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* jquery.fixedHeaderTable. The jQuery fixedHeaderTable plugin
* Copyright (c) 2010 Mark Malek
* Licensed under MIT
* jQuery authoring guidelines
* Launch : October 2009
* Version : 1.1.2 beta
* Released: TBA
* all CSS sizing (width,height) is done in pixels (px)
$.fn.fixedHeaderTable = function(options) {
var defaults = {
loader: false,
footer: false,
colBorder: true,
cloneHeaderToFooter: false,
autoResize: false,
onComplete: null
var options = $.extend(defaults, options); // get the defaults or any user set options
return this.each(function() {
var obj = $(this); // the jQuery object the user calls fixedHeaderTable on
var origWidth = obj.width();
* When the browser is resized set a javascript timeout (setTimeout()) on the build table function.
* If the browser is continuously being resized, reset the timeout. If the browser hasn't been resized
* for 200ms then exectue buildTable.
if(options.autoResize == true) {
// if true resize the table when the browser resizes
$(window).resize( function() {
if (table.resizeTable) {
// if a timeOut is active cancel it because the browser is still being resized
// setTimeout is used for resizing because some browsers will call resize() while the browser is still being resized which causes performance issues.
// if the browser hasn't been resized for 200ms then resize the table
table.resizeTable = setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
options.origWidth = obj.width();
var table = function() {
this.resizeTable; // stores the value of the resize javascript timeout (setTimeout)
function buildTable(obj,options) {
var objClass = obj.attr('class');
var hasTable = obj.find("table").size() > 0; // returns true if there is a table
var hasTHead = obj.find("thead").size() > 0; // returns true if there is a thead
var hasTBody = obj.find("tbody").size() > 0; // returns true if there is a tbody
if(hasTable && hasTHead && hasTBody) {
var parentDivWidth = obj.innerWidth(); // get the width of the parent DIV
var parentDivHeight = obj.innerHeight(); // get the height of the parent DIV
var tableBodyWidth = parentDivWidth; // width of the div surrounding the tbody (overflow:auto)
var footerHeight = 0;
jQuery('.fht_table_body tr div.icon-row a').show();
if (obj.find('div.fht_table_body').size() == 0) {
obj.wrapInner('<div class="fht_table_body"></div>');
var table = obj.find('div.fht_table_body table');
var tableWidth = parentDivWidth;
if (options.footer && !options.cloneHeaderToFooter) {
var footerId = options.footerId;
var footerHeight = obj.find('#'+footerId).outerHeight(); // store the footer height. Used later to determine the allowed height for scrolling the table
// if footer is true and its not a cloned footer
if (!options.footerId) {
// notify the developer they wanted a footer and didn't provide content
$('body').css('background', '#f00');
alert('Footer ID required');
else {
var footerId = options.footerId;
$('#'+footerId).appendTo(obj); // move the user created footer inside the table parent div.
obj.find('div.fht_table_body table thead tr:first th').each(function() {
var headerHeight = table.find('thead').outerHeight();
if (options.footer && options.cloneHeaderToFooter) {
footerHeight = headerHeight;
var tableBodyHeight = parentDivHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight;
obj.find('div.fht_table_body').css({'width':parentDivWidth + 'px', 'height':tableBodyHeight + 'px'});
if ((table.outerHeight() - headerHeight) >= tableBodyHeight) {
if ($.browser.msie == true) {
// if IE subtract 20px to compensate for the scrollbar
tableWidth = tableWidth - 20; // default width of scrollbar for IE
else if (jQuery.browser.safari == true) {
// if Safari subtract 16px to compensate for the scrollbar
tableWidth = tableWidth - 15; // default width of scrollbar for Safari
else {
// if everything else subtract 19px to compensate for the scrollbar (FireFox, Chrome, Opera etc)
tableWidth = tableWidth - 20; // default width of scrollbar for everyone else
else if (table.outerWidth() <= tableBodyWidth) {
if (obj.find('div.fht_fixed_header').size() == 0) {
obj.prepend('<div class="fht_fixed_header"><table width="'+obj.find('div.fht_table_body table').width()+'px"></table></div>');
obj.find('div.fht_fixed_header').css({'width':parentDivWidth + 'px', 'height':table.find('thead').outerHeight() + 'px'});
var i = 0;
obj.find('div.fht_table_body table thead tr:first th').each(function() {
var width = ($.browser.msie == 'true') ? $(this).width() : $(this).width() + 1;
if($(this).find('.empty-cell').size() == 0) {
$(this).wrapInner('<div class="empty-cell" style="width:' + width + 'px;"></div>');
if ($(this).is(':first-child')) {
if ($(this).is(':last-child')) {
if (table.outerHeight() < tableBodyHeight) {
var lastRowHeight = tableBodyHeight - table.outerHeight();
if (lastRowHeight > 40) {
lastRowHeight = 40;
lastRowHeight = 40;
if (table.find('tbody').children('tr.last-row').size() == 0) {
table.find('tbody').append('<tr class="last-row"></tr>');
table.find('tbody tr:first td').each(function() {
table.find('tbody tr.last-row').append('<td class="empty-cell"><div style="height:'+lastRowHeight+'px"></div></td>');
else {
table.find('tbody').children('tr.last-row').children('td.empty-cell').children('div').each(function() {
else {
var tableHeader = obj.find('div.fht_table_body table thead');
tableHeader.clone().appendTo('div.fht_fixed_header table');
obj.find('div.fht_table_body table').css({'margin-top':-(tableHeader.height())+'px'});
if (options.footer && options.cloneHeaderToFooter) {
// put cloned header here
if(options.loader) {
// if true hide the loader
$.isFunction(options.onComplete) &&;
obj.find('.fht_table_body').scroll(function() {
// if a horizontal scrollbar is present
obj.find('.fht_fixed_header table').css('margin-left',(-this.scrollLeft)+'px'); // scroll the fixed header equal to the table body's scroll offset
if (options.footer && options.cloneHeaderToFooter) {
// if a cloned footer is visible it needs to be scrolled too
obj.find('.fht_fixed_footer_border').css('margin-left',(-this.scrollLeft)+'px'); // scroll the fixed footer equal to the table body's scroll offset
else {
// you did something wrong.
$('body').css('background', '#f00');
alert('Invalid HTML. A table, thead, and tbody are required');
// For the future: build a dialog window that indicates an error in implementation with the specific error