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#include "osd.h"
#include "xor.h"
// read: read directly or read paired stripe(s), reconstruct, return
// write: read paired stripe(s), modify, write
// nuance: take care to read the same version from paired stripes!
// to do so, we remember "last readable" version until a write request completes
// and we postpone other write requests to the same stripe until completion of previous ones
// sync: sync peers, get unstable versions from somewhere, stabilize them
struct off_len_t
uint64_t offset, len;
struct osd_read_stripe_t
uint64_t pos;
uint32_t start, end;
uint32_t real_start, real_end;
struct osd_primary_read_t
pg_num_t pg_num;
object_id oid;
uint64_t target_ver;
int n_subops = 0, done = 0, errors = 0;
int degraded = 0, pg_size, pg_minsize;
osd_read_stripe_t *stripes;
osd_op_t *subops = NULL;
void osd_t::finish_primary_op(osd_op_t *cur_op, int retval)
// FIXME add separate magics
cur_op->reply.hdr.magic = SECONDARY_OSD_REPLY_MAGIC;
cur_op-> = cur_op->;
cur_op->reply.hdr.opcode = cur_op->op.hdr.opcode;
cur_op->reply.hdr.retval = retval;
outbox_push(this->clients[cur_op->peer_fd], cur_op);
inline void split_stripes(uint64_t pg_minsize, uint32_t bs_block_size, uint64_t start, uint64_t end, osd_read_stripe_t *stripes)
for (int role = 0; role < pg_minsize; role++)
if (start < (1+role)*bs_block_size && end > role*bs_block_size)
stripes[role].real_start = stripes[role].start
= start < role*bs_block_size ? 0 : start-role*bs_block_size;
stripes[role].real_end = stripes[role].end
= end > (role+1)*bs_block_size ? bs_block_size : end-role*bs_block_size;
void osd_t::exec_primary_read(osd_op_t *cur_op)
// PG number is calculated from the offset
// Our EC scheme stores data in fixed chunks equal to (K*block size)
// But we must not use K in the process of calculating the PG number
// So we calculate the PG number using a separate setting which should be per-inode (FIXME)
uint64_t start = cur_op->;
uint64_t end = cur_op-> + cur_op->;
// FIXME Real pg_num should equal the below expression + 1
pg_num_t pg_num = (cur_op-> + cur_op-> / parity_block_size) % pg_count;
// FIXME: Postpone operations in inactive PGs
if (pg_num > pgs.size() || !(pgs[pg_num].state & PG_ACTIVE))
finish_primary_op(cur_op, -EINVAL);
uint64_t pg_parity_size = bs_block_size * pgs[pg_num].pg_minsize;
object_id oid = {
.inode = cur_op->,
// oid.stripe = starting offset of the parity stripe, so it can be mapped back to the PG
.stripe = (cur_op-> / parity_block_size) * parity_block_size +
((cur_op-> % parity_block_size) / pg_parity_size) * pg_parity_size
if (end > (oid.stripe + pg_parity_size) ||
(start % bs_disk_alignment) != 0 ||
(end % bs_disk_alignment) != 0)
finish_primary_op(cur_op, -EINVAL);
osd_primary_read_t *op_data = (osd_primary_read_t*)calloc(
sizeof(osd_primary_read_t) + sizeof(osd_read_stripe_t) * pgs[pg_num].pg_size, 1
op_data->oid = oid;
op_data->stripes = ((osd_read_stripe_t*)(op_data+1));
cur_op->op_data = op_data;
split_stripes(pgs[pg_num].pg_minsize, bs_block_size, start, end, op_data->stripes);
// Determine version
auto vo_it = pgs[pg_num].ver_override.find(oid);
op_data->target_ver = vo_it != pgs[pg_num].ver_override.end() ? vo_it->second : UINT64_MAX;
if (pgs[pg_num].state == PG_ACTIVE)
// Fast happy-path
submit_read_subops(pgs[pg_num].pg_minsize, pgs[pg_num], cur_op);
cur_op->send_list.push_back(cur_op->buf, cur_op->;
// PG may be degraded or have misplaced objects
spp::sparse_hash_map<object_id, pg_osd_set_state_t*> obj_states;
auto st_it = pgs[pg_num].obj_states.find(oid);
uint64_t* cur_set = (st_it != pgs[pg_num].obj_states.end()
? st_it->second->
: pgs[pg_num];
if (extend_missing_stripes(op_data->stripes, cur_set, pgs[pg_num].pg_minsize, pgs[pg_num].pg_size) < 0)
finish_primary_op(cur_op, -EIO);
// Submit reads
submit_read_subops(pgs[pg_num].pg_size, cur_set, cur_op);
op_data->pg_minsize = pgs[pg_num].pg_minsize;
op_data->pg_size = pgs[pg_num].pg_size;
op_data->degraded = 1;
void osd_t::handle_primary_read_subop(osd_op_t *cur_op, int ok)
osd_primary_read_t *op_data = (osd_primary_read_t*)cur_op->op_data;
if (!ok)
if ((op_data->errors + op_data->done) >= op_data->n_subops)
delete[] op_data->subops;
op_data->subops = NULL;
if (op_data->errors > 0)
cur_op->op_data = NULL;
finish_primary_op(cur_op, -EIO);
if (op_data->degraded)
// Reconstruct missing stripes
// FIXME: Always EC(k+1) by now. Add different coding schemes
osd_read_stripe_t *stripes = op_data->stripes;
for (int role = 0; role < op_data->pg_minsize; role++)
if (stripes[role].end != 0 && stripes[role].real_end == 0)
int prev = -2;
for (int other = 0; other < op_data->pg_size; other++)
if (other != role)
if (prev == -2)
prev = other;
else if (prev >= 0)
cur_op->buf + stripes[prev].pos + (stripes[prev].real_start - stripes[role].start),
cur_op->buf + stripes[other].pos + (stripes[other].real_start - stripes[other].start),
cur_op->buf + stripes[role].pos, stripes[role].end - stripes[role].start
prev = -1;
cur_op->buf + stripes[role].pos,
cur_op->buf + stripes[other].pos + (stripes[other].real_start - stripes[role].start),
cur_op->buf + stripes[role].pos, stripes[role].end - stripes[role].start
if (stripes[role].end != 0)
// Send buffer in parts to avoid copying
cur_op->buf + stripes[role].pos + (stripes[role].real_start - stripes[role].start), stripes[role].end
cur_op->op_data = NULL;
finish_primary_op(cur_op, cur_op->;
int osd_t::extend_missing_stripes(osd_read_stripe_t *stripes, osd_num_t *osd_set, int minsize, int size)
for (int role = 0; role < minsize; role++)
if (stripes[role].end != 0 && osd_set[role] == 0)
stripes[role].real_start = stripes[role].real_end = 0;
// Stripe is missing. Extend read to other stripes.
// We need at least pg_minsize stripes to recover the lost part.
int exist = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if (osd_set[j] != 0)
if (stripes[j].real_end == 0 || j >= minsize)
stripes[j].real_start = stripes[role].start;
stripes[j].real_end = stripes[role].end;
stripes[j].real_start = stripes[j].start < stripes[role].start ? stripes[j].start : stripes[role].start;
stripes[j].real_end = stripes[j].end > stripes[role].end ? stripes[j].end : stripes[role].end;
if (exist >= minsize)
if (exist < minsize)
// Less than minsize stripes are available for this object
return -1;
return 0;
void osd_t::submit_read_subops(int read_pg_size, const uint64_t* osd_set, osd_op_t *cur_op)
osd_primary_read_t *op_data = (osd_primary_read_t*)cur_op->op_data;
osd_read_stripe_t *stripes = op_data->stripes;
uint64_t buf_size = 0;
int n_subops = 0;
for (int role = 0; role < read_pg_size; role++)
if (stripes[role].real_end != 0)
stripes[role].pos = buf_size;
buf_size += stripes[role].real_end - stripes[role].real_start;
else if (stripes[role].end != 0)
stripes[role].pos = buf_size;
buf_size += stripes[role].end - stripes[role].start;
osd_op_t *subops = new osd_op_t[n_subops];
cur_op->buf = memalign(MEM_ALIGNMENT, buf_size);
op_data->n_subops = n_subops;
op_data->subops = subops;
int subop = 0;
for (int role = 0; role < read_pg_size; role++)
if (stripes[role].real_end == 0)
auto role_osd_num = osd_set[role];
if (role_osd_num != 0)
if (role_osd_num == this->osd_num)
subops[subop].bs_op = {
.opcode = BS_OP_READ,
.callback = [this, cur_op](blockstore_op_t *subop)
handle_primary_read_subop(cur_op, subop->retval == subop->len);
.oid = {
.inode = op_data->oid.inode,
.stripe = op_data->oid.stripe | role,
.version = op_data->target_ver,
.offset = stripes[role].real_start,
.len = stripes[role].real_end - stripes[role].real_start,
.buf = cur_op->buf + stripes[role].pos,
subops[subop].op_type = OSD_OP_OUT;
subops[subop].peer_fd = this->;
subops[subop].op.sec_rw = {
.header = {
.id = this->next_subop_id++,
.oid = {
.inode = op_data->oid.inode,
.stripe = op_data->oid.stripe | role,
.version = op_data->target_ver,
.offset = stripes[role].real_start,
.len = stripes[role].real_end - stripes[role].real_start,
subops[subop].buf = cur_op->buf + stripes[role].pos;
subops[subop].callback = [this, cur_op](osd_op_t *subop)
// so it doesn't get freed. FIXME: do it better
subop->buf = NULL;
handle_primary_read_subop(cur_op, subop->reply.hdr.retval == subop->op.sec_rw.len);
outbox_push(clients[subops[subop].peer_fd], &subops[subop]);
void osd_t::exec_primary_write(osd_op_t *cur_op)
// "RAID5" EC(k+1) parity modification variants (Px = previous, Nx = new):
// 1,2,3 write N1 -> read P2 -> write N3 = N1^P2
// _,2,3 write N1 -> read P2 -> write N3 = N1^P2
// 1,_,3 write N1 -> read P1,P3 -> write N3 = N1^P3^P1
// 1,2,_ write N1 -> read nothing
// 1,2,3,4 write N1 -> read P2,P3 -> write N4 = N1^P2^P3
// (or read P1,P4 -> write N4 = N1^P4^P1)
// 1,_,3,4 write N1 -> read P1,P4 -> write N4 = N1^P4^P1
// _,2,3,4 write N1 -> read P2,P3 -> write N4 = N1^P3^P2
// 1,2,3,4,5 write N1 -> read P1,P5 -> write N5 = N1^P5^P1
// 1,_,3,4,5 write N1 -> read P1,P5 -> write N5 = N1^P5^P1
// _,2,3,4,5 write N1 -> read P2,P3,P4 -> write N5 = N1^P2^P3^P4
// I.e, when we write a part:
// 1) If parity is missing and all other parts are available:
// just overwrite the part
// 2) If the modified part is missing and all other parts are available:
// read all other parts except parity, xor them all with the new data
// 3) If all parts are available and size=3:
// read the paired data stripe, xor it with the new data
// 4) Otherwise:
// read old parity and old data of the modified part, xor them both with the new data
// Ouсh. Scary. But faster than the generic variant.
// Generic variant for jerasure is a simple RMW process: read all -> decode -> modify -> encode -> write
void osd_t::exec_primary_sync(osd_op_t *cur_op)