Add notes about VirtualScrollList

master v1.0.7
Vitaliy Filippov 2019-04-23 13:12:18 +03:00
parent 1aca4ba455
commit f0e25628ae
2 changed files with 59 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,64 @@ What to do with it:
* also note that you MUST set `overflow-anchor: none` on your scroll container. You'll end up with
`virtualScrollDriver()` not able to finish updating in Chrome if you don't.
# Usage example with React
# Usage with React
There is a reference virtual list implementation for React.
It is usually sufficient for almost everything, including grids. Sad thing about grids (virtualized tables)
in HTML is that automatic table-like layout is slow in browsers, so in fact the best way to implement
them is via simple virtualized lists of \<div>'s with absolutely positioned cells inside.
import React from 'react';
import { VirtualScrollList } from 'dynamic-virtual-scroll/VirtualScrollList.es5.js';
class MyList extends React.Component
renderItem = (i) =>
if (!this.items[i])
return null;
return <div style={{minHeight: '20px'}}>{this.items[i].title}</div>;
return <VirtualScrollList
Description of VirtualScrollList parameters:
- totalItems: required, total number of items in the list.
- minRowHeight: required, minimal possible item height in the list.
- renderItem: required, function that renders item by index as React element(s).
- viewportHeight: optional, viewport height to use for virtual scrolling.
May be used in case when it can't be determined automatically by VirtualScroll,
for example inside an animated element with css maxHeight.
- header: optional, React element(s) to unconditionally render in the beginning of
the list. The intended usage is to render fixed header row with CSS position: sticky
over the scrolled content.
- headerHeight: optional. In case there is a fixed header, this must be its height
in pixels.
- All other parameters (className, style, onClick, etc) are passed as-is to the
underlying root \<div> of the list.
VirtualScrollList contains some extra shenanigans to make sure the scroll position
preserves when the total number of items changes. Also it has two extra methods:
- `list.scrollToItem(itemIndex)` - positions the list at `itemIndex`. The index may
contain fractional part, in that case the list will be positioned at the corresponding
% of height of the item.
- `list.getItemScrollPos()` - returns current scroll position in items. The returned
index may contain fractional part and may be used as input to `list.scrollToItem()`.
# Simpler React example
See `DynamicVirtualScrollExample.js`.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "dynamic-virtual-scroll",
"version": "1.0.6",
"version": "1.0.7",
"author": {
"name": "Vitaliy Filippov",
"email": "",