// Data distribution optimizer using linear programming (lp_solve) const child_process = require('child_process'); async function lp_solve(text) { const cp = child_process.spawn('lp_solve'); let stdout = '', stderr = '', finish_cb; cp.stdout.on('data', buf => stdout += buf.toString()); cp.stderr.on('data', buf => stderr += buf.toString()); cp.on('exit', () => finish_cb && finish_cb()); cp.stdin.write(text); cp.stdin.end(); if (cp.exitCode == null) { await new Promise(ok => finish_cb = ok); } let score = 0; let vars = {}; for (const line of stdout.split(/\n/)) { let m = /^(^Value of objective function: ([\d\.]+)|Actual values of the variables:)\s*$/.exec(line); if (m) { if (m[2]) { score = m[2]; } continue; } else if (/This problem is infeasible/.exec(line)) { return null; } let [ k, v ] = line.trim().split(/\s+/, 2); if (v) { vars[k] = v; } } return { score, vars }; } function make_single(osd_tree) { const initial = all_combinations(osd_tree, 1)[0]; const all_weights = Object.assign({}, ...Object.values(osd_tree)); let weight; for (const osd of initial) { if (weight == null || all_weights[osd] < weight) { weight = all_weights[osd]; } } return [ { set: initial, weight: weight }, ]; } async function optimize_initial(osd_tree, pg_count) { const all_weights = Object.assign({}, ...Object.values(osd_tree)); const total_weight = Object.values(all_weights).reduce((a, c) => Number(a) + Number(c)); const all_pgs = all_combinations(osd_tree, null, true); const pg_per_osd = {}; for (const pg of all_pgs) { for (const osd of pg) { pg_per_osd[osd] = pg_per_osd[osd] || []; pg_per_osd[osd].push("pg_"+pg.join("_")); } } let lp = ''; lp += "max: "+all_pgs.map(pg => 'pg_'+pg.join('_')).join(' + ')+";\n"; for (const osd in pg_per_osd) { const osd_pg_count = all_weights[osd]*3/total_weight*pg_count; lp += pg_per_osd[osd].join(' + ')+' <= '+Math.round(osd_pg_count)+';\n'; } for (const pg of all_pgs) { lp += 'pg_'+pg.join('_')+" >= 0;\n"; } lp += "int "+all_pgs.map(pg => 'pg_'+pg.join('_')).join(', ')+";\n"; const lp_result = await lp_solve(lp); const int_pgs = make_int_pgs(lp_result.vars, pg_count); const eff = pg_list_space_efficiency(int_pgs, all_weights); return { score: lp_result.score, weights: lp_result.vars, int_pgs, space: eff, total_space: total_weight }; } function make_int_pgs(weights, pg_count) { const total_weight = Object.values(weights).reduce((a, c) => Number(a) + Number(c)); let int_pgs = []; let pg_left = pg_count; let weight_left = total_weight; for (const pg_name in weights) { let n = Math.round(weights[pg_name] / weight_left * pg_left); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { int_pgs.push(pg_name.substr(3).split('_')); } weight_left -= weights[pg_name]; pg_left -= n; } return int_pgs; } function get_int_pg_weights(prev_int_pgs, osd_tree) { const all_weights = Object.assign({}, ...Object.values(osd_tree)); const space = pg_list_space_efficiency(prev_int_pgs, all_weights); const prev_weights = {}; let count = 0; for (const pg of prev_int_pgs) { const pg_name = 'pg_'+pg.join('_'); prev_weights[pg_name] = (prev_weights[pg_name]||0) + 1; count++; } for (const pg_name in prev_weights) { prev_weights[pg_name] *= space / count; } return prev_weights; } // Try to minimize data movement async function optimize_change(prev_int_pgs, osd_tree) { const pg_count = prev_int_pgs.length; const prev_weights = {}; const prev_pg_per_osd = {}; for (const pg of prev_int_pgs) { const pg_name = 'pg_'+pg.join('_'); prev_weights[pg_name] = (prev_weights[pg_name]||0) + 1; for (const osd of pg) { prev_pg_per_osd[osd] = prev_pg_per_osd[osd] || []; prev_pg_per_osd[osd].push(pg_name); } } // Get all combinations const all_pgs = all_combinations(osd_tree); const pg_per_osd = {}; for (const pg of all_pgs) { const pg_name = 'pg_'+pg.join('_'); for (const osd of pg) { pg_per_osd[osd] = pg_per_osd[osd] || []; pg_per_osd[osd].push(pg_name); } } // Penalize PGs based on their similarity to old PGs const intersect = {}; for (const pg_name in prev_weights) { const pg = pg_name.substr(3).split(/_/); intersect[pg[0]+'::'] = intersect[':'+pg[1]+':'] = intersect['::'+pg[2]] = 2; intersect[pg[0]+'::'+pg[2]] = intersect[':'+pg[1]+':'+pg[2]] = intersect[pg[0]+':'+pg[1]+':'] = 1; } const move_weights = {}; for (const pg of all_pgs) { move_weights['pg_'+pg.join('_')] = intersect[pg[0]+'::'+pg[2]] || intersect[':'+pg[1]+':'+pg[2]] || intersect[pg[0]+':'+pg[1]+':'] || intersect[pg[0]+'::'] || intersect[':'+pg[1]+':'] || intersect['::'+pg[2]] || 3; } // Calculate total weight - old PG weights const all_pg_names = all_pgs.map(pg => 'pg_'+pg.join('_')); const all_weights = Object.assign({}, ...Object.values(osd_tree)); const total_weight = Object.values(all_weights).reduce((a, c) => Number(a) + Number(c)); // Generate the LP problem let lp = ''; lp += 'min: '+all_pg_names.map(pg_name => move_weights[pg_name] + ' * ' + (prev_weights[pg_name] ? 'add_' : '') + pg_name).join(' + ')+';\n'; lp += all_pg_names.map(pg_name => prev_weights[pg_name] ? `add_${pg_name} - del_${pg_name}` : pg_name).join(' + ')+' = 0;\n'; for (const osd in pg_per_osd) { const osd_sum = (pg_per_osd[osd]||[]).map(pg_name => prev_weights[pg_name] ? `add_${pg_name} - del_${pg_name}` : pg_name).join(' + '); const osd_pg_count = all_weights[osd]*3/total_weight*pg_count - (prev_pg_per_osd[osd]||[]).length; lp += osd_sum + ' <= ' + Math.round(osd_pg_count) + ';\n'; } let pg_vars = []; for (const pg_name of all_pg_names) { if (prev_weights[pg_name]) { pg_vars.push(`add_${pg_name}`, `del_${pg_name}`); // Can't add or remove less than zero lp += `add_${pg_name} >= 0;\n`; lp += `del_${pg_name} >= 0;\n`; // Can't remove more than the PG already has lp += `add_${pg_name} - del_${pg_name} >= -${prev_weights[pg_name]};\n`; } else { pg_vars.push(pg_name); lp += `${pg_name} >= 0;\n`; } } lp += 'int '+pg_vars.join(', ')+';\n'; // Solve it const lp_result = await lp_solve(lp); if (!lp_result) { console.log(lp); throw new Error('Problem is infeasible - is it a bug?'); } // Generate the new distribution const weights = { ...prev_weights }; for (const k in lp_result.vars) { if (k.substr(0, 4) === 'add_') { weights[k.substr(4)] = (weights[k.substr(4)] || 0) + Number(lp_result.vars[k]); } else if (k.substr(0, 4) === 'del_') { weights[k.substr(4)] = (weights[k.substr(4)] || 0) - Number(lp_result.vars[k]); } else { weights[k] = Number(lp_result.vars[k]); } } for (const k in weights) { if (!weights[k]) { delete weights[k]; } } const int_pgs = make_int_pgs(weights, pg_count); // Align them with most similar previous PGs const new_pgs = align_pgs(prev_int_pgs, int_pgs); let differs = 0, osd_differs = 0; for (let i = 0; i < pg_count; i++) { if (new_pgs[i].join('_') != prev_int_pgs[i].join('_')) { differs++; } for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (new_pgs[i][j] != prev_int_pgs[i][j]) { osd_differs++; } } } return { prev_pgs: prev_int_pgs, score: lp_result.score, weights, int_pgs: new_pgs, differs, osd_differs, space: pg_list_space_efficiency(new_pgs, all_weights), total_space: total_weight, }; } function print_change_stats(retval) { const new_pgs = retval.int_pgs; const prev_int_pgs = retval.prev_pgs; if (prev_int_pgs) { for (let i = 0; i < new_pgs.length; i++) { if (new_pgs[i].join('_') != prev_int_pgs[i].join('_')) { console.log("pg "+i+": "+prev_int_pgs[i].join(' ')+" -> "+new_pgs[i].join(' ')); } } console.log( "Data movement: "+retval.differs+" pgs, "+ retval.osd_differs+" pg*osds = "+Math.round(retval.osd_differs / prev_int_pgs.length / 3 * 10000)/100+" %" ); } console.log( "Total space: "+Math.round(retval.space*3*100)/100+" TB, space efficiency: "+ Math.round(retval.space*3/retval.total_space*10000)/100+" %" ); } function align_pgs(prev_int_pgs, int_pgs) { const aligned_pgs = []; put_aligned_pgs(aligned_pgs, int_pgs, prev_int_pgs, (pg) => [ pg.join(':') ]); put_aligned_pgs(aligned_pgs, int_pgs, prev_int_pgs, (pg) => [ pg[0]+'::'+pg[2], ':'+pg[1]+':'+pg[2], pg[0]+':'+pg[1]+':' ]); put_aligned_pgs(aligned_pgs, int_pgs, prev_int_pgs, (pg) => [ pg[0]+'::', ':'+pg[1]+':', '::'+pg[2] ]); const free_slots = prev_int_pgs.map((pg, i) => !aligned_pgs[i] ? i : null).filter(i => i != null); for (const pg of int_pgs) { if (!free_slots.length) { throw new Error("Can't place unaligned PG"); } aligned_pgs[free_slots.shift()] = pg; } return aligned_pgs; } function put_aligned_pgs(aligned_pgs, int_pgs, prev_int_pgs, keygen) { let prev_indexes = {}; for (let i = 0; i < prev_int_pgs.length; i++) { for (let k of keygen(prev_int_pgs[i])) { prev_indexes[k] = prev_indexes[k] || []; prev_indexes[k].push(i); } } PG: for (let i = int_pgs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { let pg = int_pgs[i]; let keys = keygen(int_pgs[i]); for (let k of keys) { while (prev_indexes[k] && prev_indexes[k].length) { let idx = prev_indexes[k].shift(); if (!aligned_pgs[idx]) { aligned_pgs[idx] = pg; int_pgs.splice(i, 1); continue PG; } } } } } function all_combinations(osd_tree, count, ordered) { const hosts = Object.keys(osd_tree).sort(); const osds = Object.keys(osd_tree).reduce((a, c) => { a[c] = Object.keys(osd_tree[c]).sort(); return a; }, {}); let host_idx = [ 0, 1, 2 ]; let osd_idx = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; const r = []; while (!count || count < 0 || r.length < count) { let inc; if (host_idx[2] != host_idx[1] && host_idx[2] != host_idx[0] && host_idx[1] != host_idx[0]) { r.push(host_idx.map((hi, i) => osds[hosts[hi]][osd_idx[i]])); inc = 2; while (inc >= 0) { osd_idx[inc]++; if (osd_idx[inc] >= osds[hosts[host_idx[inc]]].length) { osd_idx[inc] = 0; inc--; } else { break; } } } else { inc = -1; } if (inc < 0) { // no osds left in current host combination, select the next one osd_idx = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; host_idx[2]++; if (host_idx[2] >= hosts.length) { host_idx[1]++; host_idx[2] = ordered ? host_idx[1]+1 : 0; if ((ordered ? host_idx[2] : host_idx[1]) >= hosts.length) { host_idx[0]++; host_idx[1] = ordered ? host_idx[0]+1 : 0; host_idx[2] = ordered ? host_idx[1]+1 : 0; if ((ordered ? host_idx[2] : host_idx[0]) >= hosts.length) { break; } } } } } return r; } function pg_weights_space_efficiency(weights, pg_count, osd_sizes) { const per_osd = {}; for (const pg_name in weights) { for (const osd of pg_name.substr(3).split(/_/)) { per_osd[osd] = (per_osd[osd]||0) + weights[pg_name]; } } return pg_per_osd_space_efficiency(per_osd, pg_count, osd_sizes); } function pg_list_space_efficiency(pgs, osd_sizes) { const per_osd = {}; for (const pg of pgs) { for (const osd of pg) { per_osd[osd] = (per_osd[osd]||0) + 1; } } return pg_per_osd_space_efficiency(per_osd, pgs.length, osd_sizes); } function pg_per_osd_space_efficiency(per_osd, pg_count, osd_sizes) { // each PG gets randomly selected in 1/N cases // & there are x PGs per OSD // => an OSD is selected in x/N cases // => total space * x/N <= OSD size // => total space <= OSD size * N/x let space; for (let osd in per_osd) { const space_estimate = osd_sizes[osd] * pg_count / per_osd[osd]; if (space == null || space > space_estimate) { space = space_estimate; } } return space; } module.exports = { optimize_initial, optimize_change, print_change_stats, pg_weights_space_efficiency, pg_list_space_efficiency, pg_per_osd_space_efficiency, lp_solve, make_single, make_int_pgs, get_int_pg_weights, align_pgs, all_combinations, };