#!/bin/bash -ex # Test changing EC 4+1 into EC 4+3 OSD_COUNT=7 PG_COUNT=16 SCHEME=ec PG_SIZE=5 PG_DATA_SIZE=4 PG_MINSIZE=5 . `dirname $0`/run_3osds.sh try_change() { n=$1 s=$2 for i in {1..10}; do ($ETCDCTL get /vitastor/config/pgs --print-value-only |\ jq -s -e '(.[0].items["1"] | map( ([ .osd_set[] | select(. != 0) ] | length) == '$s' ) | length == '$n') and ([ .[0].items["1"] | map(.osd_set)[][] ] | sort | unique == ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7"])') && \ ($ETCDCTL get --prefix /vitastor/pg/state/ --print-value-only | jq -s -e '([ .[] | select(.state == ["active"]) ] | length) == '$n'') && \ break sleep 1 done if ! ($ETCDCTL get /vitastor/config/pgs --print-value-only |\ jq -s -e '(.[0].items["1"] | map( ([ .osd_set[] | select(. != 0) ] | length) == '$s' ) | length == '$n') and ([ .[0].items["1"] | map(.osd_set)[][] ] | sort | unique == ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7"])'); then $ETCDCTL get /vitastor/config/pgs $ETCDCTL get --prefix /vitastor/pg/state/ format_error "FAILED: PG SIZE NOT CHANGED OR SOME OSDS DO NOT HAVE PGS" fi if ! ($ETCDCTL get --prefix /vitastor/pg/state/ --print-value-only | jq -s -e '([ .[] | select(.state == ["active"]) ] | length) == '$n); then $ETCDCTL get /vitastor/config/pgs $ETCDCTL get --prefix /vitastor/pg/state/ format_error "FAILED: PGS NOT UP AFTER PG SIZE CHANGE" fi } LD_PRELOAD="build/src/client/libfio_vitastor.so" \ fio -thread -name=test -ioengine=build/src/client/libfio_vitastor.so -bs=1M -direct=1 -iodepth=4 \ -rw=write -etcd=$ETCD_URL -pool=1 -inode=1 -size=128M -runtime=10 PG_SIZE=7 POOLCFG='"name":"testpool","failure_domain":"osd","scheme":"ec","parity_chunks":'$((PG_SIZE-PG_DATA_SIZE)) $ETCDCTL put /vitastor/config/pools '{"1":{'$POOLCFG',"pg_size":'$PG_SIZE',"pg_minsize":'$PG_MINSIZE',"pg_count":'$PG_COUNT'}}' sleep 2 try_change 16 7 format_green OK