
185 lines
6.3 KiB

'use strict';
var Ajv = require('../lib/ajv')
, should = require('chai').should();
describe('Ajv', function () {
var ajv;
beforeEach(function() {
ajv = Ajv();
it('should create instance', function() {
ajv .should.be.instanceof(Ajv);
describe('compile method', function() {
it('should compile schema and return validating function', function() {
var validate = ajv.compile({ type: 'integer' });
validate .should.be.a('function');
validate(1) .should.equal(true);
validate(1.1) .should.equal(false);
validate('1') .should.equal(false);
it('should cache compiled functions for the same schema', function() {
var v1 = ajv.compile({ id: '//e.com/int.json', type: 'integer', minimum: 1 });
var v2 = ajv.compile({ id: '//e.com/int.json', minimum: 1, type: 'integer' });
v1 .should.equal(v2);
it('should throw if different schema has the same id', function() {
ajv.compile({ id: '//e.com/int.json', type: 'integer' });
should.throw(function() {
ajv.compile({ id: '//e.com/int.json', type: 'integer', minimum: 1 });
it.skip('should throw if schema is invalid', function() {
should.throw(function() {
ajv.compile({ type: null });
describe('validate method', function() {
it('should compile schema and validate data against it', function() {
ajv.validate({ type: 'integer' }, 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate({ type: 'integer' }, '1') .should.equal(false);
ajv.validate({ type: 'string' }, 'a') .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate({ type: 'string' }, 1) .should.equal(false);
it('should validate against previously compiled schema by id (also see addSchema)', function() {
ajv.validate({ id: '//e.com/int.json', type: 'integer' }, 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', '1') .should.equal(false);
ajv.compile({ id: '//e.com/str.json', type: 'string' }) .should.be.a('function');
ajv.validate('//e.com/str.json', 'a') .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/str.json', 1) .should.equal(false);
describe('addSchema method', function() {
it('should add and compile schema with key', function() {
var validate = ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' }, 'int');
validate .should.be.a('function');
validate(1) .should.equal(true);
validate(1.1) .should.equal(false);
validate('1') .should.equal(false);
ajv.validate('int', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('int', '1') .should.equal(false);
it('should add and compile schema without key', function() {
var validate = ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' });
ajv.validate('', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('', '1') .should.equal(false);
it('should add and compile schema with id', function() {
var validate = ajv.addSchema({ id: '//e.com/int.json', type: 'integer' });
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', '1') .should.equal(false);
it('should normalize schema keys and ids', function() {
var validate = ajv.addSchema({ id: '//e.com/int.json#', type: 'integer' }, 'int#');
ajv.validate('int', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('int', '1') .should.equal(false);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', '1') .should.equal(false);
ajv.validate('int#/', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('int#/', '1') .should.equal(false);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json#/', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json#/', '1') .should.equal(false);
it('should add and compile array of schemas with ids', function() {
var validators = ajv.addSchema([
{ id: '//e.com/int.json', type: 'integer' },
{ id: '//e.com/str.json', type: 'string' }
validators .should.be.an('array').with.length(2);
validators[0](1) .should.equal(true);
validators[0]('1') .should.equal(false);
validators[1]('a') .should.equal(true);
validators[1](1) .should.equal(false);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', 1) .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/int.json', '1') .should.equal(false);
ajv.validate('//e.com/str.json', 'a') .should.equal(true);
ajv.validate('//e.com/str.json', 1) .should.equal(false);
it('should throw on duplicate key', function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' }, 'int');
should.throw(function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer', minimum: 1 }, 'int');
it('should throw on duplicate normalized key', function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'number' }, 'num');
should.throw(function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' }, 'num#');
should.throw(function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' }, 'num#/');
it('should allow only one schema without key and id', function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'number' });
should.throw(function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' });
should.throw(function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' }, '');
should.throw(function() {
ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' }, '#');
describe('getSchema method', function() {
it('should return compiled schema by key', function() {
var validate = ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' }, 'int');
var v = ajv.getSchema('int');
v .should.equal(validate);
v(1) .should.equal(true);
v('1') .should.equal(false);
it('should return compiled schema by id or ref', function() {
var validate = ajv.addSchema({ id: '//e.com/int.json', type: 'integer' });
var v = ajv.getSchema('//e.com/int.json');
v .should.equal(validate);
v(1) .should.equal(true);
v('1') .should.equal(false);
it('should return compiled schema without key or with empty key', function() {
var validate = ajv.addSchema({ type: 'integer' });
var v = ajv.getSchema('');
v .should.equal(validate);
v(1) .should.equal(true);
v('1') .should.equal(false);
var v = ajv.getSchema();
v .should.equal(validate);