'use strict'; var Ajv = require('./ajv'); require('./chai').should(); var coercionRules = { 'string': { 'number': [ { from: 1, to: '1' }, { from: 1.5, to: '1.5' }, { from: 2e100, to: '2e+100' } ], 'boolean': [ { from: false, to: 'false' }, { from: true, to: 'true' } ], 'null': [ { from: null, to: '' } ], 'object': [ { from: {}, to: undefined } ], 'array': [ { from: [], to: undefined }, { from: [1], to: undefined } ] }, 'number': { 'string': [ { from: '1', to: 1 }, { from: '1.5', to: 1.5 }, { from: '2e10', to: 2e10 }, { from: '1a', to: undefined }, { from: 'abc', to: undefined }, { from: '', to: undefined } ], 'boolean': [ { from: false, to: 0 }, { from: true, to: 1 } ], 'null': [ { from: null, to: 0 } ], 'object': [ { from: {}, to: undefined } ], 'array': [ { from: [], to: undefined }, { from: [true], to: undefined } ] }, 'integer': { 'string': [ { from: '1', to: 1 }, { from: '1.5', to: undefined }, { from: '2e10', to: 2e10 }, { from: '1a', to: undefined }, { from: 'abc', to: undefined }, { from: '', to: undefined } ], 'boolean': [ { from: false, to: 0 }, { from: true, to: 1 } ], 'null': [ { from: null, to: 0 } ], 'object': [ { from: {}, to: undefined } ], 'array': [ { from: [], to: undefined }, { from: ['1'], to: undefined } ] }, 'boolean': { 'string': [ { from: 'false', to: false }, { from: 'true', to: true }, { from: '', to: undefined }, { from: 'abc', to: undefined } ], 'number': [ { from: 0, to: false }, { from: 1, to: true }, { from: 2, to: undefined }, { from: 2.5, to: undefined } ], 'null': [ { from: null, to: false } ], 'object': [ { from: {}, to: undefined } ], 'array': [ { from: [], to: undefined }, { from: [0], to: undefined } ] }, 'null': { 'string': [ { from: '', to: null }, { from: 'abc', to: undefined }, { from: 'null', to: undefined } ], 'number': [ { from: 0, to: null }, { from: 1, to: undefined } ], 'boolean': [ { from: false, to: null }, { from: true, to: undefined } ], 'object': [ { from: {}, to: undefined } ], 'array': [ { from: [], to: undefined }, { from: [null], to: undefined } ] }, 'array': { 'all': [ { type: 'string', from: 'abc', to: undefined }, { type: 'number', from: 1, to: undefined }, { type: 'boolean', from: true, to: undefined }, { type: 'null', from: null, to: undefined }, { type: 'object', from: {}, to: undefined } ] }, 'object': { 'all': [ { type: 'string', from: 'abc', to: undefined }, { type: 'number', from: 1, to: undefined }, { type: 'boolean', from: true, to: undefined }, { type: 'null', from: null, to: undefined }, { type: 'array', from: [], to: undefined } ] } }; var coercionArrayRules = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(coercionRules)); coercionArrayRules.string.array = [ { from: ['abc'], to: 'abc' }, { from: [123], to: '123' }, { from: ['abc', 'def'], to: undefined }, { from: [], to: undefined } ]; coercionArrayRules.number.array = [ { from: [1.5], to: 1.5 }, { from: ['1.5'], to: 1.5 } ]; coercionArrayRules.integer.array = [ { from: [1], to: 1 }, { from: ['1'], to: 1 }, { from: [true], to: 1 }, { from: [null], to: 0 } ]; coercionArrayRules.boolean.array = [ { from: [true], to: true }, { from: ['true'], to: true }, { from: [1], to: true } ]; coercionArrayRules.null.array = [ { from: [null], to: null }, { from: [''], to: null }, { from: [0], to: null }, { from: [false], to: null } ]; coercionArrayRules.object.array = [ { from: [{}], to: undefined } ]; coercionArrayRules.array = { 'string': [ {from: 'abc', to: ['abc']} ], 'number': [ {from: 1, to: [1]} ], 'boolean': [ {from: true, to: [true]} ], 'null': [ {from: null, to: [null]} ], 'object': [ {from: {}, to: undefined} ] }; describe('Type coercion', function () { var ajv, fullAjv, instances; beforeEach(function() { ajv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: true, verbose: true }); fullAjv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: true, verbose: true, allErrors: true }); instances = [ ajv, fullAjv ]; }); it('should coerce scalar values', function() { testRules(coercionRules, function (test, schema, canCoerce/*, toType, fromType*/) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { var valid = _ajv.validate(schema, test.from); //if (valid !== canCoerce) console.log('true', toType, fromType, test, ajv.errors); valid. should.equal(canCoerce); }); }); }); it('should coerce scalar values (coerceTypes = array)', function() { ajv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: 'array', verbose: true }); fullAjv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: 'array', verbose: true, allErrors: true }); instances = [ ajv, fullAjv ]; testRules(coercionArrayRules, function (test, schema, canCoerce, toType, fromType) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { var valid = _ajv.validate(schema, test.from); if (valid !== canCoerce) console.log(toType, '.', fromType, test, schema, ajv.errors); valid. should.equal(canCoerce); }); }); }); it('should coerce values in objects/arrays and update properties/items', function() { testRules(coercionRules, function (test, schema, canCoerce/*, toType, fromType*/) { var schemaObject = { type: 'object', properties: { foo: schema } }; var schemaArray = { type: 'array', items: schema }; var schemaArrObj = { type: 'array', items: schemaObject }; instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { testCoercion(_ajv, schemaArray, [ test.from ], [ test.to ]); testCoercion(_ajv, schemaObject, { foo: test.from }, { foo: test.to }); testCoercion(_ajv, schemaArrObj, [ { foo: test.from } ], [ { foo: test.to } ]); }); function testCoercion(_ajv, _schema, fromData, toData) { var valid = _ajv.validate(_schema, fromData); //if (valid !== canCoerce) console.log(schema, fromData, toData); valid. should.equal(canCoerce); if (valid) fromData.should.eql(toData); } }); }); it('should coerce to multiple types in order', function() { var schema = { type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: [ 'number', 'boolean', 'null' ] } } }; instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { var data; _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: '1' }) .should.equal(true); data .should.eql({ foo: 1 }); _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: '1.5' }) .should.equal(true); data .should.eql({ foo: 1.5 }); _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: 'false' }) .should.equal(true); data .should.eql({ foo: false }); _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: 1 }) .should.equal(true); data .should.eql({ foo: 1 }); // no coercion _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: true }) .should.equal(true); data .should.eql({ foo: true }); // no coercion _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: null }) .should.equal(true); data .should.eql({ foo: null }); // no coercion _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: 'abc' }) .should.equal(false); data .should.eql({ foo: 'abc' }); // can't coerce _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: {} }) .should.equal(false); data .should.eql({ foo: {} }); // can't coerce _ajv.validate(schema, data = { foo: [] }) .should.equal(false); data .should.eql({ foo: [] }); // can't coerce }); }); it('should fail to coerce non-number if multiple properties/items are coerced (issue #152)', function() { var schema = { type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'number' }, bar: { type: 'number' } } }; var schema2 = { type: 'array', items: { type: 'number' } }; instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { var data = { foo: '123', bar: 'bar' }; _ajv.validate(schema, data) .should.equal(false); data .should.eql({ foo: 123, bar: 'bar' }); var data2 = [ '123', 'bar' ]; _ajv.validate(schema2, data2) .should.equal(false); data2 .should.eql([ 123, 'bar' ]); }); }); it('should update data if the schema is in ref that is not inlined', function () { instances.push(new Ajv({ coerceTypes: true, inlineRefs: false })); var schema = { type: 'object', definitions: { foo: { type: 'number' } }, properties: { foo: { $ref: '#/definitions/foo' } } }; var schema2 = { type: 'object', definitions: { foo: { // allOf is needed to make sure that "foo" is compiled to a separate function // and not simply passed through (as it would be if it were only $ref) allOf: [{ $ref: '#/definitions/bar' }] }, bar: { type: 'number' } }, properties: { foo: { $ref: '#/definitions/foo' } } }; var schemaRecursive = { type: [ 'object', 'number' ], properties: { foo: { $ref: '#' } } }; var schemaRecursive2 = { id: 'http://e.com/schema.json#', definitions: { foo: { id: 'http://e.com/foo.json#', type: [ 'object', 'number' ], properties: { foo: { $ref: '#' } } } }, properties: { foo: { $ref: 'http://e.com/foo.json#' } } }; instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { testCoercion(schema, { foo: '1' }, { foo: 1 }); testCoercion(schema2, { foo: '1' }, { foo: 1 }); testCoercion(schemaRecursive, { foo: { foo: '1' } }, { foo: { foo: 1 } }); testCoercion(schemaRecursive2, { foo: { foo: { foo: '1' } } }, { foo: { foo: { foo: 1 } } }); function testCoercion(_schema, fromData, toData) { var valid = _ajv.validate(_schema, fromData); // if (!valid) console.log(schema, fromData, toData); valid. should.equal(true); fromData .should.eql(toData); } }); }); function testRules(rules, cb) { for (var toType in rules) { for (var fromType in rules[toType]) { var tests = rules[toType][fromType]; tests.forEach(function (test) { var canCoerce = test.to !== undefined; var schema = canCoerce ? (Array.isArray(test.to) ? { "type": toType, "items": { "type": fromType, "enum": [ test.to[0] ] } } : { "type": toType, "enum": [ test.to ] }) : { type: toType }; cb(test, schema, canCoerce, toType, fromType); }); } } } });