'use strict'; /* global Promise */ var Ajv = require('./ajv') , should = require('./chai').should(); describe('compileAsync method', function() { var ajv, loadCallCount; var SCHEMAS = { "http://example.com/object.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/object.json", "properties": { "a": { "type": "string" }, "b": { "$ref": "int2plus.json" } } }, "http://example.com/int2plus.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/int2plus.json", "type": "integer", "minimum": 2 }, "http://example.com/tree.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/tree.json", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "leaf.json" } }, "http://example.com/leaf.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/leaf.json", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "subtree": { "$ref": "tree.json" } } }, "http://example.com/recursive.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/recursive.json", "properties": { "b": { "$ref": "parent.json" } }, "required": ["b"] }, "http://example.com/invalid.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/recursive.json", "properties": { "invalid": { "type": "number" } }, "required": "invalid" }, "http://example.com/foobar.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/foobar.json", "$schema": "http://example.com/foobar_meta.json", "myFooBar": "foo" }, "http://example.com/foobar_meta.json": { "$id": "http://example.com/foobar_meta.json", "type": "object", "properties": { "myFooBar": { "enum": ["foo", "bar"] } } } }; beforeEach(function() { loadCallCount = 0; ajv = new Ajv({ loadSchema: loadSchema }); }); it('should compile schemas loading missing schemas with options.loadSchema function', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json" } } }; return ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, 2); validate .should.be.a('function'); validate({ a: { b: 2 } }) .should.equal(true); validate({ a: { b: 1 } }) .should.equal(false); }); }); it('should compile schemas loading missing schemas and return function via callback', function (done) { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json" } } }; ajv.compileAsync(schema, function (err, validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, 2); should.not.exist(err); validate .should.be.a('function'); validate({ a: { b: 2 } }) .should.equal(true); validate({ a: { b: 1 } }) .should.equal(false); done(); }); }); it('should correctly load schemas when missing reference has JSON path', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json#/properties/b" } } }; return ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, 2); validate .should.be.a('function'); validate({ a: 2 }) .should.equal(true); validate({ a: 1 }) .should.equal(false); }); }); it('should correctly compile with remote schemas that have mutual references', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/root.json", "properties": { "tree": { "$ref": "tree.json" } } }; return ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { validate .should.be.a('function'); var validData = { tree: [ { name: 'a', subtree: [ { name: 'a.a' } ] }, { name: 'b' } ] }; var invalidData = { tree: [ { name: 'a', subtree: [ { name: 1 } ] } ] }; validate(validData) .should.equal(true); validate(invalidData) .should.equal(false); }); }); it('should correctly compile with remote schemas that reference the compiled schema', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "recursive.json" } } }; return ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, 1); validate .should.be.a('function'); var validData = { a: { b: { a: { b: {} } } } }; var invalidData = { a: { b: { a: {} } } }; validate(validData) .should.equal(true); validate(invalidData) .should.equal(false); }); }); it('should resolve reference containing "properties" segment with the same property (issue #220)', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json#/properties/a" } } }; return ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, 2); validate .should.be.a('function'); validate({ a: 'foo' }) .should.equal(true); validate({ a: 42 }) .should.equal(false); }); }); describe('loading metaschemas (#334)', function() { it('should load metaschema if not available', function() { return test(SCHEMAS['http://example.com/foobar.json'], 1); }); it('should load metaschema of referenced schema if not available', function() { return test({ "$ref": "http://example.com/foobar.json" }, 2); }); function test(schema, expectedLoadCallCount) { ajv.addKeyword('myFooBar', { type: 'string', validate: function (sch, data) { return sch == data; } }); return ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, expectedLoadCallCount); validate .should.be.a('function'); validate('foo') .should.equal(true); validate('bar') .should.equal(false); }); } }); it('should return compiled schema on the next tick if there are no references (#51)', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/int2plus.json", "type": "integer", "minimum": 2 }; var beforeCallback1; var p1 = ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (validate) { beforeCallback1 .should.equal(true); spec(validate); var beforeCallback2; var p2 = ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(function (_validate) { beforeCallback2 .should.equal(true); spec(_validate); }); beforeCallback2 = true; return p2; }); beforeCallback1 = true; return p1; function spec(validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, 0); validate .should.be.a('function'); var validData = 2; var invalidData = 1; validate(validData) .should.equal(true); validate(invalidData) .should.equal(false); } }); it('should queue calls so only one compileAsync executes at a time (#52)', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json" } } }; return Promise.all([ ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(spec), ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(spec), ajv.compileAsync(schema).then(spec) ]); function spec(validate) { should.equal(loadCallCount, 2); validate .should.be.a('function'); validate({ a: { b: 2 } }) .should.equal(true); validate({ a: { b: 1 } }) .should.equal(false); } }); it('should throw exception if loadSchema is not passed', function (done) { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/int2plus.json", "type": "integer", "minimum": 2 }; ajv = new Ajv; should.throw(function() { ajv.compileAsync(schema, function() { done(new Error('it should have thrown exception')); }); }); setTimeout(function() { // function is needed for the test to pass in Firefox 4 done(); }); }); describe('should return error via callback', function() { it('if passed schema is invalid', function (done) { var invalidSchema = { "$id": "http://example.com/int2plus.json", "type": "integer", "minimum": "invalid" }; ajv.compileAsync(invalidSchema, shouldFail(done)); }); it('if loaded schema is invalid', function (done) { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "invalid.json" } } }; ajv.compileAsync(schema, shouldFail(done)); }); it('if required schema is loaded but the reference cannot be resolved', function (done) { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json#/definitions/not_found" } } }; ajv.compileAsync(schema, shouldFail(done)); }); it('if loadSchema returned error', function (done) { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json" } } }; ajv = new Ajv({ loadSchema: badLoadSchema }); ajv.compileAsync(schema, shouldFail(done)); function badLoadSchema() { return Promise.reject(new Error('cant load')); } }); it('if schema compilation throws some other exception', function (done) { ajv.addKeyword('badkeyword', { compile: badCompile }); var schema = { badkeyword: true }; ajv.compileAsync(schema, shouldFail(done)); function badCompile(/* schema */) { throw new Error('cant compile keyword schema'); } }); function shouldFail(done) { return function (err, validate) { should.exist(err); should.not.exist(validate); done(); }; } }); describe('should return error via promise', function() { it('if passed schema is invalid', function() { var invalidSchema = { "$id": "http://example.com/int2plus.json", "type": "integer", "minimum": "invalid" }; return shouldReject(ajv.compileAsync(invalidSchema)); }); it('if loaded schema is invalid', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "invalid.json" } } }; return shouldReject(ajv.compileAsync(schema)); }); it('if required schema is loaded but the reference cannot be resolved', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json#/definitions/not_found" } } }; return shouldReject(ajv.compileAsync(schema)); }); it('if loadSchema returned error', function() { var schema = { "$id": "http://example.com/parent.json", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "object.json" } } }; ajv = new Ajv({ loadSchema: badLoadSchema }); return shouldReject(ajv.compileAsync(schema)); function badLoadSchema() { return Promise.reject(new Error('cant load')); } }); it('if schema compilation throws some other exception', function() { ajv.addKeyword('badkeyword', { compile: badCompile }); var schema = { badkeyword: true }; return shouldReject(ajv.compileAsync(schema)); function badCompile(/* schema */) { throw new Error('cant compile keyword schema'); } }); function shouldReject(p) { return p.then( function(validate) { should.not.exist(validate); throw new Error('Promise has resolved; it should have rejected'); }, function(err) { should.exist(err); } ); } }); function loadSchema(uri) { loadCallCount++; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function() { if (SCHEMAS[uri]) resolve(SCHEMAS[uri]); else reject(new Error('404')); }, 10); }); } });