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// Copyright (c) Vitaliy Filippov, 2019+
// License: VNPL-1.1 or GNU GPL-2.0+ (see for details)
package vitastor
import (
func Contains(list []string, s string) bool
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++
if (list[i] == s)
return true
return false
func checkVduseSupport() bool
// Check VDUSE support (vdpa, vduse, virtio-vdpa kernel modules)
vduse := true
for _, mod := range []string{"vdpa", "vduse", "virtio-vdpa"}
_, err := os.Stat("/sys/module/"+mod)
if (err != nil)
if (!errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist))
klog.Errorf("failed to check /sys/module/%s: %v", mod, err)
c := exec.Command("/sbin/modprobe", mod)
c.Stdout = os.Stderr
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
err := c.Run()
if (err != nil)
klog.Errorf("/sbin/modprobe %s failed: %v", mod, err)
vduse = false
// Check that vdpa tool functions
if (vduse)
c := exec.Command("/sbin/vdpa", "-j", "dev")
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
err := c.Run()
if (err != nil)
klog.Errorf("/sbin/vdpa -j dev failed: %v", err)
vduse = false
if (!vduse)
"Your host apparently has no VDUSE support. VDUSE support disabled, NBD will be used to map devices."+
" For VDUSE you need at least Linux 5.15 and the following kernel modules: vdpa, virtio-vdpa, vduse.",
return vduse
func mapNbd(volName string, ctxVars map[string]string, readonly bool) (string, error)
// Map NBD device
// FIXME: Check if already mapped
args := []string{
"map", "--image", volName,
if (ctxVars["configPath"] != "")
args = append(args, "--config_path", ctxVars["configPath"])
if (readonly)
args = append(args, "--readonly", "1")
stdout, stderr, err := system("/usr/bin/vitastor-nbd", args...)
dev := strings.TrimSpace(string(stdout))
if (dev == "")
return "", fmt.Errorf("vitastor-nbd did not return the name of NBD device. output: %s", stderr)
return dev, err
func unmapNbd(devicePath string)
// unmap NBD device
unmapOut, unmapErr := exec.Command("/usr/bin/vitastor-nbd", "unmap", devicePath).CombinedOutput()
if (unmapErr != nil)
klog.Errorf("failed to unmap NBD device %s: %s, error: %v", devicePath, unmapOut, unmapErr)
func findByPidFile(pidFile string) (*os.Process, error)
pidBuf, err := os.ReadFile(pidFile)
if (err != nil)
return nil, err
pid, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(string(pidBuf)), 0, 64)
if (err != nil)
return nil, err
proc, err := os.FindProcess(int(pid))
if (err != nil)
return nil, err
return proc, nil
func killByPidFile(pidFile string) error
klog.Infof("killing process with PID from file %s", pidFile)
proc, err := findByPidFile(pidFile)
if (err != nil)
return err
return proc.Signal(syscall.SIGTERM)
func startStorageDaemon(vdpaId, volName, pidFile, configPath string, readonly bool) error
// Start qemu-storage-daemon
blockSpec := map[string]interface{}{
"node-name": "disk1",
"driver": "vitastor",
"image": volName,
"cache": map[string]bool{
"direct": true,
"no-flush": false,
"discard": "unmap",
if (configPath != "")
blockSpec["config-path"] = configPath
blockSpecJson, _ := json.Marshal(blockSpec)
writable := "true"
if (readonly)
writable = "false"
_, _, err := system(
"/usr/bin/qemu-storage-daemon", "--daemonize", "--pidfile", pidFile, "--blockdev", string(blockSpecJson),
"--export", "vduse-blk,id="+vdpaId+",node-name=disk1,name="+vdpaId+",num-queues=16,queue-size=128,writable="+writable,
return err
func mapVduse(stateDir string, volName string, ctxVars map[string]string, readonly bool) (string, string, error)
// Generate state file
stateFd, err := os.CreateTemp(stateDir, "vitastor-vduse-*.json")
if (err != nil)
return "", "", err
stateFile := stateFd.Name()
vdpaId := filepath.Base(stateFile)
vdpaId = vdpaId[0:len(vdpaId)-5] // remove ".json"
pidFile := stateDir + vdpaId + ".pid"
// Map VDUSE device via qemu-storage-daemon
err = startStorageDaemon(vdpaId, volName, pidFile, ctxVars["configPath"], readonly)
if (err == nil)
// Add device to VDPA bus
_, _, err = system("/sbin/vdpa", "-j", "dev", "add", "name", vdpaId, "mgmtdev", "vduse")
if (err == nil)
// Find block device name
var matches []string
matches, err = filepath.Glob("/sys/bus/vdpa/devices/"+vdpaId+"/virtio*/block/*")
if (err == nil && len(matches) == 0)
err = errors.New("/sys/bus/vdpa/devices/"+vdpaId+"/virtio*/block/* is not found")
if (err == nil)
blockdev := "/dev/"+filepath.Base(matches[0])
_, err = os.Stat(blockdev)
if (err == nil)
// Generate state file
stateJSON, _ := json.Marshal(&DeviceState{
ConfigPath: ctxVars["configPath"],
VdpaId: vdpaId,
Image: volName,
Blockdev: blockdev,
Readonly: readonly,
PidFile: pidFile,
err = os.WriteFile(stateFile, stateJSON, 0600)
if (err == nil)
return blockdev, vdpaId, nil
killErr := killByPidFile(pidFile)
if (killErr != nil)
klog.Errorf("Failed to kill started qemu-storage-daemon: %v", killErr)
return "", "", err
func unmapVduse(stateDir, devicePath string)
if (len(devicePath) < 6 || devicePath[0:6] != "/dev/v")
klog.Errorf("%s does not start with /dev/v", devicePath)
vduseDev, err := os.Readlink("/sys/block/"+devicePath[5:])
if (err != nil)
klog.Errorf("%s is not a symbolic link to VDUSE device (../devices/virtual/vduse/xxx): %v", devicePath, err)
vdpaId := ""
p := strings.Index(vduseDev, "/vduse/")
if (p >= 0)
vduseDev = vduseDev[p+7:]
p = strings.Index(vduseDev, "/")
if (p >= 0)
vdpaId = vduseDev[0:p]
if (vdpaId == "")
klog.Errorf("%s is not a symbolic link to VDUSE device (../devices/virtual/vduse/xxx), but is %v", devicePath, vduseDev)
unmapVduseById(stateDir, vdpaId)
func unmapVduseById(stateDir, vdpaId string)
_, err := os.Stat("/sys/bus/vdpa/devices/"+vdpaId)
if (err != nil)
klog.Errorf("failed to stat /sys/bus/vdpa/devices/"+vdpaId+": %v", err)
_, _, _ = system("/sbin/vdpa", "-j", "dev", "del", vdpaId)
stateFile := stateDir + vdpaId + ".json"
pidFile := stateDir + vdpaId + ".pid"
_, err = os.Stat(pidFile)
if (os.IsNotExist(err))
// ok, already killed
else if (err != nil)
klog.Errorf("Failed to stat %v: %v", pidFile, err)
err = killByPidFile(pidFile)
if (err != nil)
klog.Errorf("Failed to kill started qemu-storage-daemon: %v", err)