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2021-08-28 15:43:20 +03:00
# Automatic Babel-based Translation Generator for JS/JSX
The idea: Writing software in Russian is cool because Cyrillic letters differ
from Latin. This means you can extract all strings that need localisation
automatically, without manually wrapping all messages into `_()` or
`<LocalizedMessage />` or anything else.
The same is also true for other languages with an alphabet different from Latin. :)
This Babel plugin implements this idea in practice.
# Usage
First install the plugin and include it into your Babel configuration. For example, in `.babelrc`:
{ ..., "plugins": [ ..., "react-translate" ] }
Or, if you want to specify options:
{ ..., "plugins": [ ..., [ "react-translate", { "output": "strings.json", "regexp": "[А-ЯЁа-яё]" } ] ] }
Then build your project as usual.
The plugin extracts all strings that match the given regexp and puts them
into the file specified by the `output` option (`react-translate-output.json`
by default), relative to the build root (directory containing package.json).
At the same time, the plugin replaces extracted strings with `L("message", param1, ..., paramN)`
function calls in the compilation result.
Now you just have to look into `strings.json`, translate strings from it into
desired languages and feed them to the plugin at runtime with:
import { L, setLanguage, setFallback, setStrings } from 'babel-plugin-react-translate/runtime';
setStrings('en', { "Автор": "Author" });
// Now L() will translate Автор into Author:
L("Автор") == "Author";
Type of `strings.json` contents is `{ [filename: string]: string[] }` (TS).
I.e. it contains a JSON object with keys equal to source file names and values
equal to arrays of strings found in the corresponding file.
The plugin handles the following cases:
1. Simple string literals: `'Привет'` becomes `L("Привет")`.
2. Template literals: `` `Привет, ${name}!` `` becomes `L("Привет, {1}!", name)`.
3. Concatenated string literals: `'Привет, '+name+'!'` also becomes `L("Привет, {1}!", name)`.
4. JSX text: `<span>Привет!</span>` becomes `<span>{L("Привет!")}</span>`.
You can also use `L()` manually to handle more complex scenarios.
# Plural Forms
L() supports pluralisation, the syntax is `{N:<arg>:<one>:<few>:<many>}` (Russian and other
languages have different plural forms for "few" (2-4) and "many" objects). Example:
L("У меня {1} {N:1:брат:брата:братьев}!", 155)
You can also use it manually:
import { plural } from 'babel-plugin-react-translate/runtime';
console.log(plural(155, 'брат', 'брата', 'братьев'));
2021-11-08 00:39:35 +03:00
It would be interesting to support React interpolation, like:
```L('User $1 created new project', <a href="/user/1/">{}</a>)```
`<>User <a href="/user/1/">{}</a> created new project</>`
2021-08-28 15:43:20 +03:00
# License and author
Author: Vitaliy Filippov, 2021+
License: GNU LGPLv3.0