_sector < bs->journal.used_start)) { flusher->enqueue_flush(cur); // We can't flush journal sectors that are still written to // However, as we group flushes by oid, current oid may have older writes to flush! // And it may even block writes if we don't flush the older version // (if it's in the beginning of the journal)... // So first try to find an older version of the same object to flush. bool found = flusher->try_find_older(dirty_end, cur); if (!found) { // Try other objects flusher->sync_to_repeat.erase(cur.oid); int search_left = flusher->flush_queue.size() - 1; #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Flusher overran writers (%lx:%lx v%lu, dirty_start=%08lx) - searching for older flushes (%d left)\n", cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version, bs->journal.dirty_start, search_left); #endif while (search_left > 0) { cur.oid = flusher->flush_queue.front(); cur.version = flusher->flush_versions[cur.oid]; flusher->flush_queue.pop_front(); flusher->flush_versions.erase(cur.oid); dirty_end = bs->dirty_db.find(cur); if (dirty_end != bs->dirty_db.end()) { if (dirty_end->second.journal_sector >= bs->journal.dirty_start && (bs->journal.dirty_start >= bs->journal.used_start || dirty_end->second.journal_sector < bs->journal.used_start)) { #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Write %lx:%lx v%lu is too new: offset=%08lx\n", cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version, dirty_end->second.journal_sector); #endif flusher->enqueue_flush(cur); } else { repeat_it = flusher->sync_to_repeat.find(cur.oid); if (repeat_it != flusher->sync_to_repeat.end()) { if (repeat_it->second < cur.version) repeat_it->second = cur.version; } else { flusher->sync_to_repeat[cur.oid] = 0; break; } } } search_left--; } if (search_left <= 0) { #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("No older flushes, stopping\n"); #endif goto stop_flusher; } } } #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Flushing %lx:%lx v%lu\n", cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version); #endif flusher->active_flushers++; resume_1: // Find it in clean_db { auto & clean_db = bs->clean_db_shard(cur.oid); auto clean_it = clean_db.find(cur.oid); old_clean_loc = (clean_it != clean_db.end() ? clean_it->second.location : UINT64_MAX); } // Scan dirty versions of the object if (!scan_dirty(1)) { wait_state += 1; return false; } // Writes and deletes shouldn't happen at the same time assert(!has_writes || !has_delete); if (!has_writes && !has_delete || has_delete && old_clean_loc == UINT64_MAX) { // Nothing to flush bs->erase_dirty(dirty_start, std::next(dirty_end), clean_loc); goto release_oid; } if (clean_loc == UINT64_MAX) { if (old_clean_loc == UINT64_MAX) { // Object not allocated. This is a bug. char err[1024]; snprintf( err, 1024, "BUG: Object %lx:%lx v%lu that we are trying to flush is not allocated on the data device", cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version ); throw std::runtime_error(err); } else { clean_loc = old_clean_loc; } } // Also we need to submit metadata read(s). We do read-modify-write cycle(s) for every operation. resume_2: if (!modify_meta_read(clean_loc, meta_new, 2)) { wait_state += 2; return false; } if (old_clean_loc != UINT64_MAX && old_clean_loc != clean_loc) { resume_14: if (!modify_meta_read(old_clean_loc, meta_old, 14)) { wait_state += 14; return false; } } else meta_old.submitted = false; resume_3: if (wait_count > 0) { wait_state = 3; return false; } if (meta_new.submitted) { meta_new.it->second.state = 1; bs->ringloop->wakeup(); } if (meta_old.submitted) { meta_old.it->second.state = 1; bs->ringloop->wakeup(); } // Reads completed, submit writes and set bitmap bits if (bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size) { new_clean_bitmap = (bs->inmemory_meta ? (uint8_t*)meta_new.buf + meta_new.pos*bs->dsk.clean_entry_size + sizeof(clean_disk_entry) : (uint8_t*)bs->clean_bitmap + (clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order)*(2*bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size)); if (clean_init_bitmap) { memset(new_clean_bitmap, 0, bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size); bitmap_set(new_clean_bitmap, clean_bitmap_offset, clean_bitmap_len, bs->dsk.bitmap_granularity); } } for (it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) { if (new_clean_bitmap) { bitmap_set(new_clean_bitmap, it->offset, it->len, bs->dsk.bitmap_granularity); } await_sqe(4); data->iov = (struct iovec){ it->buf, (size_t)it->len }; data->callback = simple_callback_w; my_uring_prep_writev( sqe, bs->dsk.data_fd, &data->iov, 1, bs->dsk.data_offset + clean_loc + it->offset ); wait_count++; } // Wait for data writes before fsyncing it resume_22: if (wait_count > 0) { wait_state = 22; return false; } // Sync data before writing metadata resume_16: resume_17: resume_18: if (copy_count && !fsync_batch(false, 16)) { wait_state += 16; return false; } resume_5: // Submit metadata writes, but only when data is written and fsynced if (!bs->inmemory_meta && meta_new.it->second.state == 0 || wait_count > 0) { // metadata sector is still being read or data is still being written, wait for it wait_state = 5; return false; } if (old_clean_loc != UINT64_MAX && old_clean_loc != clean_loc) { if (!bs->inmemory_meta && meta_old.it->second.state == 0) { wait_state = 5; return false; } // zero out old metadata entry { clean_disk_entry *old_entry = (clean_disk_entry*)((uint8_t*)meta_old.buf + meta_old.pos*bs->dsk.clean_entry_size); if (old_entry->oid.inode != 0 && old_entry->oid != cur.oid) { printf("Fatal error (metadata corruption or bug): tried to wipe metadata entry %lu (%lx:%lx v%lu) as old location of %lx:%lx\n", old_clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order, old_entry->oid.inode, old_entry->oid.stripe, old_entry->version, cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe); exit(1); } } memset((uint8_t*)meta_old.buf + meta_old.pos*bs->dsk.clean_entry_size, 0, bs->dsk.clean_entry_size); if (meta_old.sector != meta_new.sector) { await_sqe(15); data->iov = (struct iovec){ meta_old.buf, bs->dsk.meta_block_size }; data->callback = simple_callback_w; my_uring_prep_writev( sqe, bs->dsk.meta_fd, &data->iov, 1, bs->dsk.meta_offset + bs->dsk.meta_block_size + meta_old.sector ); wait_count++; } } if (has_delete) { clean_disk_entry *new_entry = (clean_disk_entry*)((uint8_t*)meta_new.buf + meta_new.pos*bs->dsk.clean_entry_size); if (new_entry->oid.inode != 0 && new_entry->oid != cur.oid) { printf("Fatal error (metadata corruption or bug): tried to delete metadata entry %lu (%lx:%lx v%lu) while deleting %lx:%lx\n", clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order, new_entry->oid.inode, new_entry->oid.stripe, new_entry->version, cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe); exit(1); } // zero out new metadata entry memset((uint8_t*)meta_new.buf + meta_new.pos*bs->dsk.clean_entry_size, 0, bs->dsk.clean_entry_size); } else { clean_disk_entry *new_entry = (clean_disk_entry*)((uint8_t*)meta_new.buf + meta_new.pos*bs->dsk.clean_entry_size); if (new_entry->oid.inode != 0 && new_entry->oid != cur.oid) { printf("Fatal error (metadata corruption or bug): tried to overwrite non-zero metadata entry %lu (%lx:%lx v%lu) with %lx:%lx v%lu\n", clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order, new_entry->oid.inode, new_entry->oid.stripe, new_entry->version, cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version); exit(1); } new_entry->oid = cur.oid; new_entry->version = cur.version; if (!bs->inmemory_meta) { memcpy(&new_entry->bitmap, new_clean_bitmap, bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size); } // copy latest external bitmap/attributes if (bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size) { void *bmp_ptr = bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size > sizeof(void*) ? dirty_end->second.bitmap : &dirty_end->second.bitmap; memcpy((uint8_t*)(new_entry+1) + bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size, bmp_ptr, bs->dsk.clean_entry_bitmap_size); } } await_sqe(6); data->iov = (struct iovec){ meta_new.buf, bs->dsk.meta_block_size }; data->callback = simple_callback_w; my_uring_prep_writev( sqe, bs->dsk.meta_fd, &data->iov, 1, bs->dsk.meta_offset + bs->dsk.meta_block_size + meta_new.sector ); wait_count++; resume_7: if (wait_count > 0) { wait_state = 7; return false; } // Done, free all buffers if (!bs->inmemory_meta) { meta_new.it->second.usage_count--; if (meta_new.it->second.usage_count == 0) { free(meta_new.it->second.buf); flusher->meta_sectors.erase(meta_new.it); } if (old_clean_loc != UINT64_MAX && old_clean_loc != clean_loc) { meta_old.it->second.usage_count--; if (meta_old.it->second.usage_count == 0) { free(meta_old.it->second.buf); flusher->meta_sectors.erase(meta_old.it); } } } for (it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) { // Free it if it's not taken from the journal if (it->buf && (!bs->journal.inmemory || it->buf < bs->journal.buffer || it->buf >= (uint8_t*)bs->journal.buffer + bs->journal.len)) { free(it->buf); } } v.clear(); // And sync metadata (in batches - not per each operation!) resume_8: resume_9: resume_10: if (!fsync_batch(true, 8)) { wait_state += 8; return false; } // Update clean_db and dirty_db, free old data locations update_clean_db(); #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Flushed %lx:%lx v%lu (%d copies, wr:%d, del:%d), %ld left\n", cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version, copy_count, has_writes, has_delete, flusher->flush_queue.size()); #endif release_oid: repeat_it = flusher->sync_to_repeat.find(cur.oid); if (repeat_it != flusher->sync_to_repeat.end() && repeat_it->second > cur.version) { // Requeue version flusher->unshift_flush({ .oid = cur.oid, .version = repeat_it->second }, false); } flusher->sync_to_repeat.erase(repeat_it); trim_journal: // Clear unused part of the journal every flushes if (!((++flusher->journal_trim_counter) % flusher->journal_trim_interval) || flusher->trim_wanted > 0) { flusher->journal_trim_counter = 0; new_trim_pos = bs->journal.get_trim_pos(); if (new_trim_pos != bs->journal.used_start) { resume_19: // Wait for other coroutines trimming the journal, if any if (flusher->trimming) { wait_state = 19; return false; } flusher->trimming = true; // Recheck the position with the "lock" taken new_trim_pos = bs->journal.get_trim_pos(); if (new_trim_pos != bs->journal.used_start) { // First update journal "superblock" and only then update in memory await_sqe(12); *((journal_entry_start*)flusher->journal_superblock) = { .crc32 = 0, .magic = JOURNAL_MAGIC, .type = JE_START, .size = sizeof(journal_entry_start), .reserved = 0, .journal_start = new_trim_pos, .version = JOURNAL_VERSION, }; ((journal_entry_start*)flusher->journal_superblock)->crc32 = je_crc32((journal_entry*)flusher->journal_superblock); data->iov = (struct iovec){ flusher->journal_superblock, bs->dsk.journal_block_size }; data->callback = simple_callback_w; my_uring_prep_writev(sqe, bs->dsk.journal_fd, &data->iov, 1, bs->journal.offset); wait_count++; resume_13: if (wait_count > 0) { wait_state = 13; return false; } if (!bs->disable_journal_fsync) { await_sqe(20); my_uring_prep_fsync(sqe, bs->dsk.journal_fd, IORING_FSYNC_DATASYNC); data->iov = { 0 }; data->callback = simple_callback_w; resume_21: if (wait_count > 0) { wait_state = 21; return false; } } if (new_trim_pos < bs->journal.used_start ? (bs->journal.dirty_start >= bs->journal.used_start || bs->journal.dirty_start < new_trim_pos) : (bs->journal.dirty_start >= bs->journal.used_start && bs->journal.dirty_start < new_trim_pos)) { bs->journal.dirty_start = new_trim_pos; } bs->journal.used_start = new_trim_pos; #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Journal trimmed to %08lx (next_free=%08lx dirty_start=%08lx)\n", bs->journal.used_start, bs->journal.next_free, bs->journal.dirty_start); #endif if (bs->journal.flush_journal && !flusher->flush_queue.size()) { assert(bs->journal.used_start == bs->journal.next_free); printf("Journal flushed\n"); exit(0); } } flusher->trimming = false; } } // All done flusher->active_flushers--; wait_state = 0; goto resume_0; } return true; } bool journal_flusher_co::scan_dirty(int wait_base) { if (wait_state == wait_base) { goto resume_0; } dirty_it = dirty_start = dirty_end; v.clear(); wait_count = 0; copy_count = 0; clean_loc = UINT64_MAX; has_delete = false; has_writes = false; skip_copy = false; clean_init_bitmap = false; while (1) { if (!IS_STABLE(dirty_it->second.state)) { char err[1024]; snprintf( err, 1024, "BUG: Unexpected dirty_entry %lx:%lx v%lu unstable state during flush: 0x%x", dirty_it->first.oid.inode, dirty_it->first.oid.stripe, dirty_it->first.version, dirty_it->second.state ); throw std::runtime_error(err); } else if (IS_JOURNAL(dirty_it->second.state) && !skip_copy) { // First we submit all reads has_writes = true; if (dirty_it->second.len != 0) { offset = dirty_it->second.offset; end_offset = dirty_it->second.offset + dirty_it->second.len; it = v.begin(); while (end_offset > offset) { for (; it != v.end(); it++) if (it->offset+it->len > offset) break; // If all items end before offset or if the found item starts after end_offset, just insert the buffer // If (offset < it->offset < end_offset) insert (offset..it->offset) part // If (it->offset <= offset <= it->offset+it->len) then just skip to it->offset+it->len if (it == v.end() || it->offset > offset) { submit_offset = dirty_it->second.location + offset - dirty_it->second.offset; submit_len = it == v.end() || it->offset >= end_offset ? end_offset-offset : it->offset-offset; it = v.insert(it, (copy_buffer_t){ .offset = offset, .len = submit_len }); copy_count++; if (bs->journal.inmemory) { // Take it from memory, don't copy it it->buf = (uint8_t*)bs->journal.buffer + submit_offset; } else { // Read it from disk it->buf = memalign_or_die(MEM_ALIGNMENT, submit_len); await_sqe(0); data->iov = (struct iovec){ it->buf, (size_t)submit_len }; data->callback = simple_callback_r; my_uring_prep_readv( sqe, bs->dsk.journal_fd, &data->iov, 1, bs->journal.offset + submit_offset ); wait_count++; } } offset = it->offset+it->len; if (it == v.end()) break; } } } else if (IS_BIG_WRITE(dirty_it->second.state) && !skip_copy) { // There is an unflushed big write. Copy small writes in its position has_writes = true; clean_loc = dirty_it->second.location; clean_init_bitmap = true; clean_bitmap_offset = dirty_it->second.offset; clean_bitmap_len = dirty_it->second.len; skip_copy = true; } else if (IS_DELETE(dirty_it->second.state) && !skip_copy) { // There is an unflushed delete has_delete = true; skip_copy = true; } dirty_start = dirty_it; if (dirty_it == bs->dirty_db.begin()) { break; } dirty_it--; if (dirty_it->first.oid != cur.oid) { break; } } return true; } bool journal_flusher_co::modify_meta_read(uint64_t meta_loc, flusher_meta_write_t &wr, int wait_base) { if (wait_state == wait_base) { goto resume_0; } // We must check if the same sector is already in memory if we don't keep all metadata in memory all the time. // And yet another option is to use LSM trees for metadata, but it sophisticates everything a lot, // so I'll avoid it as long as I can. wr.submitted = false; wr.sector = ((meta_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order) / (bs->dsk.meta_block_size / bs->dsk.clean_entry_size)) * bs->dsk.meta_block_size; wr.pos = ((meta_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order) % (bs->dsk.meta_block_size / bs->dsk.clean_entry_size)); if (bs->inmemory_meta) { wr.buf = (uint8_t*)bs->metadata_buffer + wr.sector; return true; } wr.it = flusher->meta_sectors.find(wr.sector); if (wr.it == flusher->meta_sectors.end()) { // Not in memory yet, read it wr.buf = memalign_or_die(MEM_ALIGNMENT, bs->dsk.meta_block_size); wr.it = flusher->meta_sectors.emplace(wr.sector, (meta_sector_t){ .offset = wr.sector, .len = bs->dsk.meta_block_size, .state = 0, // 0 = not read yet .buf = wr.buf, .usage_count = 1, }).first; await_sqe(0); data->iov = (struct iovec){ wr.it->second.buf, bs->dsk.meta_block_size }; data->callback = simple_callback_r; wr.submitted = true; my_uring_prep_readv( sqe, bs->dsk.meta_fd, &data->iov, 1, bs->dsk.meta_offset + bs->dsk.meta_block_size + wr.sector ); wait_count++; } else { wr.buf = wr.it->second.buf; wr.it->second.usage_count++; } return true; } void journal_flusher_co::update_clean_db() { if (old_clean_loc != UINT64_MAX && old_clean_loc != clean_loc) { #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Free block %lu from %lx:%lx v%lu (new location is %lu)\n", old_clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order, cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version, clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order); #endif bs->data_alloc->set(old_clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order, false); } auto & clean_db = bs->clean_db_shard(cur.oid); if (has_delete) { auto clean_it = clean_db.find(cur.oid); clean_db.erase(clean_it); #ifdef BLOCKSTORE_DEBUG printf("Free block %lu from %lx:%lx v%lu (delete)\n", clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order, cur.oid.inode, cur.oid.stripe, cur.version); #endif bs->data_alloc->set(clean_loc >> bs->dsk.block_order, false); clean_loc = UINT64_MAX; } else { clean_db[cur.oid] = { .version = cur.version, .location = clean_loc, }; } bs->erase_dirty(dirty_start, std::next(dirty_end), clean_loc); } bool journal_flusher_co::fsync_batch(bool fsync_meta, int wait_base) { if (wait_state == wait_base) goto resume_0; else if (wait_state == wait_base+1) goto resume_1; else if (wait_state == wait_base+2) goto resume_2; if (!(fsync_meta ? bs->disable_meta_fsync : bs->disable_data_fsync)) { cur_sync = flusher->syncs.end(); while (cur_sync != flusher->syncs.begin()) { cur_sync--; if (cur_sync->fsync_meta == fsync_meta && cur_sync->state == 0) { goto sync_found; } } cur_sync = flusher->syncs.emplace(flusher->syncs.end(), (flusher_sync_t){ .fsync_meta = fsync_meta, .ready_count = 0, .state = 0, }); sync_found: cur_sync->ready_count++; flusher->syncing_flushers++; resume_1: if (!cur_sync->state) { if (flusher->syncing_flushers >= flusher->active_flushers || !flusher->flush_queue.size()) { // Sync batch is ready. Do it. await_sqe(0); data->iov = { 0 }; data->callback = simple_callback_w; my_uring_prep_fsync(sqe, fsync_meta ? bs->dsk.meta_fd : bs->dsk.data_fd, IORING_FSYNC_DATASYNC); cur_sync->state = 1; wait_count++; resume_2: if (wait_count > 0) { wait_state = 2; return false; } // Sync completed. All previous coroutines waiting for it must be resumed cur_sync->state = 2; bs->ringloop->wakeup(); } else { // Wait until someone else sends and completes a sync. wait_state = 1; return false; } } flusher->syncing_flushers--; cur_sync->ready_count--; if (cur_sync->ready_count == 0) { flusher->syncs.erase(cur_sync); } } return true; }