
109 lines
2.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <deque>
#include "ringloop.h"
#include "osd_ops.h"
#define STRIPE_NUM(stripe) ((stripe) >> 4)
#define STRIPE_REPLICA(stripe) ((stripe) & 0xf)
struct osd_op_t
int peer_fd;
osd_any_op_t op;
uint8_t op_buf[OSD_OP_PACKET_SIZE] = { 0 };
osd_any_reply_t reply;
uint8_t reply_buf[OSD_REPLY_PACKET_SIZE] = { 0 };
blockstore_op_t bs_op;
void *buf = NULL;
if (buf)
struct osd_client_t
sockaddr_in peer_addr;
socklen_t peer_addr_size;
int peer_fd;
//int in_flight_ops = 0;
// Read state
bool read_ready = false;
bool reading = false;
osd_op_t *read_op = NULL;
iovec read_iov;
msghdr read_msg;
void *read_buf = NULL;
int read_remaining = 0;
int read_state = 0;
// Completed operations to send replies back to the client
std::deque<osd_op_t*> completions;
// Write state
osd_op_t *write_op = NULL;
iovec write_iov;
msghdr write_msg;
void *write_buf = NULL;
int write_remaining = 0;
int write_state = 0;
class osd_t
// config
std::string bind_address;
int bind_port, listen_backlog;
int client_queue_depth = 128;
// fields
blockstore_t *bs;
ring_loop_t *ringloop;
int wait_state = 0;
int epoll_fd = 0;
int listen_fd = 0;
ring_consumer_t consumer;
std::unordered_map<int,osd_client_t> clients;
std::vector<int> read_ready_clients;
std::vector<int> write_ready_clients;
void loop();
int handle_epoll_events();
void stop_client(int peer_fd);
void read_requests();
void handle_read(ring_data_t *data, int peer_fd);
void enqueue_op(osd_op_t *cur_op);
void send_replies();
void make_reply(osd_op_t *op);
void handle_send(ring_data_t *data, int peer_fd);
osd_t(blockstore_config_t & config, blockstore_t *bs, ring_loop_t *ringloop);
bool shutdown();