'use strict'; var getAjvInstances = require('./ajv_instances') , should = require('./chai').should() , equal = require('../lib/compile/equal') , customRules = require('./custom_rules'); describe('Custom keywords', function () { var ajv, instances; beforeEach(function() { instances = getAjvInstances({ allErrors: true, verbose: true, inlineRefs: false }); ajv = instances[0]; }); describe('custom rules', function() { describe('rule with "interpreted" keyword validation', function() { it('should add and validate rule', function() { testEvenKeyword({ type: 'number', validate: validateEven }); function validateEven(schema, data) { if (typeof schema != 'boolean') throw new Error('The value of "even" keyword must be boolean'); return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } }); it('should add, validate keyword schema and validate rule', function() { testEvenKeyword({ type: 'number', validate: validateEven, metaSchema: { "type": "boolean" } }); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ "even": "not_boolean" }); function validateEven(schema, data) { return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } }); it('should pass parent schema to "interpreted" keyword validation', function() { testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', validate: validateRange }); function validateRange(schema, data, parentSchema) { validateRangeSchema(schema, parentSchema); return parentSchema.exclusiveRange === true ? data > schema[0] && data < schema[1] : data >= schema[0] && data <= schema[1]; } }); it('should validate meta schema and pass parent schema to "interpreted" keyword validation', function() { testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', validate: validateRange, metaSchema: { "type": "array", "items": [ { "type": "number" }, { "type": "number" } ], "additionalItems": false } }); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ range: [ "1", 2 ] }); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ range: {} }); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ range: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }); function validateRange(schema, data, parentSchema) { return parentSchema.exclusiveRange === true ? data > schema[0] && data < schema[1] : data >= schema[0] && data <= schema[1]; } }); it('should allow defining custom errors for "interpreted" keyword', function() { testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', validate: validateRange }, true); function validateRange(schema, data, parentSchema) { validateRangeSchema(schema, parentSchema); var min = schema[0] , max = schema[1] , exclusive = parentSchema.exclusiveRange === true; var minOk = exclusive ? data > min : data >= min; var maxOk = exclusive ? data < max : data <= max; var valid = minOk && maxOk; if (!valid) { var err = { keyword: 'range' }; validateRange.errors = [err]; var comparison, limit; if (minOk) { comparison = exclusive ? '<' : '<='; limit = max; } else { comparison = exclusive ? '>' : '>='; limit = min; } err.message = 'should be ' + comparison + ' ' + limit; err.params = { comparison: comparison, limit: limit, exclusive: exclusive }; } return valid; } }); }); describe('rule with "compiled" keyword validation', function() { it('should add and validate rule', function() { testEvenKeyword({ type: 'number', compile: compileEven }); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ "even": "not_boolean" }); function compileEven(schema) { if (typeof schema != 'boolean') throw new Error('The value of "even" keyword must be boolean'); return schema ? isEven : isOdd; } function isEven(data) { return data % 2 === 0; } function isOdd(data) { return data % 2 !== 0; } }); it('should add, validate keyword schema and validate rule', function() { testEvenKeyword({ type: 'number', compile: compileEven, metaSchema: { "type": "boolean" } }); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ "even": "not_boolean" }); function compileEven(schema) { return schema ? isEven : isOdd; } function isEven(data) { return data % 2 === 0; } function isOdd(data) { return data % 2 !== 0; } }); it('should compile keyword validating function only once per schema', function () { testConstantKeyword({ compile: compileConstant }); }); it('should allow multiple schemas for the same keyword', function () { testMultipleConstantKeyword({ compile: compileConstant }); }); it('should pass parent schema to "compiled" keyword validation', function() { testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', compile: compileRange }); }); it('should allow multiple parent schemas for the same keyword', function () { testMultipleRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', compile: compileRange }); }); }); function compileConstant(schema) { return typeof schema == 'object' && schema !== null ? isDeepEqual : isStrictEqual; function isDeepEqual(data) { return equal(data, schema); } function isStrictEqual(data) { return data === schema; } } function compileRange(schema, parentSchema) { validateRangeSchema(schema, parentSchema); var min = schema[0]; var max = schema[1]; return parentSchema.exclusiveRange === true ? function (data) { return data > min && data < max; } : function (data) { return data >= min && data <= max; }; } }); describe('macro rules', function() { it('should add and validate rule with "macro" keyword', function() { testEvenKeyword({ type: 'number', macro: macroEven }, 2); }); it('should add and expand macro rule', function() { testConstantKeyword({ macro: macroConstant }, 2); }); it('should allow multiple schemas for the same macro keyword', function () { testMultipleConstantKeyword({ macro: macroConstant }, 2); }); it('should pass parent schema to "macro" keyword', function() { testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', macro: macroRange }, undefined, 2); }); it('should allow multiple parent schemas for the same macro keyword', function () { testMultipleRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', macro: macroRange }, 2); }); it('should recursively expand macro keywords', function() { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('deepProperties', { type: 'object', macro: macroDeepProperties }); _ajv.addKeyword('range', { type: 'number', macro: macroRange }); var schema = { "deepProperties": { "a.b.c": { "type": "number", "range": [2,4] }, "d.e.f.g": { "type": "string" } } }; /* This schema recursively expands to: { "allOf": [ { "properties": { "a": { "properties": { "b": { "properties": { "c": { "type": "number", "minimum": 2, "exclusiveMinimum": false, "maximum": 4, "exclusiveMaximum": false } } } } } } }, { "properties": { "d": { "properties": { "e": { "properties": { "f": { "properties": { "g": { "type": "string" } } } } } } } } } ] } */ var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, { a: {b: {c: 3}}, d: {e: {f: {g: 'foo'}}} }); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { a: {b: {c: 5}}, // out of range d: {e: {f: {g: 'foo'}}} }, 5); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { a: {b: {c: 'bar'}}, // not number d: {e: {f: {g: 'foo'}}} }, 4); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { a: {b: {c: 3}}, d: {e: {f: {g: 2}}} // not string }, 5); function macroDeepProperties(_schema) { if (typeof _schema != 'object') throw new Error('schema of deepProperty should be an object'); var expanded = []; for (var prop in _schema) { var path = prop.split('.'); var properties = {}; if (path.length == 1) { properties[prop] = _schema[prop]; } else { var deepProperties = {}; deepProperties[path.slice(1).join('.')] = _schema[prop]; properties[path[0]] = { "deepProperties": deepProperties }; } expanded.push({ "properties": properties }); } return expanded.length == 1 ? expanded[0] : { "allOf": expanded }; } }); }); it('should correctly expand multiple macros on the same level', function() { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('range', { type: 'number', macro: macroRange }); _ajv.addKeyword('even', { type: 'number', macro: macroEven }); var schema = { "range": [4,6], "even": true }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); var numErrors = _ajv._opts.allErrors ? 4 : 2; shouldBeInvalid(validate, 2, 2); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 3, numErrors); shouldBeValid(validate, 4); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 5, 2); shouldBeValid(validate, 6); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 7, numErrors); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 8, 2); }); }); it('should validate macro keyword when it resolves to the same keyword as exists', function() { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('range', { type: 'number', macro: macroRange }); var schema = { "range": [1,4], "minimum": 2.5 }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, 3); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 2); }); }); it('should correctly expand macros in subschemas', function() { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('range', { type: 'number', macro: macroRange }); var schema = { "allOf": [ { "range": [4,8] }, { "range": [2,6] } ] }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 2, 2); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 3, 2); shouldBeValid(validate, 4); shouldBeValid(validate, 5); shouldBeValid(validate, 6); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 7, 2); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 8, 2); }); }); it('should correctly expand macros in macro expansions', function() { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('range', { type: 'number', macro: macroRange }); _ajv.addKeyword('contains', { type: 'array', macro: macroContains }); var schema = { "contains": { "type": "number", "range": [4,7], "exclusiveRange": true } }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeInvalid(validate, [1,2,3], 2); shouldBeInvalid(validate, [2,3,4], 2); shouldBeValid(validate, [3,4,5]); // only 5 is in range shouldBeValid(validate, [6,7,8]); // only 6 is in range shouldBeInvalid(validate, [7,8,9], 2); shouldBeInvalid(validate, [8,9,10], 2); function macroContains(_schema) { return { "not": { "items": { "not": _schema } } }; } }); }); it('should throw exception if macro expansion is an invalid schema', function() { ajv.addKeyword('invalid', { macro: macroInvalid }); var schema = { "invalid": true }; should.throw(function() { ajv.compile(schema); }); function macroInvalid(/* schema */) { return { "type": "invalid" }; } }); function macroEven(schema) { if (schema === true) return { "multipleOf": 2 }; if (schema === false) return { "not": { "multipleOf": 2 } }; throw new Error('Schema for "even" keyword should be boolean'); } function macroConstant(schema/*, parentSchema */) { return { "enum": [schema] }; } function macroRange(schema, parentSchema) { validateRangeSchema(schema, parentSchema); var exclusive = !!parentSchema.exclusiveRange; return { minimum: schema[0], exclusiveMinimum: exclusive, maximum: schema[1], exclusiveMaximum: exclusive }; } }); describe('inline rules', function() { it('should add and validate rule with "inline" code keyword', function() { testEvenKeyword({ type: 'number', inline: inlineEven }); }); it('should pass parent schema to "inline" keyword', function() { testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', inline: inlineRange, statements: true }); }); it('should define "inline" keyword as template', function() { var inlineRangeTemplate = customRules.range; testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', inline: inlineRangeTemplate, statements: true }); }); it('should define "inline" keyword without errors', function() { var inlineRangeTemplate = customRules.range; testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', inline: inlineRangeTemplate, statements: true, errors: false }); }); it('should allow defining optional errors', function() { var inlineRangeTemplate = customRules.rangeWithErrors; testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', inline: inlineRangeTemplate, statements: true }, true); }); it('should allow defining required errors', function() { var inlineRangeTemplate = customRules.rangeWithErrors; testRangeKeyword({ type: 'number', inline: inlineRangeTemplate, statements: true, errors: true }, true); }); function inlineEven(it, keyword, schema) { var op = schema ? '===' : '!=='; return 'data' + (it.dataLevel || '') + ' % 2 ' + op + ' 0'; } function inlineRange(it, keyword, schema, parentSchema) { var min = schema[0] , max = schema[1] , data = 'data' + (it.dataLevel || '') , gt = parentSchema.exclusiveRange ? ' > ' : ' >= ' , lt = parentSchema.exclusiveRange ? ' < ' : ' <= '; return 'var valid' + it.level + ' = ' + data + gt + min + ' && ' + data + lt + max + ';'; } }); describe('$data reference support with custom keywords (v5 only)', function() { beforeEach(function() { instances = getAjvInstances({ allErrors: true, verbose: true, inlineRefs: false }, { v5: true }); ajv = instances[0]; }); it('should validate "interpreted" rule', function() { testEvenKeyword$data({ type: 'number', $data: true, validate: validateEven }); function validateEven(schema, data) { if (typeof schema != 'boolean') return false; return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } }); it('should validate rule with "compile" and "validate" funcs', function() { var compileCalled; testEvenKeyword$data({ type: 'number', $data: true, compile: compileEven, validate: validateEven }); compileCalled .should.equal(true); function validateEven(schema, data) { if (typeof schema != 'boolean') return false; return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } function compileEven(schema) { compileCalled = true; if (typeof schema != 'boolean') throw new Error('The value of "even" keyword must be boolean'); return schema ? isEven : isOdd; } function isEven(data) { return data % 2 === 0; } function isOdd(data) { return data % 2 !== 0; } }); it('should validate with "compile" and "validate" funcs with meta-schema', function() { var compileCalled; testEvenKeyword$data({ type: 'number', $data: true, compile: compileEven, validate: validateEven, metaSchema: { "type": "boolean" } }); compileCalled .should.equal(true); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ "even": "false" }); function validateEven(schema, data) { return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } function compileEven(schema) { compileCalled = true; return schema ? isEven : isOdd; } function isEven(data) { return data % 2 === 0; } function isOdd(data) { return data % 2 !== 0; } }); it('should validate rule with "macro" and "validate" funcs', function() { var macroCalled; testEvenKeyword$data({ type: 'number', $data: true, macro: macroEven, validate: validateEven }, 2); macroCalled .should.equal(true); function validateEven(schema, data) { if (typeof schema != 'boolean') return false; return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } function macroEven(schema) { macroCalled = true; if (schema === true) return { "multipleOf": 2 }; if (schema === false) return { "not": { "multipleOf": 2 } }; throw new Error('Schema for "even" keyword should be boolean'); } }); it('should validate with "macro" and "validate" funcs with meta-schema', function() { var macroCalled; testEvenKeyword$data({ type: 'number', $data: true, macro: macroEven, validate: validateEven, metaSchema: { "type": "boolean" } }, 2); macroCalled .should.equal(true); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ "even": "false" }); function validateEven(schema, data) { return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } function macroEven(schema) { macroCalled = true; if (schema === true) return { "multipleOf": 2 }; if (schema === false) return { "not": { "multipleOf": 2 } }; } }); it('should validate rule with "inline" and "validate" funcs', function() { var inlineCalled; testEvenKeyword$data({ type: 'number', $data: true, inline: inlineEven, validate: validateEven }); inlineCalled .should.equal(true); function validateEven(schema, data) { if (typeof schema != 'boolean') return false; return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } function inlineEven(it, keyword, schema) { inlineCalled = true; var op = schema ? '===' : '!=='; return 'data' + (it.dataLevel || '') + ' % 2 ' + op + ' 0'; } }); it('should validate with "inline" and "validate" funcs with meta-schema', function() { var inlineCalled; testEvenKeyword$data({ type: 'number', $data: true, inline: inlineEven, validate: validateEven, metaSchema: { "type": "boolean" } }); inlineCalled .should.equal(true); shouldBeInvalidSchema({ "even": "false" }); function validateEven(schema, data) { return data % 2 ? !schema : schema; } function inlineEven(it, keyword, schema) { inlineCalled = true; var op = schema ? '===' : '!=='; return 'data' + (it.dataLevel || '') + ' % 2 ' + op + ' 0'; } }); it('should fail if keyword definition has "$data" but no "validate"', function() { should.throw(function() { ajv.addKeyword('even', { type: 'number', $data: true, macro: function() { return {}; } }); }); }); }); function testEvenKeyword(definition, numErrors) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('even', definition); var schema = { "even": true }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, 2); shouldBeValid(validate, 'abc'); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 2.5, numErrors); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 3, numErrors); }); } function testEvenKeyword$data(definition, numErrors) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('even', definition); var schema = { "even": true }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, 2); shouldBeValid(validate, 'abc'); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 2.5, numErrors); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 3, numErrors); schema = { "properties": { "data": { "even": { "$data": "1/evenValue" } }, "evenValue": {} } }; validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, { data: 2, evenValue: true }); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { data: 2, evenValue: false }); shouldBeValid(validate, { data: 'abc', evenValue: true }); shouldBeValid(validate, { data: 'abc', evenValue: false }); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { data: 2.5, evenValue: true }); shouldBeValid(validate, { data: 2.5, evenValue: false }); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { data: 3, evenValue: true }); shouldBeValid(validate, { data: 3, evenValue: false }); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { data: 2, evenValue: "true" }); }); } function testConstantKeyword(definition, numErrors) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('constant', definition); var schema = { "constant": "abc" }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, 'abc'); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 2, numErrors); shouldBeInvalid(validate, {}, numErrors); }); } function testMultipleConstantKeyword(definition, numErrors) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('constant', definition); var schema = { "properties": { "a": { "constant": 1 }, "b": { "constant": 1 } }, "additionalProperties": { "constant": { "foo": "bar" } }, "items": { "constant": { "foo": "bar" } } }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, {a:1, b:1}); shouldBeInvalid(validate, {a:2, b:1}, numErrors); shouldBeValid(validate, {a:1, c: {foo: 'bar'}}); shouldBeInvalid(validate, {a:1, c: {foo: 'baz'}}, numErrors); shouldBeValid(validate, [{foo: 'bar'}]); shouldBeValid(validate, [{foo: 'bar'}, {foo: 'bar'}]); shouldBeInvalid(validate, [1], numErrors); }); } function testRangeKeyword(definition, customErrors, numErrors) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('range', definition); var schema = { "range": [2, 4] }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, 2); shouldBeValid(validate, 3); shouldBeValid(validate, 4); shouldBeValid(validate, 'abc'); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 1.99, numErrors); if (customErrors) shouldBeRangeError(validate.errors[0], '', '#/range', '>=', 2); shouldBeInvalid(validate, 4.01, numErrors); if (customErrors) shouldBeRangeError(validate.errors[0], '', '#/range','<=', 4); schema = { "properties": { "foo": { "range": [2, 4], "exclusiveRange": true } } }; validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, { foo: 2.01 }); shouldBeValid(validate, { foo: 3 }); shouldBeValid(validate, { foo: 3.99 }); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { foo: 2 }, numErrors); if (customErrors) shouldBeRangeError(validate.errors[0], '.foo', '#/properties/foo/range', '>', 2, true); shouldBeInvalid(validate, { foo: 4 }, numErrors); if (customErrors) shouldBeRangeError(validate.errors[0], '.foo', '#/properties/foo/range', '<', 4, true); }); } function testMultipleRangeKeyword(definition, numErrors) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { _ajv.addKeyword('range', definition); var schema = { "properties": { "a": { "range": [2, 4], "exclusiveRange": true }, "b": { "range": [2, 4], "exclusiveRange": false } }, "additionalProperties": { "range": [5, 7] }, "items": { "range": [5, 7] } }; var validate = _ajv.compile(schema); shouldBeValid(validate, {a:3.99, b:4}); shouldBeInvalid(validate, {a:4, b:4}, numErrors); shouldBeValid(validate, {a:2.01, c: 7}); shouldBeInvalid(validate, {a:2.01, c: 7.01}, numErrors); shouldBeValid(validate, [5, 6, 7]); shouldBeInvalid(validate, [7.01], numErrors); }); } function shouldBeRangeError(error, dataPath, schemaPath, comparison, limit, exclusive) { delete error.schema; delete error.data; error .should.eql({ keyword: 'range', dataPath: dataPath, schemaPath: schemaPath, message: 'should be ' + comparison + ' ' + limit, params: { comparison: comparison, limit: limit, exclusive: !!exclusive } }); } function validateRangeSchema(schema, parentSchema) { var schemaValid = Array.isArray(schema) && schema.length == 2 && typeof schema[0] == 'number' && typeof schema[1] == 'number'; if (!schemaValid) throw new Error('Invalid schema for range keyword, should be array of 2 numbers'); var exclusiveRangeSchemaValid = parentSchema.exclusiveRange === undefined || typeof parentSchema.exclusiveRange == 'boolean'; if (!exclusiveRangeSchemaValid) throw new Error('Invalid schema for exclusiveRange keyword, should be bolean'); } function shouldBeValid(validate, data) { validate(data) .should.equal(true); should.not.exist(validate.errors); } function shouldBeInvalid(validate, data, numErrors) { validate(data) .should.equal(false); validate.errors .should.have.length(numErrors || 1); } function shouldBeInvalidSchema(schema) { instances.forEach(function (_ajv) { should.throw(function() { _ajv.compile(schema); }); }); } describe('addKeyword method', function() { var TEST_TYPES = [ undefined, 'number', 'string', 'boolean', ['number', 'string']]; it('should throw if defined keyword is passed', function() { testThrow(['minimum', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'minLength', 'maxLength']); testThrowDuplicate('custom'); function testThrow(keywords) { TEST_TYPES.forEach(function (dataType, index) { should.throw(function(){ addKeyword(keywords[index], dataType); }); }); } function testThrowDuplicate(keywordPrefix) { var index = 0; TEST_TYPES.forEach(function (dataType1) { TEST_TYPES.forEach(function (dataType2) { var keyword = keywordPrefix + (index++); addKeyword(keyword, dataType1); should.throw(function() { addKeyword(keyword, dataType2); }); }); }); } }); it('should throw if keyword is not a valid identifier', function() { should.not.throw(function() { ajv.addKeyword('mykeyword', { validate: function() { return true; } }); }); should.throw(function() { ajv.addKeyword('my-keyword', { validate: function() { return true; } }); }); }); it('should throw if unknown type is passed', function() { should.throw(function() { addKeyword('custom1', 'wrongtype'); }); should.throw(function() { addKeyword('custom2', ['number', 'wrongtype']); }); should.throw(function() { addKeyword('custom3', ['number', undefined]); }); }); function addKeyword(keyword, dataType) { ajv.addKeyword(keyword, { type: dataType, validate: function() {} }); } }); });