Fork 0

113 lines
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// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+
// License: VNPL-1.1 (see README.md for details)
module.exports = {
function scale_pg_count(prev_pgs, prev_pg_history, new_pg_history, new_pg_count)
const old_pg_count = prev_pgs.length;
// Add all possibly intersecting PGs into the history of new PGs
if (!(new_pg_count % old_pg_count))
// New PG count is a multiple of the old PG count
const mul = (new_pg_count / old_pg_count);
for (let i = 0; i < new_pg_count; i++)
const old_i = Math.floor(new_pg_count / mul);
new_pg_history[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prev_pg_history[1+old_i]));
else if (!(old_pg_count % new_pg_count))
// Old PG count is a multiple of the new PG count
const mul = (old_pg_count / new_pg_count);
for (let i = 0; i < new_pg_count; i++)
new_pg_history[i] = {
osd_sets: [],
all_peers: [],
epoch: 0,
for (let j = 0; j < mul; j++)
const hist = prev_pg_history[1+i*mul+j];
if (hist && hist.osd_sets && hist.osd_sets.length)
Array.prototype.push.apply(new_pg_history[i].osd_sets, hist.osd_sets);
if (hist && hist.all_peers && hist.all_peers.length)
Array.prototype.push.apply(new_pg_history[i].all_peers, hist.all_peers);
if (hist && hist.epoch)
new_pg_history[i].epoch = new_pg_history[i].epoch < hist.epoch ? hist.epoch : new_pg_history[i].epoch;
// Any PG may intersect with any PG after non-multiple PG count change
// So, merge ALL PGs history
let all_sets = {};
let all_peers = {};
let max_epoch = 0;
for (const pg of prev_pgs)
all_sets[pg.join(' ')] = pg;
for (const pg in prev_pg_history)
const hist = prev_pg_history[pg];
if (hist && hist.osd_sets)
for (const pg of hist.osd_sets)
all_sets[pg.join(' ')] = pg;
if (hist && hist.all_peers)
for (const osd_num of hist.all_peers)
all_peers[osd_num] = Number(osd_num);
if (hist && hist.epoch)
max_epoch = max_epoch < hist.epoch ? hist.epoch : max_epoch;
all_sets = Object.values(all_sets);
all_peers = Object.values(all_peers);
for (let i = 0; i < new_pg_count; i++)
new_pg_history[i] = { osd_sets: all_sets, all_peers, epoch: max_epoch };
// Mark history keys for removed PGs as removed
for (let i = new_pg_count; i < old_pg_count; i++)
new_pg_history[i] = null;
if (old_pg_count < new_pg_count)
for (let i = new_pg_count-1; i >= 0; i--)
prev_pgs[i] = prev_pgs[Math.floor(i/new_pg_count*old_pg_count)];
else if (old_pg_count > new_pg_count)
for (let i = 0; i < new_pg_count; i++)
prev_pgs[i] = prev_pgs[Math.round(i/new_pg_count*old_pg_count)];
prev_pgs.splice(new_pg_count, old_pg_count-new_pg_count);