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<title>Fixed-header-table by Mark Malek</title>
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<p>jQuery plugin for tables with fixed headers </p>
<p class="view"><a href="">View the Project on GitHub <small>markmalek/Fixed-Header-Table</small></a></p>
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<h3>Why use this plugin?</h3>
<p>FixedHeaderTable in its simplest form displays a fixed header for any valid table mark-up. This is an active jQuery plugin project so expect new features and improvements to be released.
Some options include a fixed footer using the tables tfoot element or cloning the thead as a fixed footer. This plugin is meant to be lightweight, easy to use and performant.</p>
<h3>How it works.</h3>
<p>Using this plugin is very simple. All that is needed is valid table mark-up.</p>
<p>Fixed Header Table will do the rest for you. Both fixed width columns and non-fixed width columns are supported. Current browser support includes Internet explorer 6-9, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.</p>
<p>Adding an optional themeClass will add the class to the plugin wrapper. This will allow for easy theming for the table.</p>
<h2>Demo time!</h2>
<div id="tableBlock">
<table id="demo" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th>Commit Date</th>
<th>Commit Message</th>
<th>Commit Date</th>
<th>Commit Message</th>
<p>Remove the fixedHeaderTable functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.
Code example:</p>
<p>Hide the table.
Code example:</p>
<p>Show the table.
Code example:</p>
<p>This event is triggered when .fixedHeaderTable is created.
Code example:</p>
create: function() { ... }
<p>The specified class name will be added to odd rows (tr) for theming.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ altClass: 'className' });
<p>When autoShow is false the table will be hidden automatically when fixedHeaderTable is called. The table will remain hidden until .fixedHeaderTable('show') is called on it.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ autoShow: true });
<p>When cloneHeadToFoot is true the table header will be cloned and used as the table footer.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ cloneHeadToFoot: true });
<h4>fixedColumn <strong>version 1.3 only</strong>
<p>When fixedColumn is true the first column will be fixed if the table scrolls horizontally.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ fixedColumn: true });
<p>When footer is true the TFOOT of the table will be used as a fixed footer. A TFOOT must be included in the table mark-up.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ footer: true });
<p>When height is set the table thead, tbody, and optional tfoot will be equal to the height value. Height is in pixels.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ height: 500 });
<p>When width is set the table width will be equal to the width value. Width is in pixels.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ width: 500 });
<p>The specified class name will be added to the table for theming.
Code example:</p>
<pre><code>$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ themeClass: 'className' });
<p>This project is maintained by <a href="">Mark Malek</a></p>
<p><small>Hosted on GitHub Pages &mdash; Theme by <a href="">orderedlist</a></small></p>
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