
201 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* A simple React list with virtual scrolling based on dynamic-virtual-scroll driver
* USUALLY sufficient for everything including grids (using absolute sizing of cells).
* Just because browsers can't do virtualized grid or table layouts efficiently.
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { virtualScrollDriver } from 'dynamic-virtual-scroll';
export class VirtualScrollList extends React.Component
static propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
style: PropTypes.object,
totalItems: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
minRowHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
viewportHeight: PropTypes.number,
header: PropTypes.any,
headerHeight: PropTypes.number,
renderItem: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
state = {
targetHeight: 0,
topPlaceholderHeight: 0,
firstMiddleItem: 0,
middleItemCount: 0,
middlePlaceholderHeight: 0,
lastItemCount: 0,
scrollTo: 0,
scrollTimes: 0,
renderItems(start, count, is_end)
let r = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++)
<div data-item={i+start} key={i+start}>
return r;
if (this.state.totalItems && this.props.totalItems != this.state.totalItems &&
this.state.scrollTimes <= 0)
// Automatically preserve scroll position when item count changes
this.state.scrollTo = this.getItemScrollPos();
this.state.scrollTimes = 2;
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const props = { ...this.props };
for (const k in VirtualScrollList.propTypes)
delete props[k];
return (<div
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position: 'relative',
overflowAnchor: 'none',
{this.state.targetHeight > 0
? <div key="target" style={{position: 'absolute', left: '-5px', width: '1px', height: this.state.targetHeight+'px'}}></div>
: null}
? <div style={{height: this.state.topPlaceholderHeight+'px'}} key="top"></div>
: null}
{this.renderItems(this.state.firstMiddleItem, this.state.middleItemCount)}
? <div style={{height: this.state.middlePlaceholderHeight+'px'}} key="mid"></div>
: null}
{this.renderItems(this.props.totalItems-this.state.lastItemCount, this.state.lastItemCount, true)}
setViewport = (e) =>
this.viewport = e;
getRenderedItemHeight = (index) =>
if (this.viewport)
const e = this.viewport.querySelector('div[data-item="'+index+'"]');
if (e)
return e.getBoundingClientRect().height;
return 0;
onScroll = () =>
componentDidUpdate = () =>
let changed = this.driver();
if (!changed && this.state.scrollTimes > 0 && this.props.totalItems > 0)
// FIXME: It would be better to find a way to put this logic back into virtual-scroll-driver
let pos = this.state.scrollTo;
if (pos > this.state.scrollHeightInItems)
pos = this.state.scrollHeightInItems;
if (this.state.targetHeight)
this.viewport.scrollTop = Math.round((this.state.targetHeight - this.state.viewportHeight)*pos/this.state.scrollHeightInItems);
this.setState({ scrollTimes: this.state.scrollTimes - 1 });
const el = this.viewport.querySelector('div[data-item="'+Math.floor(pos)+'"]');
if (el)
this.viewport.scrollTop = el.offsetTop - (this.props.headerHeight||0) + el.offsetHeight*(pos-Math.floor(pos));
this.setState({ scrollTimes: 0 });
scrollToItem = (pos) =>
// Scroll position must be recalculated twice, because first render
// may change the average row height. In fact, it must be repeated
// until average row height stops changing, but twice is usually sufficient
this.setState({ scrollTo: pos, scrollTimes: 2 });
getItemScrollPos = () =>
if (this.state.targetHeight)
// Virtual scroll is active
let pos = this.viewport.scrollTop / (this.state.targetHeight - this.state.viewportHeight);
return pos * this.state.scrollHeightInItems;
// Virtual scroll is inactive
let avgr = this.viewport.scrollHeight / this.state.totalItems;
return this.viewport.scrollTop / avgr;
driver = () =>
const newState = virtualScrollDriver(
totalItems: this.props.totalItems,
minRowHeight: this.props.minRowHeight,
viewportHeight: this.props.viewportHeight || (this.viewport.clientHeight-(this.props.headerHeight||0)),
scrollTop: this.viewport.scrollTop,
if (newState.viewportHeight || this.state.viewportHeight)
return this.setStateIfDiffers(newState);
return false;
setStateIfDiffers(state, cb)
for (const k in state)
if (this.state[k] != state[k])
this.setState(state, cb);
return true;
return false;