Dual Measure Area Chart Handling Added

johnkiernander 2014-04-19 00:33:08 +01:00
parent 48ae306ad0
commit 41955de85c
9 changed files with 282 additions and 1060 deletions

dist/dimple.v1.2.0.js vendored
View File

@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ var dimple = {
value = (axis.showPercent ? ret[pos + "Value"] / totals[opp][ret[opp + "Field"].join("/")] : ret[pos + "Value"]);
totalField = ret[opp + "Field"].join("/") + (ret[pos + "Value"] >= 0);
cumValue = running[pos][totalField] = ((running[pos][totalField] === null || running[pos][totalField] === undefined || pos === "z") ? 0 : running[pos][totalField]) + value;
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series.stacked) ? cumValue : value);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series._isStacked()) ? cumValue : value);
ret[size] = value;
ret[pos] = selectValue - (((pos === "x" && value >= 0) || (pos === "y" && value <= 0)) ? value : 0);
} else {
@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ var dimple = {
catTotals[totalField] = value + (addedCats.length > 0 ? catTotals[addedCats[addedCats.length - 1]] : 0);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series.stacked) ? catTotals[totalField] : value);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series._isStacked()) ? catTotals[totalField] : value);
ret[size] = value;
ret[pos] = selectValue - (((pos === "x" && value >= 0) || (pos === "y" && value <= 0)) ? value : 0);
} else {
@ -2164,7 +2164,7 @@ var dimple = {
} else if (secondaryAxis === null || secondaryAxis.categoryFields === null || secondaryAxis.categoryFields.length === 0) {
aggData.forEach(function (d) {
// If the primary axis is stacked
if (this.stacked && (primaryAxis.position === "x" || primaryAxis.position === "y")) {
if (this._isStacked() && (primaryAxis.position === "x" || primaryAxis.position === "y")) {
// We just need to push the bounds. A stacked axis will always include 0 so I just need to push the min and max out from there
if (d[primaryAxis.position + "Value"] < 0) {
bounds.min = bounds.min + d[primaryAxis.position + "Value"];
@ -2318,6 +2318,12 @@ var dimple = {
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/series/methods/_isStacked.js
this._isStacked = function() {
return this.stacked && (this.x._hasCategories() || this.y._hasCategories());
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/series/methods/addEventHandler.js
// Help: http://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/wiki/dimple.series#wiki-addEventHandler
this.addEventHandler = function (event, handler) {
@ -2637,6 +2643,7 @@ var dimple = {
onEnter = function () {
@ -2672,6 +2679,29 @@ var dimple = {
.x(function (d) { return (series.x._hasCategories() || !originProperty ? d.x : series.x[originProperty]); })
.y(function (d) { return (series.y._hasCategories() || !originProperty ? d.y : series.y[originProperty]); })
sortByX = function (a, b) {
return parseFloat(a.x) - parseFloat(b.x);
addNextPoint = function (source, target, startAngle) {
// Given a point we need to find the next point clockwise from the start angle
var i,
point = target[target.length - 1],
bestAngleSoFar = 9999,
returnPoint = point;
for (i = 0; i < source.length; i += 1) {
if (source[i].x !== point.x || source[i].y !== point.y) {
// get the angle in degrees since start angle
thisAngle = 180 - (Math.atan2(source[i].x - point.x, source[i].y - point.y) * (180 / Math.PI));
if (thisAngle > startAngle && thisAngle < bestAngleSoFar) {
returnPoint = source[i];
bestAngleSoFar = thisAngle;
return bestAngleSoFar;
// Handle the special interpolation handling for step
@ -2773,32 +2803,64 @@ var dimple = {
dimple._addGradient(areaData[i].key, "fill-area-gradient-" + areaData[i].keyString, (series.x._hasCategories() ? series.x : series.y), data, chart, duration, "fill");
// Iterate the point array because we need to fill in zero points for missing ones, otherwise the areas
// will cross where an upper area has no value and a lower value has a spike Issue #7
for (j = 0, k = 0; j < allPoints.length; j += 1) {
// We are only interested in points between the first and last point of this areas data (i.e. don't fill ends - important
// for grouped area charts)
if (allPoints[j] >= points[0][catCoord] && allPoints[j] <= points[points.length - 1][catCoord]) {
// Get a base point, this needs to go on the base points array as well as filling in gaps in the point array.
// Create a point using the coordinate on the category axis and the last recorded value
// position from the dictionary
basePoint = {};
basePoint[catCoord] = allPoints[j];
basePoint[valCoord] = catPoints[allPoints[j]];
// add the base point
// handle missing points
if (points[k][catCoord] > allPoints[j]) {
// If there is a missing point we need to in fill
} else {
// They must be the same
// Use this to update the dictionary to the new value coordinate
catPoints[allPoints[j]] = points[k][valCoord];
k += 1;
// All points will only be populated if there is a category axis
if (allPoints && allPoints.length > 0) {
// Iterate the point array because we need to fill in zero points for missing ones, otherwise the areas
// will cross where an upper area has no value and a lower value has a spike Issue #7
for (j = 0, k = 0; j < allPoints.length; j += 1) {
// We are only interested in points between the first and last point of this areas data (i.e. don't fill ends - important
// for grouped area charts)
if (allPoints[j] >= points[0][catCoord] && allPoints[j] <= points[points.length - 1][catCoord]) {
// Get a base point, this needs to go on the base points array as well as filling in gaps in the point array.
// Create a point using the coordinate on the category axis and the last recorded value
// position from the dictionary
basePoint = {};
basePoint[catCoord] = allPoints[j];
basePoint[valCoord] = catPoints[allPoints[j]];
// add the base point
// handle missing points
if (points[k][catCoord] > allPoints[j]) {
// If there is a missing point we need to in fill
} else {
// They must be the same
// Use this to update the dictionary to the new value coordinate
catPoints[allPoints[j]] = points[k][valCoord];
k += 1;
} else {
// If there is no category axis we need to apply some custom logic. In order to avoid
// really jagged areas the default behaviour will be to draw from the left most point then rotate a line
// clockwise until it hits another point and continue from each point until back to where we started. This
// means it will not connect every point, but it will contain every point:
// E.g.
// D
// C
// A B E
// F G
// H
// Would draw A -> C -> D -> E -> G -> H -> A
// This may not be what everyone wants so if there is a series order specified we will just join
// the points in that order instead. This will not allow users to skip points and therefore not achieve
// the default behaviour explicitly.
if (series._orderRules && series._orderRules.length > 0) {
finalPointArray = points.concat(points[0]);
} else {
// Find the leftmost point
points = points.sort(sortByX);
lastAngle = 0;
// Iterate until the first and last points match
do {
lastAngle = addNextPoint(points, finalPointArray, lastAngle);
} while (finalPointArray.length <= points.length && (finalPointArray[0].x !== finalPointArray[finalPointArray.length - 1].x || finalPointArray[0].y !== finalPointArray[finalPointArray.length - 1].y));
// The final array of points for the entire outskirts of the area
@ -2935,488 +2997,6 @@ var dimple = {
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/plot/area.js
dimple.plot.area_old = {
stacked: true,
supportedAxes: ["x", "y", "c"],
draw: function (chart, series, duration) {
// Get self pointer for inner functions
var self = this,
data = series._positionData,
uniqueValues = [],
firstAgg = 1,
graded = false,
seriesClass = "series" + chart.series.indexOf(series),
catPoints = {},
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
// If there is a category axis we should draw a line for each aggField. Otherwise
// the first aggField defines the points and the others define the line
if (series.x._hasCategories() || series.y._hasCategories()) {
firstAgg = 0;
data.forEach(function (d) {
var filter = [],
match = false,
for (k = firstAgg; k < d.aggField.length; k += 1) {
uniqueValues.forEach(function (e) {
match = match || (e === filter.join("/"));
}, this);
if (!match) {
}, this);
if (series.c !== null && series.c !== undefined && ((series.x._hasCategories() && series.y._hasMeasure()) || (series.y._hasCategories() && series.x._hasMeasure()))) {
graded = true;
uniqueValues.forEach(function (seriesValue) {
dimple._addGradient(seriesValue, "fill-area-gradient-" + seriesValue.join("_").replace(" ", ""), (series.x._hasCategories() ? series.x : series.y), data, chart, duration, "fill");
dimple._addGradient(seriesValue, "stroke-area-gradient-" + seriesValue.join("_").replace(" ", ""), (series.x._hasCategories() ? series.x : series.y), data, chart, duration, "stroke");
}, this);
line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.y(function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); });
if (series.shapes === null || series.shapes === undefined) {
series.shapes = chart._group.selectAll(".area." + seriesClass)
.attr("opacity", function(d) { return chart.getColor(d).opacity; });
.attr("class", function (d) { return seriesClass + " series area " + d.split(" ").join("_"); })
.attr("d", function (d) {
var seriesData,
baseline = [],
max = 0,
seriesData = dimple.filterData(data, "aggField", d);
seriesData.sort(function (a, b) {
var sortValue = 0;
if (series.x._hasCategories()) {
sortValue = (dimple._helpers.cx(a, chart, series) < dimple._helpers.cx(b, chart, series) ? -1 : 1);
} else if (series.y._hasCategories()) {
sortValue = (dimple._helpers.cy(a, chart, series) < dimple._helpers.cy(b, chart, series) ? -1 : 1);
return sortValue;
for (j = seriesData.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
row = seriesData[j];
newObj = { cx: 0, cy: 0, height: 0, width: 0, xOffset: 0, yOffset: 0 };
if (series.x._hasCategories()) {
// Fix the x properties
newObj.cx = row.cx;
newObj.width = row.width;
newObj.xOffset = row.xOffset;
// Find the largest value for the xField less than this value
if (catPoints[row.xField] === undefined) {
catPoints[row.xField] = [];
} else {
max = 0;
for (k = 0; k <= catPoints[row.xField].length; k += 1) {
q = catPoints[row.xField][k];
if ((row.cy >= 0 && q >= 0) || (row.cy <= 0 && q <= 0)) {
if (Math.abs(q) <= Math.abs(row.cy) && Math.abs(q) > Math.abs(max)) {
max = q;
newObj.cy = max;
} else if (series.y._hasCategories()) {
// Fix the y properties
newObj.cy = row.cy;
newObj.height = row.height;
newObj.yOffset = row.yOffset;
// Find the largest value for the xField less than this value
if (catPoints[row.yField] === undefined) {
catPoints[row.yField] = [];
} else {
max = 0;
for (m = 0; m <= catPoints[row.yField].length; m += 1) {
r = catPoints[row.yField][m];
if ((row.cx >= 0 && r >= 0) || (row.cx <= 0 && r <= 0)) {
if (Math.abs(r) <= Math.abs(row.cx) && Math.abs(r) > Math.abs(max)) {
max = r;
newObj.cx = max;
//return line(startPoint.concat(seriesData).concat(endPoint));
return line(seriesData.concat(baseline).concat(seriesData[0]));
.call(function () {
if (!chart.noFormats) {
this.attr("fill", function (d) { return (graded ? "url(#fill-area-gradient-" + d.join("_").replace(" ", "") + ")" : chart.getColor(d).fill); })
.attr("stroke", function (d) { return (graded ? "url(#stroke-area-gradient-" + d.join("_").replace(" ", "") + ")" : chart.getColor(d).stroke); })
.attr("stroke-width", series.lineWeight);
if (series.lineMarkers) {
if (series._markerBacks === null || series._markerBacks === undefined) {
markerBacks = chart._group.selectAll(".markerBacks." + seriesClass).data(data);
} else {
markerBacks = series._markerBacks.data(data, function (d) { return d.key; });
// Add
.attr("id", function (d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "markerBacks " + seriesClass)
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 0)
.attr("fill", "white")
.attr("stroke", "none");
// Update
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 2 + series.lineWeight);
// Remove
.attr("r", 0)
.each("end", function () {
series._markerBacks = markerBacks;
// Deal with markers in the same way as main series to fix #28
if (series._markers === null || series._markers === undefined) {
markers = chart._group.selectAll(".markers." + seriesClass).data(data);
} else {
markers = series._markers.data(data, function (d) { return d.key; });
// Add the actual marker. We need to do this even if we aren't displaying them because they
// catch hover events
.attr("id", function (d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "markers " + seriesClass)
.on("mouseover", function (e) {
self.enterEventHandler(e, this, chart, series);
.on("mouseleave", function (e) {
self.leaveEventHandler(e, this, chart, series);
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 0)
.attr("opacity", function (d) { return (series.lineMarkers ? chart.getColor(d).opacity : 0); })
.call(function () {
if (!chart.noFormats) {
this.attr("fill", "white")
.style("stroke-width", series.lineWeight)
.attr("stroke", function (d) {
return (graded ? dimple._helpers.fill(d, chart, series) : chart.getColor(d.aggField[d.aggField.length - 1]).stroke);
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 2 + series.lineWeight)
.call(function () {
if (!chart.noFormats) {
this.attr("fill", "white")
.style("stroke-width", series.lineWeight)
.attr("stroke", function (d) {
return (graded ? dimple._helpers.fill(d, chart, series) : chart.getColor(d.aggField[d.aggField.length - 1]).stroke);
.attr("r", 0)
.each("end", function () {
// Save the shapes to the series array
series._markers = markers;
// Handle the mouse enter event
enterEventHandler: function (e, shape, chart, series) {
// The margin between the text and the box
var textMargin = 5,
// The margin between the ring and the popup
popupMargin = 10,
// The popup animation duration in ms
animDuration = 750,
// Collect some facts about the highlighted bubble
selectedShape = d3.select(shape),
cx = parseFloat(selectedShape.attr("cx")),
cy = parseFloat(selectedShape.attr("cy")),
r = parseFloat(selectedShape.attr("r")),
opacity = dimple._helpers.opacity(e, chart, series),
fill = dimple._helpers.fill(e, chart, series),
dropDest = series._dropLineOrigin(),
// Fade the popup stroke mixing the shape fill with 60% white
popupStrokeColor = d3.rgb(
d3.rgb(fill).r + 0.6 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).r),
d3.rgb(fill).g + 0.6 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).g),
d3.rgb(fill).b + 0.6 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).b)
// Fade the popup fill mixing the shape fill with 80% white
popupFillColor = d3.rgb(
d3.rgb(fill).r + 0.8 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).r),
d3.rgb(fill).g + 0.8 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).g),
d3.rgb(fill).b + 0.8 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).b)
y = 0,
w = 0,
h = 0,
rows = [];
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
chart._tooltipGroup = chart.svg.append("g");
// On hover make the line marker visible immediately
selectedShape.style("opacity", 1);
// Add a ring around the data point
.attr("cx", cx)
.attr("cy", cy)
.attr("r", r)
.attr("opacity", 0)
.style("fill", "none")
.style("stroke", fill)
.style("stroke-width", 1)
.duration(animDuration / 2)
.attr("opacity", 1)
.attr("r", r + 4)
.style("stroke-width", 2);
// Add a drop line to the x axis
if (dropDest.y !== null) {
.attr("x1", cx)
.attr("y1", (cy < dropDest.y ? cy + r + 4 : cy - r - 4))
.attr("x2", cx)
.attr("y2", (cy < dropDest.y ? cy + r + 4 : cy - r - 4))
.style("fill", "none")
.style("stroke", fill)
.style("stroke-width", 2)
.style("stroke-dasharray", ("3, 3"))
.style("opacity", opacity)
.delay(animDuration / 2)
.duration(animDuration / 2)
// Added 1px offset to cater for svg issue where a transparent
// group overlapping a line can sometimes hide it in some browsers
// Issue #10
.attr("y2", (cy < dropDest.y ? dropDest.y - 1 : dropDest.y + 1));
// Add a drop line to the y axis
if (dropDest.x !== null) {
.attr("x1", (cx < dropDest.x ? cx + r + 4 : cx - r - 4))
.attr("y1", cy)
.attr("x2", (cx < dropDest.x ? cx + r + 4 : cx - r - 4))
.attr("y2", cy)
.style("fill", "none")
.style("stroke", fill)
.style("stroke-width", 2)
.style("stroke-dasharray", ("3, 3"))
.style("opacity", opacity)
.delay(animDuration / 2)
.duration(animDuration / 2)
// Added 1px offset to cater for svg issue where a transparent
// group overlapping a line can sometimes hide it in some browsers
// Issue #10
.attr("x2", (cx < dropDest.x ? dropDest.x - 1 : dropDest.x + 1));
// Add a group for text
t = chart._tooltipGroup.append("g");
// Create a box for the popup in the text group
box = t.append("rect")
.attr("class", "chartTooltip");
// Add the series categories
if (series.categoryFields !== null && series.categoryFields !== undefined && series.categoryFields.length > 0) {
series.categoryFields.forEach(function (c, i) {
if (c !== null && c !== undefined && e.aggField[i] !== null && e.aggField[i] !== undefined) {
// If the category name and value match don't display the category name
rows.push(c + (e.aggField[i] !== c ? ": " + e.aggField[i] : ""));
}, this);
if (series.x._hasTimeField()) {
if (e.xField[0] !== null && e.xField[0] !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.x.timeField + ": " + series.x._getFormat()(e.xField[0]));
} else if (series.x._hasCategories()) {
// Add the x axis categories
series.x.categoryFields.forEach(function (c, i) {
if (c !== null && c !== undefined && e.xField[i] !== null && e.xField[i] !== undefined) {
// If the category name and value match don't display the category name
rows.push(c + (e.xField[i] !== c ? ": " + e.xField[i] : ""));
}, this);
} else {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.x.measure !== null && series.x.measure !== undefined && e.width !== null && e.width !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.x.measure + ": " + series.x._getFormat()(e.width));
if (series.y._hasTimeField()) {
if (e.yField[0] !== null && e.yField[0] !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.y.timeField + ": " + series.y._getFormat()(e.yField[0]));
} else if (series.y._hasCategories()) {
// Add the y axis categories
series.y.categoryFields.forEach(function (c, i) {
if (c !== null && c !== undefined && e.yField[i] !== null && e.yField[i] !== undefined) {
rows.push(c + (e.yField[i] !== c ? ": " + e.yField[i] : ""));
}, this);
} else {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.y.measure !== null && series.y.measure !== undefined && e.height !== null && e.height !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.y.measure + ": " + series.y._getFormat()(e.height));
if (series.z !== null && series.z !== undefined) {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.z.measure !== null && series.z.measure !== undefined && e.zValue !== null && e.zValue !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.z.measure + ": " + series.z._getFormat()(e.zValue));
if (series.c !== null && series.c !== undefined) {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.c.measure !== null && series.c.measure !== undefined && e.cValue !== null && e.cValue !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.c.measure + ": " + series.c._getFormat()(e.cValue));
// Get distinct text rows to deal with cases where 2 axes have the same dimensionality
rows = rows.filter(function(elem, pos) {
return rows.indexOf(elem) === pos;
// Create a text object for every row in the popup
.attr("class", "chartTooltip")
.text(function (d) { return d; })
.style("font-family", "sans-serif")
.style("font-size", "10px");
// Get the max height and width of the text items
t.each(function () {
w = (this.getBBox().width > w ? this.getBBox().width : w);
h = (this.getBBox().width > h ? this.getBBox().height : h);
// Position the text relative to the bubble, the absolute positioning
// will be done by translating the group
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", function () {
// Increment the y position
y += this.getBBox().height;
// Position the text at the centre point
return y - (this.getBBox().height / 2);
// Draw the box with a margin around the text
box.attr("x", -textMargin)
.attr("y", -textMargin)
.attr("height", Math.floor(y + textMargin) - 0.5)
.attr("width", w + 2 * textMargin)
.attr("rx", 5)
.attr("ry", 5)
.style("fill", popupFillColor)
.style("stroke", popupStrokeColor)
.style("stroke-width", 2)
.style("opacity", 0.95);
// Shift the ring margin left or right depending on whether it will overlap the edge
overlap = cx + r + textMargin + popupMargin + w > parseFloat(chart.svg.node().getBBox().width);
// Translate the shapes to the x position of the bubble (the x position of the shapes is handled)
t.attr("transform", "translate(" +
(overlap ? cx - (r + textMargin + popupMargin + w) : cx + r + textMargin + popupMargin) + " , " +
(cy - ((y - (h - textMargin)) / 2)) +
// Handle the mouse leave event
leaveEventHandler: function (e, shape, chart, series) {
// Return the opacity of the marker
d3.select(shape).style("opacity", (series.lineMarkers ? dimple._helpers.opacity(e, chart, series) : 0));
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/plot/bar.js
@ -3436,8 +3016,8 @@ var dimple = {
classes = ["dimple-series-" + chart.series.indexOf(series), "dimple-bar"],
xFloat = !series.stacked && series.x._hasMeasure(),
yFloat = !series.stacked && series.y._hasMeasure();
xFloat = !series._isStacked() && series.x._hasMeasure(),
yFloat = !series._isStacked() && series.y._hasMeasure();
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
@ -4714,7 +4294,7 @@ var dimple = {
chart._tooltipGroup = chart.svg.append("g");
offset = (series.stacked ? 1 : width / 2);
offset = (series._isStacked() ? 1 : width / 2);
// Add a drop line to the x axis
if (!series.x._hasCategories() && dropDest.y !== null) {
@ -4738,7 +4318,7 @@ var dimple = {
.attr("y2", (y < dropDest.y ? dropDest.y - 1 : dropDest.y + 1));
offset = (series.stacked ? 1 : height / 2);
offset = (series._isStacked() ? 1 : height / 2);
// Add a drop line to the y axis
if (!series.y._hasCategories() && dropDest.x !== null) {

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
chart._tooltipGroup = chart.svg.append("g");
offset = (series.stacked ? 1 : width / 2);
offset = (series._isStacked() ? 1 : width / 2);
// Add a drop line to the x axis
if (!series.x._hasCategories() && dropDest.y !== null) {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
.attr("y2", (y < dropDest.y ? dropDest.y - 1 : dropDest.y + 1));
offset = (series.stacked ? 1 : height / 2);
offset = (series._isStacked() ? 1 : height / 2);
// Add a drop line to the y axis
if (!series.y._hasCategories() && dropDest.x !== null) {

View File

@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
value = (axis.showPercent ? ret[pos + "Value"] / totals[opp][ret[opp + "Field"].join("/")] : ret[pos + "Value"]);
totalField = ret[opp + "Field"].join("/") + (ret[pos + "Value"] >= 0);
cumValue = running[pos][totalField] = ((running[pos][totalField] === null || running[pos][totalField] === undefined || pos === "z") ? 0 : running[pos][totalField]) + value;
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series.stacked) ? cumValue : value);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series._isStacked()) ? cumValue : value);
ret[size] = value;
ret[pos] = selectValue - (((pos === "x" && value >= 0) || (pos === "y" && value <= 0)) ? value : 0);
} else {
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
catTotals[totalField] = value + (addedCats.length > 0 ? catTotals[addedCats[addedCats.length - 1]] : 0);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series.stacked) ? catTotals[totalField] : value);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series._isStacked()) ? catTotals[totalField] : value);
ret[size] = value;
ret[pos] = selectValue - (((pos === "x" && value >= 0) || (pos === "y" && value <= 0)) ? value : 0);
} else {

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
onEnter = function () {
@ -70,6 +71,29 @@
.x(function (d) { return (series.x._hasCategories() || !originProperty ? d.x : series.x[originProperty]); })
.y(function (d) { return (series.y._hasCategories() || !originProperty ? d.y : series.y[originProperty]); })
sortByX = function (a, b) {
return parseFloat(a.x) - parseFloat(b.x);
addNextPoint = function (source, target, startAngle) {
// Given a point we need to find the next point clockwise from the start angle
var i,
point = target[target.length - 1],
bestAngleSoFar = 9999,
returnPoint = point;
for (i = 0; i < source.length; i += 1) {
if (source[i].x !== point.x || source[i].y !== point.y) {
// get the angle in degrees since start angle
thisAngle = 180 - (Math.atan2(source[i].x - point.x, source[i].y - point.y) * (180 / Math.PI));
if (thisAngle > startAngle && thisAngle < bestAngleSoFar) {
returnPoint = source[i];
bestAngleSoFar = thisAngle;
return bestAngleSoFar;
// Handle the special interpolation handling for step
@ -171,32 +195,64 @@
dimple._addGradient(areaData[i].key, "fill-area-gradient-" + areaData[i].keyString, (series.x._hasCategories() ? series.x : series.y), data, chart, duration, "fill");
// Iterate the point array because we need to fill in zero points for missing ones, otherwise the areas
// will cross where an upper area has no value and a lower value has a spike Issue #7
for (j = 0, k = 0; j < allPoints.length; j += 1) {
// We are only interested in points between the first and last point of this areas data (i.e. don't fill ends - important
// for grouped area charts)
if (allPoints[j] >= points[0][catCoord] && allPoints[j] <= points[points.length - 1][catCoord]) {
// Get a base point, this needs to go on the base points array as well as filling in gaps in the point array.
// Create a point using the coordinate on the category axis and the last recorded value
// position from the dictionary
basePoint = {};
basePoint[catCoord] = allPoints[j];
basePoint[valCoord] = catPoints[allPoints[j]];
// add the base point
// handle missing points
if (points[k][catCoord] > allPoints[j]) {
// If there is a missing point we need to in fill
} else {
// They must be the same
// Use this to update the dictionary to the new value coordinate
catPoints[allPoints[j]] = points[k][valCoord];
k += 1;
// All points will only be populated if there is a category axis
if (allPoints && allPoints.length > 0) {
// Iterate the point array because we need to fill in zero points for missing ones, otherwise the areas
// will cross where an upper area has no value and a lower value has a spike Issue #7
for (j = 0, k = 0; j < allPoints.length; j += 1) {
// We are only interested in points between the first and last point of this areas data (i.e. don't fill ends - important
// for grouped area charts)
if (allPoints[j] >= points[0][catCoord] && allPoints[j] <= points[points.length - 1][catCoord]) {
// Get a base point, this needs to go on the base points array as well as filling in gaps in the point array.
// Create a point using the coordinate on the category axis and the last recorded value
// position from the dictionary
basePoint = {};
basePoint[catCoord] = allPoints[j];
basePoint[valCoord] = catPoints[allPoints[j]];
// add the base point
// handle missing points
if (points[k][catCoord] > allPoints[j]) {
// If there is a missing point we need to in fill
} else {
// They must be the same
// Use this to update the dictionary to the new value coordinate
catPoints[allPoints[j]] = points[k][valCoord];
k += 1;
} else {
// If there is no category axis we need to apply some custom logic. In order to avoid
// really jagged areas the default behaviour will be to draw from the left most point then rotate a line
// clockwise until it hits another point and continue from each point until back to where we started. This
// means it will not connect every point, but it will contain every point:
// E.g.
// D
// C
// A B E
// F G
// H
// Would draw A -> C -> D -> E -> G -> H -> A
// This may not be what everyone wants so if there is a series order specified we will just join
// the points in that order instead. This will not allow users to skip points and therefore not achieve
// the default behaviour explicitly.
if (series._orderRules && series._orderRules.length > 0) {
finalPointArray = points.concat(points[0]);
} else {
// Find the leftmost point
points = points.sort(sortByX);
lastAngle = 0;
// Iterate until the first and last points match
do {
lastAngle = addNextPoint(points, finalPointArray, lastAngle);
} while (finalPointArray.length <= points.length && (finalPointArray[0].x !== finalPointArray[finalPointArray.length - 1].x || finalPointArray[0].y !== finalPointArray[finalPointArray.length - 1].y));
// The final array of points for the entire outskirts of the area

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
classes = ["dimple-series-" + chart.series.indexOf(series), "dimple-bar"],
xFloat = !series.stacked && series.x._hasMeasure(),
yFloat = !series.stacked && series.y._hasMeasure();
xFloat = !series._isStacked() && series.x._hasMeasure(),
yFloat = !series._isStacked() && series.y._hasMeasure();
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
} else if (secondaryAxis === null || secondaryAxis.categoryFields === null || secondaryAxis.categoryFields.length === 0) {
aggData.forEach(function (d) {
// If the primary axis is stacked
if (this.stacked && (primaryAxis.position === "x" || primaryAxis.position === "y")) {
if (this._isStacked() && (primaryAxis.position === "x" || primaryAxis.position === "y")) {
// We just need to push the bounds. A stacked axis will always include 0 so I just need to push the min and max out from there
if (d[primaryAxis.position + "Value"] < 0) {
bounds.min = bounds.min + d[primaryAxis.position + "Value"];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/series/methods/_isStacked.js
this._isStacked = function() {
return this.stacked && (this.x._hasCategories() || this.y._hasCategories());

View File

@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ var dimple = {
value = (axis.showPercent ? ret[pos + "Value"] / totals[opp][ret[opp + "Field"].join("/")] : ret[pos + "Value"]);
totalField = ret[opp + "Field"].join("/") + (ret[pos + "Value"] >= 0);
cumValue = running[pos][totalField] = ((running[pos][totalField] === null || running[pos][totalField] === undefined || pos === "z") ? 0 : running[pos][totalField]) + value;
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series.stacked) ? cumValue : value);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series._isStacked()) ? cumValue : value);
ret[size] = value;
ret[pos] = selectValue - (((pos === "x" && value >= 0) || (pos === "y" && value <= 0)) ? value : 0);
} else {
@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ var dimple = {
catTotals[totalField] = value + (addedCats.length > 0 ? catTotals[addedCats[addedCats.length - 1]] : 0);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series.stacked) ? catTotals[totalField] : value);
selectValue = ret[pos + "Bound"] = ret["c" + pos] = (((pos === "x" || pos === "y") && series._isStacked()) ? catTotals[totalField] : value);
ret[size] = value;
ret[pos] = selectValue - (((pos === "x" && value >= 0) || (pos === "y" && value <= 0)) ? value : 0);
} else {
@ -2164,7 +2164,7 @@ var dimple = {
} else if (secondaryAxis === null || secondaryAxis.categoryFields === null || secondaryAxis.categoryFields.length === 0) {
aggData.forEach(function (d) {
// If the primary axis is stacked
if (this.stacked && (primaryAxis.position === "x" || primaryAxis.position === "y")) {
if (this._isStacked() && (primaryAxis.position === "x" || primaryAxis.position === "y")) {
// We just need to push the bounds. A stacked axis will always include 0 so I just need to push the min and max out from there
if (d[primaryAxis.position + "Value"] < 0) {
bounds.min = bounds.min + d[primaryAxis.position + "Value"];
@ -2318,6 +2318,12 @@ var dimple = {
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/series/methods/_isStacked.js
this._isStacked = function() {
return this.stacked && (this.x._hasCategories() || this.y._hasCategories());
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/series/methods/addEventHandler.js
// Help: http://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/wiki/dimple.series#wiki-addEventHandler
this.addEventHandler = function (event, handler) {
@ -2637,6 +2643,7 @@ var dimple = {
onEnter = function () {
@ -2672,6 +2679,29 @@ var dimple = {
.x(function (d) { return (series.x._hasCategories() || !originProperty ? d.x : series.x[originProperty]); })
.y(function (d) { return (series.y._hasCategories() || !originProperty ? d.y : series.y[originProperty]); })
sortByX = function (a, b) {
return parseFloat(a.x) - parseFloat(b.x);
addNextPoint = function (source, target, startAngle) {
// Given a point we need to find the next point clockwise from the start angle
var i,
point = target[target.length - 1],
bestAngleSoFar = 9999,
returnPoint = point;
for (i = 0; i < source.length; i += 1) {
if (source[i].x !== point.x || source[i].y !== point.y) {
// get the angle in degrees since start angle
thisAngle = 180 - (Math.atan2(source[i].x - point.x, source[i].y - point.y) * (180 / Math.PI));
if (thisAngle > startAngle && thisAngle < bestAngleSoFar) {
returnPoint = source[i];
bestAngleSoFar = thisAngle;
return bestAngleSoFar;
// Handle the special interpolation handling for step
@ -2773,32 +2803,64 @@ var dimple = {
dimple._addGradient(areaData[i].key, "fill-area-gradient-" + areaData[i].keyString, (series.x._hasCategories() ? series.x : series.y), data, chart, duration, "fill");
// Iterate the point array because we need to fill in zero points for missing ones, otherwise the areas
// will cross where an upper area has no value and a lower value has a spike Issue #7
for (j = 0, k = 0; j < allPoints.length; j += 1) {
// We are only interested in points between the first and last point of this areas data (i.e. don't fill ends - important
// for grouped area charts)
if (allPoints[j] >= points[0][catCoord] && allPoints[j] <= points[points.length - 1][catCoord]) {
// Get a base point, this needs to go on the base points array as well as filling in gaps in the point array.
// Create a point using the coordinate on the category axis and the last recorded value
// position from the dictionary
basePoint = {};
basePoint[catCoord] = allPoints[j];
basePoint[valCoord] = catPoints[allPoints[j]];
// add the base point
// handle missing points
if (points[k][catCoord] > allPoints[j]) {
// If there is a missing point we need to in fill
} else {
// They must be the same
// Use this to update the dictionary to the new value coordinate
catPoints[allPoints[j]] = points[k][valCoord];
k += 1;
// All points will only be populated if there is a category axis
if (allPoints && allPoints.length > 0) {
// Iterate the point array because we need to fill in zero points for missing ones, otherwise the areas
// will cross where an upper area has no value and a lower value has a spike Issue #7
for (j = 0, k = 0; j < allPoints.length; j += 1) {
// We are only interested in points between the first and last point of this areas data (i.e. don't fill ends - important
// for grouped area charts)
if (allPoints[j] >= points[0][catCoord] && allPoints[j] <= points[points.length - 1][catCoord]) {
// Get a base point, this needs to go on the base points array as well as filling in gaps in the point array.
// Create a point using the coordinate on the category axis and the last recorded value
// position from the dictionary
basePoint = {};
basePoint[catCoord] = allPoints[j];
basePoint[valCoord] = catPoints[allPoints[j]];
// add the base point
// handle missing points
if (points[k][catCoord] > allPoints[j]) {
// If there is a missing point we need to in fill
} else {
// They must be the same
// Use this to update the dictionary to the new value coordinate
catPoints[allPoints[j]] = points[k][valCoord];
k += 1;
} else {
// If there is no category axis we need to apply some custom logic. In order to avoid
// really jagged areas the default behaviour will be to draw from the left most point then rotate a line
// clockwise until it hits another point and continue from each point until back to where we started. This
// means it will not connect every point, but it will contain every point:
// E.g.
// D
// C
// A B E
// F G
// H
// Would draw A -> C -> D -> E -> G -> H -> A
// This may not be what everyone wants so if there is a series order specified we will just join
// the points in that order instead. This will not allow users to skip points and therefore not achieve
// the default behaviour explicitly.
if (series._orderRules && series._orderRules.length > 0) {
finalPointArray = points.concat(points[0]);
} else {
// Find the leftmost point
points = points.sort(sortByX);
lastAngle = 0;
// Iterate until the first and last points match
do {
lastAngle = addNextPoint(points, finalPointArray, lastAngle);
} while (finalPointArray.length <= points.length && (finalPointArray[0].x !== finalPointArray[finalPointArray.length - 1].x || finalPointArray[0].y !== finalPointArray[finalPointArray.length - 1].y));
// The final array of points for the entire outskirts of the area
@ -2935,488 +2997,6 @@ var dimple = {
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/plot/area.js
dimple.plot.area_old = {
stacked: true,
supportedAxes: ["x", "y", "c"],
draw: function (chart, series, duration) {
// Get self pointer for inner functions
var self = this,
data = series._positionData,
uniqueValues = [],
firstAgg = 1,
graded = false,
seriesClass = "series" + chart.series.indexOf(series),
catPoints = {},
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
// If there is a category axis we should draw a line for each aggField. Otherwise
// the first aggField defines the points and the others define the line
if (series.x._hasCategories() || series.y._hasCategories()) {
firstAgg = 0;
data.forEach(function (d) {
var filter = [],
match = false,
for (k = firstAgg; k < d.aggField.length; k += 1) {
uniqueValues.forEach(function (e) {
match = match || (e === filter.join("/"));
}, this);
if (!match) {
}, this);
if (series.c !== null && series.c !== undefined && ((series.x._hasCategories() && series.y._hasMeasure()) || (series.y._hasCategories() && series.x._hasMeasure()))) {
graded = true;
uniqueValues.forEach(function (seriesValue) {
dimple._addGradient(seriesValue, "fill-area-gradient-" + seriesValue.join("_").replace(" ", ""), (series.x._hasCategories() ? series.x : series.y), data, chart, duration, "fill");
dimple._addGradient(seriesValue, "stroke-area-gradient-" + seriesValue.join("_").replace(" ", ""), (series.x._hasCategories() ? series.x : series.y), data, chart, duration, "stroke");
}, this);
line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.y(function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); });
if (series.shapes === null || series.shapes === undefined) {
series.shapes = chart._group.selectAll(".area." + seriesClass)
.attr("opacity", function(d) { return chart.getColor(d).opacity; });
.attr("class", function (d) { return seriesClass + " series area " + d.split(" ").join("_"); })
.attr("d", function (d) {
var seriesData,
baseline = [],
max = 0,
seriesData = dimple.filterData(data, "aggField", d);
seriesData.sort(function (a, b) {
var sortValue = 0;
if (series.x._hasCategories()) {
sortValue = (dimple._helpers.cx(a, chart, series) < dimple._helpers.cx(b, chart, series) ? -1 : 1);
} else if (series.y._hasCategories()) {
sortValue = (dimple._helpers.cy(a, chart, series) < dimple._helpers.cy(b, chart, series) ? -1 : 1);
return sortValue;
for (j = seriesData.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
row = seriesData[j];
newObj = { cx: 0, cy: 0, height: 0, width: 0, xOffset: 0, yOffset: 0 };
if (series.x._hasCategories()) {
// Fix the x properties
newObj.cx = row.cx;
newObj.width = row.width;
newObj.xOffset = row.xOffset;
// Find the largest value for the xField less than this value
if (catPoints[row.xField] === undefined) {
catPoints[row.xField] = [];
} else {
max = 0;
for (k = 0; k <= catPoints[row.xField].length; k += 1) {
q = catPoints[row.xField][k];
if ((row.cy >= 0 && q >= 0) || (row.cy <= 0 && q <= 0)) {
if (Math.abs(q) <= Math.abs(row.cy) && Math.abs(q) > Math.abs(max)) {
max = q;
newObj.cy = max;
} else if (series.y._hasCategories()) {
// Fix the y properties
newObj.cy = row.cy;
newObj.height = row.height;
newObj.yOffset = row.yOffset;
// Find the largest value for the xField less than this value
if (catPoints[row.yField] === undefined) {
catPoints[row.yField] = [];
} else {
max = 0;
for (m = 0; m <= catPoints[row.yField].length; m += 1) {
r = catPoints[row.yField][m];
if ((row.cx >= 0 && r >= 0) || (row.cx <= 0 && r <= 0)) {
if (Math.abs(r) <= Math.abs(row.cx) && Math.abs(r) > Math.abs(max)) {
max = r;
newObj.cx = max;
//return line(startPoint.concat(seriesData).concat(endPoint));
return line(seriesData.concat(baseline).concat(seriesData[0]));
.call(function () {
if (!chart.noFormats) {
this.attr("fill", function (d) { return (graded ? "url(#fill-area-gradient-" + d.join("_").replace(" ", "") + ")" : chart.getColor(d).fill); })
.attr("stroke", function (d) { return (graded ? "url(#stroke-area-gradient-" + d.join("_").replace(" ", "") + ")" : chart.getColor(d).stroke); })
.attr("stroke-width", series.lineWeight);
if (series.lineMarkers) {
if (series._markerBacks === null || series._markerBacks === undefined) {
markerBacks = chart._group.selectAll(".markerBacks." + seriesClass).data(data);
} else {
markerBacks = series._markerBacks.data(data, function (d) { return d.key; });
// Add
.attr("id", function (d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "markerBacks " + seriesClass)
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 0)
.attr("fill", "white")
.attr("stroke", "none");
// Update
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 2 + series.lineWeight);
// Remove
.attr("r", 0)
.each("end", function () {
series._markerBacks = markerBacks;
// Deal with markers in the same way as main series to fix #28
if (series._markers === null || series._markers === undefined) {
markers = chart._group.selectAll(".markers." + seriesClass).data(data);
} else {
markers = series._markers.data(data, function (d) { return d.key; });
// Add the actual marker. We need to do this even if we aren't displaying them because they
// catch hover events
.attr("id", function (d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "markers " + seriesClass)
.on("mouseover", function (e) {
self.enterEventHandler(e, this, chart, series);
.on("mouseleave", function (e) {
self.leaveEventHandler(e, this, chart, series);
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 0)
.attr("opacity", function (d) { return (series.lineMarkers ? chart.getColor(d).opacity : 0); })
.call(function () {
if (!chart.noFormats) {
this.attr("fill", "white")
.style("stroke-width", series.lineWeight)
.attr("stroke", function (d) {
return (graded ? dimple._helpers.fill(d, chart, series) : chart.getColor(d.aggField[d.aggField.length - 1]).stroke);
.attr("cx", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cx(d, chart, series); })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return dimple._helpers.cy(d, chart, series); })
.attr("r", 2 + series.lineWeight)
.call(function () {
if (!chart.noFormats) {
this.attr("fill", "white")
.style("stroke-width", series.lineWeight)
.attr("stroke", function (d) {
return (graded ? dimple._helpers.fill(d, chart, series) : chart.getColor(d.aggField[d.aggField.length - 1]).stroke);
.attr("r", 0)
.each("end", function () {
// Save the shapes to the series array
series._markers = markers;
// Handle the mouse enter event
enterEventHandler: function (e, shape, chart, series) {
// The margin between the text and the box
var textMargin = 5,
// The margin between the ring and the popup
popupMargin = 10,
// The popup animation duration in ms
animDuration = 750,
// Collect some facts about the highlighted bubble
selectedShape = d3.select(shape),
cx = parseFloat(selectedShape.attr("cx")),
cy = parseFloat(selectedShape.attr("cy")),
r = parseFloat(selectedShape.attr("r")),
opacity = dimple._helpers.opacity(e, chart, series),
fill = dimple._helpers.fill(e, chart, series),
dropDest = series._dropLineOrigin(),
// Fade the popup stroke mixing the shape fill with 60% white
popupStrokeColor = d3.rgb(
d3.rgb(fill).r + 0.6 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).r),
d3.rgb(fill).g + 0.6 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).g),
d3.rgb(fill).b + 0.6 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).b)
// Fade the popup fill mixing the shape fill with 80% white
popupFillColor = d3.rgb(
d3.rgb(fill).r + 0.8 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).r),
d3.rgb(fill).g + 0.8 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).g),
d3.rgb(fill).b + 0.8 * (255 - d3.rgb(fill).b)
y = 0,
w = 0,
h = 0,
rows = [];
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
chart._tooltipGroup = chart.svg.append("g");
// On hover make the line marker visible immediately
selectedShape.style("opacity", 1);
// Add a ring around the data point
.attr("cx", cx)
.attr("cy", cy)
.attr("r", r)
.attr("opacity", 0)
.style("fill", "none")
.style("stroke", fill)
.style("stroke-width", 1)
.duration(animDuration / 2)
.attr("opacity", 1)
.attr("r", r + 4)
.style("stroke-width", 2);
// Add a drop line to the x axis
if (dropDest.y !== null) {
.attr("x1", cx)
.attr("y1", (cy < dropDest.y ? cy + r + 4 : cy - r - 4))
.attr("x2", cx)
.attr("y2", (cy < dropDest.y ? cy + r + 4 : cy - r - 4))
.style("fill", "none")
.style("stroke", fill)
.style("stroke-width", 2)
.style("stroke-dasharray", ("3, 3"))
.style("opacity", opacity)
.delay(animDuration / 2)
.duration(animDuration / 2)
// Added 1px offset to cater for svg issue where a transparent
// group overlapping a line can sometimes hide it in some browsers
// Issue #10
.attr("y2", (cy < dropDest.y ? dropDest.y - 1 : dropDest.y + 1));
// Add a drop line to the y axis
if (dropDest.x !== null) {
.attr("x1", (cx < dropDest.x ? cx + r + 4 : cx - r - 4))
.attr("y1", cy)
.attr("x2", (cx < dropDest.x ? cx + r + 4 : cx - r - 4))
.attr("y2", cy)
.style("fill", "none")
.style("stroke", fill)
.style("stroke-width", 2)
.style("stroke-dasharray", ("3, 3"))
.style("opacity", opacity)
.delay(animDuration / 2)
.duration(animDuration / 2)
// Added 1px offset to cater for svg issue where a transparent
// group overlapping a line can sometimes hide it in some browsers
// Issue #10
.attr("x2", (cx < dropDest.x ? dropDest.x - 1 : dropDest.x + 1));
// Add a group for text
t = chart._tooltipGroup.append("g");
// Create a box for the popup in the text group
box = t.append("rect")
.attr("class", "chartTooltip");
// Add the series categories
if (series.categoryFields !== null && series.categoryFields !== undefined && series.categoryFields.length > 0) {
series.categoryFields.forEach(function (c, i) {
if (c !== null && c !== undefined && e.aggField[i] !== null && e.aggField[i] !== undefined) {
// If the category name and value match don't display the category name
rows.push(c + (e.aggField[i] !== c ? ": " + e.aggField[i] : ""));
}, this);
if (series.x._hasTimeField()) {
if (e.xField[0] !== null && e.xField[0] !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.x.timeField + ": " + series.x._getFormat()(e.xField[0]));
} else if (series.x._hasCategories()) {
// Add the x axis categories
series.x.categoryFields.forEach(function (c, i) {
if (c !== null && c !== undefined && e.xField[i] !== null && e.xField[i] !== undefined) {
// If the category name and value match don't display the category name
rows.push(c + (e.xField[i] !== c ? ": " + e.xField[i] : ""));
}, this);
} else {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.x.measure !== null && series.x.measure !== undefined && e.width !== null && e.width !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.x.measure + ": " + series.x._getFormat()(e.width));
if (series.y._hasTimeField()) {
if (e.yField[0] !== null && e.yField[0] !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.y.timeField + ": " + series.y._getFormat()(e.yField[0]));
} else if (series.y._hasCategories()) {
// Add the y axis categories
series.y.categoryFields.forEach(function (c, i) {
if (c !== null && c !== undefined && e.yField[i] !== null && e.yField[i] !== undefined) {
rows.push(c + (e.yField[i] !== c ? ": " + e.yField[i] : ""));
}, this);
} else {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.y.measure !== null && series.y.measure !== undefined && e.height !== null && e.height !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.y.measure + ": " + series.y._getFormat()(e.height));
if (series.z !== null && series.z !== undefined) {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.z.measure !== null && series.z.measure !== undefined && e.zValue !== null && e.zValue !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.z.measure + ": " + series.z._getFormat()(e.zValue));
if (series.c !== null && series.c !== undefined) {
// Add the axis measure value
if (series.c.measure !== null && series.c.measure !== undefined && e.cValue !== null && e.cValue !== undefined) {
rows.push(series.c.measure + ": " + series.c._getFormat()(e.cValue));
// Get distinct text rows to deal with cases where 2 axes have the same dimensionality
rows = rows.filter(function(elem, pos) {
return rows.indexOf(elem) === pos;
// Create a text object for every row in the popup
.attr("class", "chartTooltip")
.text(function (d) { return d; })
.style("font-family", "sans-serif")
.style("font-size", "10px");
// Get the max height and width of the text items
t.each(function () {
w = (this.getBBox().width > w ? this.getBBox().width : w);
h = (this.getBBox().width > h ? this.getBBox().height : h);
// Position the text relative to the bubble, the absolute positioning
// will be done by translating the group
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", function () {
// Increment the y position
y += this.getBBox().height;
// Position the text at the centre point
return y - (this.getBBox().height / 2);
// Draw the box with a margin around the text
box.attr("x", -textMargin)
.attr("y", -textMargin)
.attr("height", Math.floor(y + textMargin) - 0.5)
.attr("width", w + 2 * textMargin)
.attr("rx", 5)
.attr("ry", 5)
.style("fill", popupFillColor)
.style("stroke", popupStrokeColor)
.style("stroke-width", 2)
.style("opacity", 0.95);
// Shift the ring margin left or right depending on whether it will overlap the edge
overlap = cx + r + textMargin + popupMargin + w > parseFloat(chart.svg.node().getBBox().width);
// Translate the shapes to the x position of the bubble (the x position of the shapes is handled)
t.attr("transform", "translate(" +
(overlap ? cx - (r + textMargin + popupMargin + w) : cx + r + textMargin + popupMargin) + " , " +
(cy - ((y - (h - textMargin)) / 2)) +
// Handle the mouse leave event
leaveEventHandler: function (e, shape, chart, series) {
// Return the opacity of the marker
d3.select(shape).style("opacity", (series.lineMarkers ? dimple._helpers.opacity(e, chart, series) : 0));
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
// Copyright: 2014 PMSI-AlignAlytics
// License: "https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt"
// Source: /src/objects/plot/bar.js
@ -3436,8 +3016,8 @@ var dimple = {
classes = ["dimple-series-" + chart.series.indexOf(series), "dimple-bar"],
xFloat = !series.stacked && series.x._hasMeasure(),
yFloat = !series.stacked && series.y._hasMeasure();
xFloat = !series._isStacked() && series.x._hasMeasure(),
yFloat = !series._isStacked() && series.y._hasMeasure();
if (chart._tooltipGroup !== null && chart._tooltipGroup !== undefined) {
@ -4714,7 +4294,7 @@ var dimple = {
chart._tooltipGroup = chart.svg.append("g");
offset = (series.stacked ? 1 : width / 2);
offset = (series._isStacked() ? 1 : width / 2);
// Add a drop line to the x axis
if (!series.x._hasCategories() && dropDest.y !== null) {
@ -4738,7 +4318,7 @@ var dimple = {
.attr("y2", (y < dropDest.y ? dropDest.y - 1 : dropDest.y + 1));
offset = (series.stacked ? 1 : height / 2);
offset = (series._isStacked() ? 1 : height / 2);
// Add a drop line to the y axis
if (!series.y._hasCategories() && dropDest.x !== null) {