import type {Node} from '@babel/types'; import {invariant} from './utils'; import type Module from './module'; import type {Schema} from './schema'; import type {Query, Template, TemplateParam, ExternalInfo} from './query'; export default class Scope { +parent: ?Scope; +module: ?Module; +scopeId: ?number; _entries: Map; static global(schemas: Schema[]) { const global = new Scope(null, null); for (const schema of schemas) { global.addDefinition(schema, false); } return global; } constructor(parent: ?Scope, module: ?Module) { this.parent = parent; this.module = module; this.scopeId = module && module.generateScopeId(); this._entries = new Map; } get namespace(): string { invariant(this.module); let namespace = this.module.namespace; // Nested scopes. if (this.scopeId != null && this.scopeId > 0) { namespace += '._' + this.scopeId; } return namespace; } extend(module: ?Module = null): Scope { return new Scope(this, module || this.module); } addDeclaration(name: string, node: Node, params: TemplateParam[]) { invariant(!this._entries.has(name)); const entry = params.length > 0 ? { type: 'template', name, params, instances: [], node, scope: this, } : { type: 'declaration', name, node, scope: this, }; this._entries.set(name, entry); } addInstance(name: string, schema: Schema, params: Schema[]) { const template = this._entries.get(name); invariant(template); invariant(template.type === 'template'); template.instances.push({params, schema}); } addDefinition(schema: Schema, declared: boolean) { const decl = this._entries.get(; if (declared) { invariant(decl); invariant(decl.type === 'declaration'); } else { invariant(!decl); } this._entries.set(, { type: 'definition', schema, scope: this, }); } addImport(info: ExternalInfo) { invariant(!this._entries.has(info.local)); this._entries.set(info.local, { type: 'external', info, scope: this, }); } addExport(name: string, reference: string) { invariant(this.module); this.module.addExport(name, this, reference); } resolve(path: string): string { invariant(this.module); return this.module.resolve(path); } query(name: string, params: Schema[]): Query { const entry = this._entries.get(name); if (entry && entry.type === 'template') { const augmented =, i) => params[i] || p.default); const schema = findInstance(entry, augmented); if (schema) { return { type: 'definition', schema, scope: entry.scope, }; } } if (entry) { return entry; } if (this.parent) { return this.parent.query(name, params); } return { type: 'unknown', }; } } function findInstance(template: Template, queried: Schema[]): ?Schema { for (const {schema, params} of template.instances) { // TODO: compare complex structures. const same = params.every((p, i) => p === queried[i]); if (same) { return schema; } } return null; }