'use strict'; var Ajv = require('./ajv') , util = require('../lib/compile/util') , setupAsync = require('ajv-async'); module.exports = getAjvInstances; var firstTime = true; var isBrowser = typeof window == 'object'; var fullTest = isBrowser || !process.env.AJV_FAST_TEST; function getAjvInstances(opts) { opts = opts || {}; var instances = []; var options = [ {}, { async: true }, { async: 'co*' }, { async: 'es7' }, { async: 'es7', transpile: 'nodent' }, { async: 'co*', allErrors: true }, { async: 'es7', allErrors: true }, { async: 'es7', transpile: 'nodent', allErrors: true } ]; var ua; try { ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); } catch(e) {} // regenerator does not work in IE9 if (!(ua && /msie\s9/.test(ua))) { options = options.concat([ { async: '*', transpile: 'regenerator' }, { async: '*', transpile: 'regenerator', allErrors: true } ]); } if (fullTest) { options = options.concat([ { async: '*' }, { allErrors: true }, { async: true, allErrors: true }, { async: '*', allErrors: true } ]); if (!(ua && /msie\s9/.test(ua))) { options = options.concat([ { async: 'co*', transpile: 'regenerator' }, { async: 'co*', transpile: 'regenerator', allErrors: true } ]); } // es7 functions transpiled with regenerator are excluded from test in Safari/Firefox/Edge/IE9. // They fail in IE9 and emit multiple 'uncaught exception' warnings in Safari/Firefox/Edge anc cause remote tests to disconnect. if (!(ua && ((/safari/.test(ua) && !/chrome|phantomjs/.test(ua)) || /firefox|edge|msie\s9/.test(ua)))) { options = options.concat([ { transpile: 'regenerator' }, { async: true, transpile: 'regenerator' }, { async: 'es7', transpile: 'regenerator' }, { transpile: 'regenerator', allErrors: true }, { async: true, transpile: 'regenerator', allErrors: true }, { async: 'es7', transpile: 'regenerator', allErrors: true } ]); } } // options = options.filter(function (_opts) { // return _opts.transpile == 'nodent'; // }); // var i = 10, repeatOptions = []; // while (i--) repeatOptions = repeatOptions.concat(options); // options = repeatOptions; options.forEach(function (_opts) { util.copy(opts, _opts); var ajv = getAjv(_opts); if (ajv) instances.push(ajv); }); if (firstTime) { var asyncModes = []; instances.forEach(function (ajv) { if (!ajv._opts.async) return; var t = ajv._opts.transpile; var mode = ajv._opts.async + (t === true ? '' : '.' + t); if (asyncModes.indexOf(mode) == -1) asyncModes.push(mode); }); console.log('Testing', instances.length, 'ajv instances:', asyncModes.join(',')); firstTime = false; } return instances; } function getAjv(opts){ try { return setupAsync(new Ajv(opts)); } catch(e) {} }