
168 lines
4.8 KiB

'use strict';
var Ajv = require('../ajv');
var should = require('../chai').should();
describe('referenced schema options', function() {
describe('extendRefs', function() {
describe('= true', function() {
it('should allow extending $ref with other keywords', function() {
test(new Ajv({ extendRefs: true }), true);
it('should NOT log warning if extendRefs is true', function() {
testWarning(new Ajv({ extendRefs: true }));
describe('= "ignore" and default', function() {
it('should ignore other keywords when $ref is used', function() {
test(new Ajv);
test(new Ajv({ extendRefs: 'ignore' }), false);
it('should log warning when other keywords are used with $ref', function() {
testWarning(new Ajv, /keywords\signored/);
testWarning(new Ajv({ extendRefs: 'ignore' }), /keywords\signored/);
describe('= "fail"', function() {
it('should fail schema compilation if other keywords are used with $ref', function() {
testFail(new Ajv({ extendRefs: 'fail' }));
function testFail(ajv) {
should.throw(function() {
var schema = {
"definitions": {
"int": { "type": "integer" }
"$ref": "#/definitions/int",
"minimum": 10
should.not.throw(function() {
var schema = {
"definitions": {
"int": { "type": "integer" }
"allOf": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/int" },
{ "minimum": 10 }
function test(ajv, shouldExtendRef) {
var schema = {
"definitions": {
"int": { "type": "integer" }
"$ref": "#/definitions/int",
"minimum": 10
var validate = ajv.compile(schema);
validate(10) .should.equal(true);
validate(1) .should.equal(!shouldExtendRef);
schema = {
"definitions": {
"int": { "type": "integer" }
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/int",
"minimum": 10
"bar": {
"allOf": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/int" },
{ "minimum": 10 }
validate = ajv.compile(schema);
validate({ foo: 10, bar: 10 }) .should.equal(true);
validate({ foo: 1, bar: 10 }) .should.equal(!shouldExtendRef);
validate({ foo: 10, bar: 1 }) .should.equal(false);
function testWarning(ajv, msgPattern) {
var oldConsole;
try {
oldConsole = console.warn;
var consoleMsg;
console.warn = function() {
consoleMsg = Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ' ');
var schema = {
"definitions": {
"int": { "type": "integer" }
"$ref": "#/definitions/int",
"minimum": 10
if (msgPattern) consoleMsg .should.match(msgPattern);
else should.not.exist(consoleMsg);
} finally {
console.warn = oldConsole;
describe('missingRefs', function() {
it('should throw if ref is missing without this option', function() {
var ajv = new Ajv;
should.throw(function() {
ajv.compile({ $ref: 'missing_reference' });
it('should not throw and pass validation with missingRef == "ignore"', function() {
testMissingRefsIgnore(new Ajv({ missingRefs: 'ignore' }));
testMissingRefsIgnore(new Ajv({ missingRefs: 'ignore', allErrors: true }));
function testMissingRefsIgnore(ajv) {
var validate = ajv.compile({ $ref: 'missing_reference' });
validate({}) .should.equal(true);
it('should not throw and fail validation with missingRef == "fail" if the ref is used', function() {
testMissingRefsFail(new Ajv({ missingRefs: 'fail' }));
testMissingRefsFail(new Ajv({ missingRefs: 'fail', verbose: true }));
testMissingRefsFail(new Ajv({ missingRefs: 'fail', allErrors: true }));
testMissingRefsFail(new Ajv({ missingRefs: 'fail', allErrors: true, verbose: true }));
function testMissingRefsFail(ajv) {
var validate = ajv.compile({
anyOf: [
{ type: 'number' },
{ $ref: 'missing_reference' }
validate(123) .should.equal(true);
validate('foo') .should.equal(false);
validate = ajv.compile({ $ref: 'missing_reference' });
validate({}) .should.equal(false);