// babel-plugin-react-translate // (c) Vitaliy Filippov 2021+ // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 const fs = require('fs'); module.exports = function(babel) { const t = babel.types; const importAdded = new WeakSet(); const arg0 = new WeakSet(); const regexp = new WeakMap(); const ru = /[А-ЯЁа-яё]/; const strings = {}; const getRegexp = function(state) { let re = regexp.get(state.opts); if (!re) { re = new RegExp(state.opts.regexp || '[А-ЯЁа-яё]'); regexp.set(state.opts, re); } return re; }; const splitWhite = function(str) { let l = /^\s+/.exec(str), r = /\s+$/.exec(str); l = l ? l[0] : ''; r = r ? r[0] : ''; return [ l, str.substr(l.length, str.length-r.length-l.length), r ]; }; const withWhite = function(l, repl, r) { if (l) repl = t.binaryExpression('+', t.stringLiteral(l), repl); if (r) repl = t.binaryExpression('+', repl, t.stringLiteral(r)); return repl; }; const addString = function(path, str) { strings[path.hub.file.opts.filename][str] = str; }; const addImport = function(path) { const program = path.findParent(p => t.isProgram(p)); if (!program) { throw new Error(' AST element not found, can\'t add import'); } if (!importAdded.has(program)) { program.unshiftContainer('body', t.importDeclaration( [ t.importSpecifier(t.identifier('L'), t.identifier('L')) ], t.stringLiteral('babel-plugin-react-translate/runtime') )); importAdded.add(program); } }; return { visitor: { Program: { enter(path, state) { strings[path.hub.file.opts.filename] = {}; }, exit(path, state) { let found = false; for (let k in strings[path.hub.file.opts.filename]) { found = true; break; } if (!found) delete strings[path.hub.file.opts.filename]; const arrays = { ...strings }; for (let k in arrays) arrays[k] = Object.keys(arrays[k]); fs.writeFileSync( path.hub.file.opts.root+'/'+(state.opts['output'] || 'react-translate-output.json'), JSON.stringify(arrays, null, 2) ); }, }, // Convert concatenated string literals and expressions to localization calls with arguments // I.e. 'Really delete '+item.name+'?' -> L('Really delete {1}?', item.name) BinaryExpression(path, state) { if (path.node.operator === '+') { let added = [ path.node.left, path.node.right ]; for (let i = 0; i < added.length; i++) { if (t.isBinaryExpression(added[i]) && added[i].operator === '+') { added.splice(i, 1, added[i].left, added[i].right); i--; } } let ru = getRegexp(state); let i18n = false; for (let i = 0; i < added.length; i++) { if (t.isStringLiteral(added[i]) && ru.exec(added[i].value)) { i18n = true; break; } } if (i18n) { let tpl = '', expressions = []; let lit = true, i = 0; while (i < added.length) { if (lit) { let text = ''; while (i < added.length && t.isStringLiteral(added[i])) text += added[i++].value; tpl += text; } else { let expr = null; while (i < added.length && !t.isStringLiteral(added[i])) expr = expr ? t.binaryExpression('+', expr, added[i++]) : added[i++]; expressions.push(expr); tpl += '{'+expressions.length+'}'; } lit = !lit; } let [ lwhite, text, rwhite ] = splitWhite(tpl); addString(path, text); text = t.stringLiteral(text); // Stop the string literal from being visited again arg0.add(text); let repl = t.callExpression(t.identifier('L'), [ text, ...expressions ]); repl = withWhite(lwhite, repl, rwhite); path.replaceWith(repl); } } }, // Convert simple string literals to localization calls // I.e. "Hello" -> L("Hello") Literal(path, state) { let ru = getRegexp(state); if (ru.exec(path.node.value)) { const parent = path.findParent(() => true); const isJSX = parent.isJSXAttribute(); if (isJSX || !arg0.has(path.node) && !path.findParent(parent => arg0.has(parent.node))) { const [ lwhite, text, rwhite ] = splitWhite(path.node.value); addString(path, text); addImport(path); let repl = t.callExpression(t.identifier('L'), [ t.stringLiteral(text) ]); repl = withWhite(lwhite, repl, rwhite); if (isJSX) path.replaceWith(t.jsxExpressionContainer(repl)); else { // Stop the original string from being visited again arg0.add(repl); path.replaceWith(repl); } } } }, CallExpression(path) { if (path.node.callee.type === 'Identifier' && path.node.callee.name === 'L') { // Skip the first argument arg0.add(path.node.arguments[0]); } }, // Convert simple JSX literals to localization calls // I.e. Text -> {L("Text")} JSXText(path, state) { let ru = getRegexp(state); if (ru.exec(path.node.value)) { const [ lwhite, text, rwhite ] = splitWhite(path.node.value); addImport(path); addString(path, text); const repl = []; if (lwhite) repl.push(t.jsxText(lwhite)); repl.push(t.jsxExpressionContainer(t.callExpression(t.identifier('L'), [ t.stringLiteral(text) ]))); if (rwhite) repl.push(t.jsxText(rwhite)); path.replaceWithMultiple(repl); } }, // Convert template literals to localization calls with arguments // I.e. `Really delete ${item.name}?` -> L("Really delete {1}?", item.name) TemplateLiteral(path, state) { let ru = getRegexp(state); if (path.node.quasis.find(q => ru.exec(q.value.cooked))) { addImport(path); let tpl = path.node.quasis[0].value.cooked; for (let i = 1; i < path.node.quasis.length; i++) tpl += '{'+i+'}'+path.node.quasis[i].value.cooked; let [ lwhite, text, rwhite ] = splitWhite(tpl); addString(path, text); text = t.stringLiteral(text); // Stop the string literal from being visited again arg0.add(text); let repl = t.callExpression(t.identifier('L'), [ text, ...path.node.expressions ]); repl = withWhite(lwhite, repl, rwhite); path.replaceWith(repl); } }, }, }; }