[ { "description": "boolean schema = true in properties", "schema": { "$async": true, "properties": { "foo": true } }, "tests": [ { "description": "any data is valid", "data": { "foo": 1 }, "valid": true } ] }, { "description": "boolean schema = false in properties", "schema": { "$async": true, "properties": { "foo": false } }, "tests": [ { "description": "any property is invalid", "data": { "foo": 1 }, "valid": false }, { "description": "without property is valid", "data": { "bar": 1 }, "valid": true }, { "description": "empty object is valid", "data": {}, "valid": true } ] }, { "description": "boolean schema = true in $ref", "schema": { "$async": true, "$ref": "#/definitions/true", "definitions": { "true": true } }, "tests": [ { "description": "any data is valid", "data": 1, "valid": true } ] }, { "description": "boolean schema = false in $ref", "schema": { "$async": true, "$ref": "#/definitions/false", "definitions": { "false": false } }, "tests": [ { "description": "any data is invalid", "data": 1, "valid": false } ] }, { "description": "boolean schema = true in properties with $ref", "schema": { "$async": true, "properties": { "foo": { "$ref": "#/definitions/foo" } }, "definitions": { "foo": true } }, "tests": [ { "description": "any data is valid", "data": { "foo": 1 }, "valid": true } ] }, { "description": "boolean schema = false in properties with $ref", "schema": { "$async": true, "properties": { "foo": { "$ref": "#/definitions/foo" } }, "definitions": { "foo": false } }, "tests": [ { "description": "any property is invalid", "data": { "foo": 1 }, "valid": false }, { "description": "without property is valid", "data": { "bar": 1 }, "valid": true }, { "description": "empty object is valid", "data": {}, "valid": true } ] } ]