#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "osd.h" #define MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS 64 const char* osd_op_names[] = { "", "read", "write", "sync", "stabilize", "rollback", "delete", "sync_stab_all", "list", "show_config", "primary_read", "primary_write", "primary_sync", "primary_delete", }; osd_t::osd_t(blockstore_config_t & config, blockstore_t *bs, ring_loop_t *ringloop) { this->config = config; this->bs = bs; this->ringloop = ringloop; this->bs_block_size = bs->get_block_size(); // FIXME: use bitmap granularity instead this->bs_disk_alignment = bs->get_disk_alignment(); parse_config(config); epoll_fd = epoll_create(1); if (epoll_fd < 0) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("epoll_create: ") + strerror(errno)); } this->tfd = new timerfd_manager_t([this](int fd, std::function handler) { set_fd_handler(fd, handler); }); this->tfd->set_timer(print_stats_interval*1000, true, [this](int timer_id) { print_stats(); }); c_cli.tfd = this->tfd; c_cli.ringloop = this->ringloop; c_cli.exec_op = [this](osd_op_t *op) { exec_op(op); }; c_cli.repeer_pgs = [this](osd_num_t peer_osd) { repeer_pgs(peer_osd); }; init_cluster(); consumer.loop = [this]() { loop(); }; ringloop->register_consumer(&consumer); } osd_t::~osd_t() { if (tfd) { delete tfd; tfd = NULL; } ringloop->unregister_consumer(&consumer); close(epoll_fd); close(listen_fd); } void osd_t::parse_config(blockstore_config_t & config) { // Initial startup configuration json11::Json json_config = json11::Json(config); st_cli.parse_config(json_config); etcd_report_interval = strtoull(config["etcd_report_interval"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (etcd_report_interval <= 0) etcd_report_interval = 30; osd_num = strtoull(config["osd_num"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (!osd_num) throw std::runtime_error("osd_num is required in the configuration"); c_cli.osd_num = osd_num; run_primary = config["run_primary"] != "false" && config["run_primary"] != "0" && config["run_primary"] != "no"; // Cluster configuration bind_address = config["bind_address"]; if (bind_address == "") bind_address = ""; bind_port = stoull_full(config["bind_port"]); if (bind_port <= 0 || bind_port > 65535) bind_port = 0; if (config["immediate_commit"] == "all") immediate_commit = IMMEDIATE_ALL; else if (config["immediate_commit"] == "small") immediate_commit = IMMEDIATE_SMALL; if (config.find("autosync_interval") != config.end()) { autosync_interval = strtoull(config["autosync_interval"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (autosync_interval > MAX_AUTOSYNC_INTERVAL) autosync_interval = DEFAULT_AUTOSYNC_INTERVAL; } if (config.find("client_queue_depth") != config.end()) { client_queue_depth = strtoull(config["client_queue_depth"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (client_queue_depth < 128) client_queue_depth = 128; } if (config.find("pg_stripe_size") != config.end()) { pg_stripe_size = strtoull(config["pg_stripe_size"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (!pg_stripe_size || !bs_block_size || pg_stripe_size < bs_block_size || (pg_stripe_size % bs_block_size) != 0) pg_stripe_size = DEFAULT_PG_STRIPE_SIZE; } recovery_queue_depth = strtoull(config["recovery_queue_depth"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (recovery_queue_depth < 1 || recovery_queue_depth > MAX_RECOVERY_QUEUE) recovery_queue_depth = DEFAULT_RECOVERY_QUEUE; if (config["readonly"] == "true" || config["readonly"] == "1" || config["readonly"] == "yes") readonly = true; print_stats_interval = strtoull(config["print_stats_interval"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (!print_stats_interval) print_stats_interval = 3; c_cli.peer_connect_interval = strtoull(config["peer_connect_interval"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (!c_cli.peer_connect_interval) c_cli.peer_connect_interval = DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECT_INTERVAL; c_cli.peer_connect_timeout = strtoull(config["peer_connect_timeout"].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (!c_cli.peer_connect_timeout) c_cli.peer_connect_timeout = DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; log_level = strtoull(config["log_level"].c_str(), NULL, 10); c_cli.log_level = log_level; } void osd_t::bind_socket() { listen_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listen_fd < 0) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("socket: ") + strerror(errno)); } int enable = 1; setsockopt(listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(enable)); sockaddr_in addr; int r; if ((r = inet_pton(AF_INET, bind_address.c_str(), &addr.sin_addr)) != 1) { close(listen_fd); throw std::runtime_error("bind address "+bind_address+(r == 0 ? " is not valid" : ": no ipv4 support")); } addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(bind_port); if (bind(listen_fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { close(listen_fd); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("bind: ") + strerror(errno)); } if (bind_port == 0) { socklen_t len = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(listen_fd, (sockaddr *)&addr, &len) == -1) { close(listen_fd); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("getsockname: ") + strerror(errno)); } listening_port = ntohs(addr.sin_port); } else { listening_port = bind_port; } if (listen(listen_fd, listen_backlog) < 0) { close(listen_fd); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("listen: ") + strerror(errno)); } fcntl(listen_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(listen_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); epoll_event ev; ev.data.fd = listen_fd; ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, listen_fd, &ev) < 0) { close(listen_fd); close(epoll_fd); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("epoll_ctl: ") + strerror(errno)); } } bool osd_t::shutdown() { stopping = true; if (inflight_ops > 0) { return false; } return bs->is_safe_to_stop(); } void osd_t::loop() { if (!wait_state) { handle_epoll_events(); wait_state = 1; } handle_peers(); c_cli.read_requests(); c_cli.send_replies(); ringloop->submit(); } void osd_t::set_fd_handler(int fd, std::function handler) { if (handler != NULL) { bool exists = epoll_handlers.find(fd) != epoll_handlers.end(); epoll_event ev; ev.data.fd = fd; ev.events = EPOLLOUT | EPOLLIN | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET; if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, exists ? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) < 0) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("epoll_ctl: ") + strerror(errno)); } epoll_handlers[fd] = handler; } else { if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, NULL) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("epoll_ctl: ") + strerror(errno)); } epoll_handlers.erase(fd); } } void osd_t::handle_epoll_events() { io_uring_sqe *sqe = ringloop->get_sqe(); if (!sqe) { throw std::runtime_error("can't get SQE, will fall out of sync with EPOLLET"); } ring_data_t *data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data); my_uring_prep_poll_add(sqe, epoll_fd, POLLIN); data->callback = [this](ring_data_t *data) { if (data->res < 0) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("epoll failed: ") + strerror(-data->res)); } handle_epoll_events(); }; ringloop->submit(); int nfds; epoll_event events[MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS]; restart: nfds = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 0); for (int i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { if (events[i].data.fd == listen_fd) { accept_connections(); } else { auto & cb = epoll_handlers[events[i].data.fd]; cb(events[i].data.fd, events[i].events); } } if (nfds == MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS) { goto restart; } } void osd_t::accept_connections() { // Accept new connections sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t peer_addr_size = sizeof(addr); int peer_fd; while ((peer_fd = accept(listen_fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, &peer_addr_size)) >= 0) { assert(peer_fd != 0); char peer_str[256]; printf("[OSD %lu] new client %d: connection from %s port %d\n", this->osd_num, peer_fd, inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr.sin_addr, peer_str, 256), ntohs(addr.sin_port)); fcntl(peer_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(listen_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); int one = 1; setsockopt(peer_fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one)); c_cli.clients[peer_fd] = { .peer_addr = addr, .peer_port = ntohs(addr.sin_port), .peer_fd = peer_fd, .peer_state = PEER_CONNECTED, .in_buf = malloc(c_cli.receive_buffer_size), }; // Add FD to epoll set_fd_handler(peer_fd, [this](int peer_fd, int epoll_events) { c_cli.handle_peer_epoll(peer_fd, epoll_events); }); // Try to accept next connection peer_addr_size = sizeof(addr); } if (peer_fd == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("accept: ") + strerror(errno)); } } void osd_t::exec_op(osd_op_t *cur_op) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &cur_op->tv_begin); if (stopping) { // Throw operation away delete cur_op; return; } inflight_ops++; cur_op->send_list.push_back(cur_op->reply.buf, OSD_PACKET_SIZE); if (cur_op->req.hdr.magic != SECONDARY_OSD_OP_MAGIC || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode < OSD_OP_MIN || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode > OSD_OP_MAX || (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SECONDARY_READ || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SECONDARY_WRITE) && (cur_op->req.sec_rw.len > OSD_RW_MAX || cur_op->req.sec_rw.len % bs_disk_alignment || cur_op->req.sec_rw.offset % bs_disk_alignment) || (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_READ || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_WRITE || cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_DELETE) && (cur_op->req.rw.len > OSD_RW_MAX || cur_op->req.rw.len % bs_disk_alignment || cur_op->req.rw.offset % bs_disk_alignment)) { // Bad command finish_op(cur_op, -EINVAL); return; } if (readonly && cur_op->req.hdr.opcode != OSD_OP_SECONDARY_READ && cur_op->req.hdr.opcode != OSD_OP_SECONDARY_LIST && cur_op->req.hdr.opcode != OSD_OP_READ && cur_op->req.hdr.opcode != OSD_OP_SHOW_CONFIG) { // Readonly mode finish_op(cur_op, -EROFS); return; } if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_TEST_SYNC_STAB_ALL) { exec_sync_stab_all(cur_op); } else if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SHOW_CONFIG) { exec_show_config(cur_op); } else if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_READ) { continue_primary_read(cur_op); } else if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_WRITE) { continue_primary_write(cur_op); } else if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_SYNC) { continue_primary_sync(cur_op); } else if (cur_op->req.hdr.opcode == OSD_OP_DELETE) { continue_primary_del(cur_op); } else { exec_secondary(cur_op); } } void osd_t::reset_stats() { c_cli.stats = { 0 }; prev_stats = { 0 }; memset(recovery_stat_count, 0, sizeof(recovery_stat_count)); memset(recovery_stat_bytes, 0, sizeof(recovery_stat_bytes)); } void osd_t::print_stats() { for (int i = 0; i <= OSD_OP_MAX; i++) { if (c_cli.stats.op_stat_count[i] != prev_stats.op_stat_count[i]) { uint64_t avg = (c_cli.stats.op_stat_sum[i] - prev_stats.op_stat_sum[i])/(c_cli.stats.op_stat_count[i] - prev_stats.op_stat_count[i]); uint64_t bw = (c_cli.stats.op_stat_bytes[i] - prev_stats.op_stat_bytes[i]) / print_stats_interval; if (c_cli.stats.op_stat_bytes[i] != 0) { printf( "[OSD %lu] avg latency for op %d (%s): %lu us, B/W: %.2f %s\n", osd_num, i, osd_op_names[i], avg, (bw > 1024*1024*1024 ? bw/1024.0/1024/1024 : (bw > 1024*1024 ? bw/1024.0/1024 : bw/1024.0)), (bw > 1024*1024*1024 ? "GB/s" : (bw > 1024*1024 ? "MB/s" : "KB/s")) ); } else { printf("[OSD %lu] avg latency for op %d (%s): %lu us\n", osd_num, i, osd_op_names[i], avg); } prev_stats.op_stat_count[i] = c_cli.stats.op_stat_count[i]; prev_stats.op_stat_sum[i] = c_cli.stats.op_stat_sum[i]; prev_stats.op_stat_bytes[i] = c_cli.stats.op_stat_bytes[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i <= OSD_OP_MAX; i++) { if (c_cli.stats.subop_stat_count[i] != prev_stats.subop_stat_count[i]) { uint64_t avg = (c_cli.stats.subop_stat_sum[i] - prev_stats.subop_stat_sum[i])/(c_cli.stats.subop_stat_count[i] - prev_stats.subop_stat_count[i]); printf("[OSD %lu] avg latency for subop %d (%s): %ld us\n", osd_num, i, osd_op_names[i], avg); prev_stats.subop_stat_count[i] = c_cli.stats.subop_stat_count[i]; prev_stats.subop_stat_sum[i] = c_cli.stats.subop_stat_sum[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (recovery_stat_count[0][i] != recovery_stat_count[1][i]) { uint64_t bw = (recovery_stat_bytes[0][i] - recovery_stat_bytes[1][i]) / print_stats_interval; printf( "[OSD %lu] %s recovery: %.1f op/s, B/W: %.2f %s\n", osd_num, recovery_stat_names[i], (recovery_stat_count[0][i] - recovery_stat_count[1][i]) * 1.0 / print_stats_interval, (bw > 1024*1024*1024 ? bw/1024.0/1024/1024 : (bw > 1024*1024 ? bw/1024.0/1024 : bw/1024.0)), (bw > 1024*1024*1024 ? "GB/s" : (bw > 1024*1024 ? "MB/s" : "KB/s")) ); recovery_stat_count[1][i] = recovery_stat_count[0][i]; recovery_stat_bytes[1][i] = recovery_stat_bytes[0][i]; } } if (incomplete_objects > 0) { printf("[OSD %lu] %lu object(s) incomplete\n", osd_num, incomplete_objects); } if (degraded_objects > 0) { printf("[OSD %lu] %lu object(s) degraded\n", osd_num, degraded_objects); } if (misplaced_objects > 0) { printf("[OSD %lu] %lu object(s) misplaced\n", osd_num, misplaced_objects); } }