#!/usr/bin/perl # Data distribution optimizer using linear programming (lp_solve) package LPOptimizer; use strict; use IPC::Open2; sub make_single { my ($osd_tree) = @_; my $initial = all_combinations($osd_tree, 1)->[0]; my $weight; my $all_weights = { map { %$_ } values %$osd_tree }; for my $osd (@$initial) { $weight = $all_weights->{$osd} if !$weight || $all_weights->{$osd} < $weight; } return [ { set => $initial, weight => $weight }, ]; } sub optimize_initial { my ($osd_tree, $pg_count) = @_; my $all_weights = { map { %$_ } values %$osd_tree }; my $pgs = all_combinations($osd_tree); my $pg_per_osd = {}; for my $pg (@$pgs) { push @{$pg_per_osd->{$_}}, "pg_".join("_", @$pg) for @$pg; } my $lp = ''; $lp .= "max: ".join(" + ", map { "pg_".join("_", @$_) } @$pgs).";\n"; for my $osd (keys %$pg_per_osd) { $lp .= join(" + ", @{$pg_per_osd->{$osd}})." <= ".$all_weights->{$osd}.";\n"; } for my $pg (@$pgs) { $lp .= "pg_".join("_", @$pg)." >= 0;\n"; } $lp .= "int ".join(", ", map { "pg_".join("_", @$_) } @$pgs).";\n"; my ($score, $weights) = lp_solve($lp); my $int_pgs = make_int_pgs($weights, $pg_count); my $eff = pg_list_space_efficiency($int_pgs, $osd_tree); my $total_weight = 0; $total_weight += $all_weights->{$_} for keys %$all_weights; return { score => $score, weights => $weights, int_pgs => $int_pgs, total_space => $eff * 3, space_eff => $eff * 3 / $total_weight }; } sub make_int_pgs { my ($weights, $pg_count) = @_; my $total_weight = 0; for my $pg_name (keys %$weights) { $total_weight += $weights->{$pg_name}; } my $int_pgs = []; my $pg_left = $pg_count; for my $pg_name (keys %$weights) { my $n = int($weights->{$pg_name} / $total_weight * $pg_left + 0.5); for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { push @$int_pgs, [ split /_/, substr($pg_name, 3) ]; } $total_weight -= $weights->{$pg_name}; $pg_left -= $n; } return $int_pgs; } sub lp_solve { my ($lp) = @_; my ($pid, $out, $in, $result); $pid = open2($in, $out, 'lp_solve'); print $out $lp; close $out; { local $/ = undef; $result = <$in>; close $in; } my $score = 0; my $weights = {}; for my $line (split /\n/, $result) { if ($line =~ /^(^Value of objective function: ([\d\.]+)|Actual values of the variables:)\s*$/s) { if ($2) { $score = $2; } next; } my ($k, $v) = split /\s+/, $line; if ($v != 0) { $weights->{$k} = $v; } } return ($score, $weights); } sub get_int_pg_weights { my ($prev_int_pgs, $osd_tree) = @_; my $space = pg_list_space_efficiency($prev_int_pgs, $osd_tree); my $prev_weights = {}; my $count = 0; for my $pg (@$prev_int_pgs) { $prev_weights->{'pg_'.join('_', @$pg)}++; $count++; } for my $pg_name (keys %$prev_weights) { $prev_weights->{$pg_name} *= $space / $count; } return $prev_weights; } # Try to minimize data movement sub optimize_change { my ($prev_int_pgs, $osd_tree) = @_; my $pg_count = scalar(@$prev_int_pgs); my $prev_weights = {}; my $prev_pg_per_osd = {}; for my $pg (@$prev_int_pgs) { $prev_weights->{"pg_".join("_", @$pg)}++; push @{$prev_pg_per_osd->{$_}}, "pg_".join("_", @$pg) for @$pg; } # Get all combinations my $pgs = all_combinations($osd_tree); my $pg_per_osd = {}; for my $pg (@$pgs) { push @{$pg_per_osd->{$_}}, "pg_".join("_", @$pg) for @$pg; } # Penalize PGs based on their similarity to old PGs my $intersect = {}; for my $pg_name (keys %$prev_weights) { my @pg = split /_/, substr($pg_name, 3); $intersect->{$pg[0].'::'} = $intersect->{':'.$pg[1].':'} = $intersect->{'::'.$pg[2]} = 2; $intersect->{$pg[0].'::'.$pg[2]} = $intersect->{':'.$pg[1].':'.$pg[2]} = $intersect->{$pg[0].':'.$pg[1].':'} = 1; } my $move_weights = {}; for my $pg (@$pgs) { $move_weights->{'pg_'.join('_', @$pg)} = $intersect->{$pg->[0].'::'.$pg->[2]} || $intersect->{':'.$pg->[1].':'.$pg->[2]} || $intersect->{$pg->[0].':'.$pg->[1].':'} || $intersect->{$pg->[0].'::'} || $intersect->{':'.$pg->[1].':'} || $intersect->{'::'.$pg->[2]} || 3; } # Calculate total weight - old PG weights my $pg_names = [ map { 'pg_'.join('_', @$_) } @$pgs ]; my $all_weights = { map { %$_ } values %$osd_tree }; my $total_weight = 0; $total_weight += $all_weights->{$_} for keys %$all_weights; # Generate the LP problem my $lp = "min: ".join(" + ", map { $move_weights->{$_} . ' * ' . ($prev_weights->{$_} ? "add_$_" : "$_") } @$pg_names).";\n"; $lp .= join(" + ", map { $prev_weights->{$_} ? "add_$_ - del_$_" : $_ } @$pg_names)." = 0;\n"; for my $osd (keys %$pg_per_osd) { my @s; for my $pg (@{$pg_per_osd->{$osd}}) { if ($prev_weights->{$pg}) { push @s, "add_$pg - del_$pg"; } else { push @s, $pg; } } $lp .= join(" + ", @s)." <= ".int($all_weights->{$osd}*3/$total_weight*$pg_count - scalar(@{$prev_pg_per_osd->{$osd} || []})).";\n"; } my @sec; for my $pg (@$pg_names) { if ($prev_weights->{$pg}) { push @sec, "add_$pg", "del_$pg"; # Can't add or remove less than zero $lp .= "add_$pg >= 0;\n"; $lp .= "del_$pg >= 0;\n"; # Can't remove more than the PG already has $lp .= "add_$pg - del_$pg >= -".$prev_weights->{$pg}.";\n"; } else { push @sec, $pg; $lp .= "$pg >= 0;\n"; } } $lp .= "int ".join(", ", @sec).";\n"; # Solve it my ($score, $result) = lp_solve($lp); # Generate the new distribution my $weights = { %$prev_weights }; for my $k (keys %$result) { if ($k =~ /^add_/s) { $weights->{substr($k, 4)} += $result->{$k}; } elsif ($k =~ /^del_/s) { $weights->{substr($k, 4)} -= $result->{$k}; } else { $weights->{$k} = $result->{$k}; } } for my $k (keys %$weights) { delete $weights->{$k} if !$weights->{$k}; print "$k: ".$weights->{$k}."\n" if $weights->{$k}; } my $int_pgs = make_int_pgs($weights, $pg_count); # Align them with most similar previous PGs my $new_pgs = align_pgs($prev_int_pgs, $int_pgs); my $differs = 0; my $osd_differs = 0; for my $i (0..$#$new_pgs) { if (join('_', @{$new_pgs->[$i]}) ne join('_', @{$prev_int_pgs->[$i]})) { $differs++; } for my $j (0..2) { if ($new_pgs->[$i]->[$j] ne $prev_int_pgs->[$i]->[$j]) { $osd_differs++; } } } return { prev_pgs => $prev_int_pgs, score => $score, weights => $weights, int_pgs => $new_pgs, differs => $differs, osd_differs => $osd_differs, space => pg_list_space_efficiency($new_pgs, $osd_tree), total_space => $total_weight, }; } sub print_change_stats { my ($retval) = @_; my $new_pgs = $retval->{int_pgs}; my $prev_int_pgs = $retval->{prev_pgs}; for my $i (0..$#$new_pgs) { if (join('_', @{$new_pgs->[$i]}) ne join('_', @{$prev_int_pgs->[$i]})) { print "pg $i: ".join(' ', @{$prev_int_pgs->[$i]})." -> ".join(' ', @{$new_pgs->[$i]})."\n"; } } printf("Data movement: ".$retval->{differs}." pgs, ".$retval->{osd_differs}." pg-osds = %.2f %%\n", $retval->{osd_differs} / @$prev_int_pgs / 3 * 100); printf("Total space: %.2f TB, space efficiency: %.2f %%\n", $retval->{space} * 3, $retval->{space} * 3 / $retval->{total_space} * 100); } sub align_pgs { my ($prev_int_pgs, $int_pgs) = @_; my $aligned_pgs = []; put_aligned_pgs($aligned_pgs, $int_pgs, $prev_int_pgs, sub { my ($pg) = @_; return (join(':', @$pg)); }); put_aligned_pgs($aligned_pgs, $int_pgs, $prev_int_pgs, sub { my ($pg) = @_; return ($pg->[0].'::'.$pg->[2], ':'.$pg->[1].':'.$pg->[2], $pg->[0].':'.$pg->[1].':'); }); put_aligned_pgs($aligned_pgs, $int_pgs, $prev_int_pgs, sub { my ($pg) = @_; return ($pg->[0].'::', ':'.$pg->[1].':', '::'.$pg->[2]); }); my $free_slots = [ grep { !$aligned_pgs->[$_] } 0..$#$prev_int_pgs ]; for my $pg (@$int_pgs) { die "Can't place unaligned PG" if !@$free_slots; $aligned_pgs->[shift @$free_slots] = $pg; } return $aligned_pgs; } sub put_aligned_pgs { my ($aligned_pgs, $int_pgs, $prev_int_pgs, $keygen) = @_; my $prev_indexes = {}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$prev_int_pgs; $i++) { for my $k ($keygen->($prev_int_pgs->[$i])) { push @{$prev_indexes->{$k}}, $i; } } PG: for (my $i = $#$int_pgs; $i >= 0; $i--) { my $pg = $int_pgs->[$i]; my @keys = $keygen->($int_pgs->[$i]); for my $k (@keys) { while (@{$prev_indexes->{$k} || []}) { my $idx = shift @{$prev_indexes->{$k}}; if (!$aligned_pgs->[$idx]) { $aligned_pgs->[$idx] = $pg; splice @$int_pgs, $i, 1; next PG; } } } } } sub all_combinations { my ($osd_tree, $count, $ordered) = @_; my $hosts = [ sort keys %$osd_tree ]; my $osds = { map { $_ => [ sort keys %{$osd_tree->{$_}} ] } keys %$osd_tree }; my $h = [ 0, 1, 2 ]; my $o = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; my $r = []; while (!$count || $count < 0 || @$r < $count) { my $inc; if ($h->[2] != $h->[1] && $h->[2] != $h->[0] && $h->[1] != $h->[0]) { push @$r, [ map { $osds->{$hosts->[$h->[$_]]}->[$o->[$_]] } 0..$#$h ]; $inc = 2; while ($inc >= 0) { $o->[$inc]++; if ($o->[$inc] >= scalar @{$osds->{$hosts->[$h->[$inc]]}}) { $o->[$inc] = 0; $inc--; } else { last; } } } else { $inc = -1; } if ($inc < 0) { # no osds left in current host combination, select next one $o = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; $h->[2]++; if ($h->[2] >= scalar @$hosts) { $h->[1]++; $h->[2] = $ordered ? $h->[1]+1 : 0; if (($ordered ? $h->[2] : $h->[1]) >= scalar @$hosts) { $h->[0]++; $h->[1] = $ordered ? $h->[0]+1 : 0; $h->[2] = $ordered ? $h->[1]+1 : 0; if (($ordered ? $h->[2] : $h->[0]) >= scalar @$hosts) { last; } } } } } return $r; } sub pg_weights_space_efficiency { my ($weights, $pg_count, $osd_tree) = @_; my $per_osd = {}; for my $pg_name (keys %$weights) { for my $osd (split /_/, substr($pg_name, 3)) { $per_osd->{$osd}++; } } return pg_per_osd_space_efficiency($per_osd, $pg_count, $osd_tree); } sub pg_list_space_efficiency { my ($pgs, $osd_tree) = @_; my $per_osd = {}; for my $pg (@$pgs) { for my $osd (@$pg) { $per_osd->{$osd}++; } } return pg_per_osd_space_efficiency($per_osd, scalar @$pgs, $osd_tree); } sub pg_per_osd_space_efficiency { my ($per_osd, $pg_count, $osd_tree) = @_; my $all_weights = { map { %$_ } values %$osd_tree }; # each PG gets randomly selected in 1/N cases # => there are x PGs per OSD # => an OSD is selected in x/N cases # => total space * x/N <= OSD weight # => total space <= OSD weight * N/x my $space = undef; for my $osd (keys %$per_osd) { my $space_estimate = $all_weights->{$osd} * $pg_count / $per_osd->{$osd}; if (!defined $space || $space > $space_estimate) { $space = $space_estimate; } } return $space; } 1; __END__