Golang-based Ceph benchmark tool (copy of rumanzo/ceph-gobench)

Updated 2022-04-17 13:49:44 +03:00

Updated 2018-09-29 02:49:36 +03:00

Simple bridge network for kubernetes

Updated 2022-04-17 13:51:39 +03:00

Утилита для конвертации ключей КриптоПро в нормальный PEM формат (openssl)

Updated 2022-05-25 01:26:39 +03:00

Simplified distributed block storage with strong consistency, like in Ceph

Updated 2022-05-22 07:26:51 +03:00

Docker-образ с TileOven (форк TileMill)

Updated 2018-11-11 02:15:36 +03:00

Simplified distributed block storage with strong consistency, like in Ceph

Updated 2022-05-23 12:51:21 +03:00

Simplified distributed block storage with strong consistency, like in Ceph

Updated 2022-06-30 06:49:38 +03:00

Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Go

Updated 2022-08-15 14:30:35 +03:00

Valhalla source build in Docker

Updated 2019-05-17 01:27:47 +03:00

Docker с imposm3 и скриптом загрузки

Updated 2018-12-12 16:11:13 +03:00

Grafana dashboard for Ceph with ceph-mgr built-in prometheus exporter (since Mimic) and multi-cluster support

Updated 2020-08-30 14:13:34 +03:00

Clone of Proxmox QEMU build scripts with Vitastor support

Updated 2024-03-18 01:59:21 +03:00

React table component with support for fixed row(s) and column(s) in pure CSS, using position: sticky and CSS grid

Updated 2019-03-13 19:20:26 +03:00

react-virtualized example for comparison with dynamic-virtual-scroll

Updated 2019-02-13 17:46:34 +03:00

Multidisabler for Samsung Galaxy A73

Updated 2023-08-01 01:04:58 +03:00

Block copy tool for dm-era

Updated 2023-05-13 11:08:40 +03:00

Copy of https://git.sr.ht/~grimler/Heimdall

Updated 2023-03-09 15:23:06 +03:00

Move and discard chunks of Ceph RBD image

Updated 2019-02-19 19:07:48 +03:00

Web 3 connector for TON wallets (fork)

Updated 2023-03-10 18:28:30 +03:00