import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as pathlib from 'path'; import globals from './globals'; import * as extractors from './extractors'; import Command from './commands'; import Module from './module'; import Scope from './scope'; import CircularList from './list'; import {isNode} from './utils'; export default class Collector { constructor(parser, root = '.') { this.root = root; this.parser = parser; this.schemas = []; this.tasks = new CircularList; this.taskCount = 0; = true; this.modules = new Map; this.roots = new Set; =; this.running = false; } collect(path, internal = false) { // TODO: follow symlinks. path = pathlib.resolve(path); let module = this.modules.get(path); if (module) { return; } // TODO: error wrapping. const code = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); const ast = this.parser.parse(code); // TODO: customize it. const namespace = pathToNamespace(pathlib.relative('.', path)); module = new Module(path, namespace); const scope =; this._freestyle(extractors.declaration, ast.program, scope, null); this.modules.set(path, module); if (this.running) { return; } try { this.running = true; this._schedule(); if (!internal) { const task = this._grabExports(module); this._spawn(task); this._schedule(); } } finally { this.running = false; } } // Given the AST output of babylon parse, walk through in a depth-first order. _freestyle(group, root, scope, params) { let stack; let parent; let keys = []; let index = -1; do { ++index; if (stack && index === keys.length) { parent = stack.parent; keys = stack.keys; index = stack.index; stack = stack.prev; continue; } const node = parent ? parent[keys[index]] : root; if (isNode(node) && isAcceptableGroup(group, node)) { if (!this.roots.has(node)) { const task = this._collect(group, node, scope, params); this.roots.add(node); this._spawn(task); } continue; } if (isNode(node) || node instanceof Array) { stack = { parent, keys, index, prev: stack }; parent = node; keys = Object.keys(node); index = -1; } } while (stack); } * _collect(group, node, scope, params) { const extractor = group[node.type]; if (!extractor) { this._freestyle(group, node, scope, null); return null; } const iter = extractor(node); let result = null; while (true) { = true; const {done, value} =; if (done) { return value; } assert.ok(value); if (value instanceof Command) { switch ( { case 'declare': scope.addDeclaration(; break; case 'define': const [schema, declared] =; if (declared && params) { const name =; = generateGenericName(name, params); scope.addInstance(name, schema, => p.value)); } else { scope.addDefinition(; } this.schemas.push(schema); break; case 'external': scope.addImport(; break; case 'provide': scope.addExport(; break; case 'query': if (params) { const param = params.find(p => ===[0]); if (param) { result = param.value; break; } } result = yield* this._query(scope,; break; case 'enter': scope = scope.extend(); break; case 'exit': assert.ok(scope.parent); scope = scope.parent; break; case 'namespace': result = scope.namespace; break; } } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { result = []; for (const val of value) { result.push(yield* this._collect(group, val, scope, params)); } } else { assert.ok(isNode(value)); result = yield* this._collect(group, value, scope, params); } } } * _query(scope, name, params) { let result = scope.query(name, params); // TODO: warning. assert.notEqual(result.type, 'unknown'); // Resulting scope is always the best choice for waiting. scope = result.scope; // It's only valid the sequence: E*[CT]?F, // where E - external, C - declaration, T - template, F - definition. switch (result.type) { case 'external': const modulePath = scope.resolve(; this.collect(modulePath, true); const module = this.modules.get(modulePath); const {imported} =; while ((result = module.query(imported, params)).type === 'unknown') { yield; } if (result.type === 'definition') { return result.schema; } // TODO: reexports. assert.ok(result.type === 'declaration' || result.type === 'template'); scope = result.scope; name =; // Fallthrough. case 'declaration': case 'template': let tmplParams = null; if (result.type === 'template') { tmplParams =, i) => ({ name:, value: params[i] || p.default, })); } this._freestyle(extractors.definition, result.node, scope, tmplParams); while ((result = scope.query(name, params)).type !== 'definition') { assert.notEqual(result.type, 'external'); yield; } assert.equal(result.type, 'definition'); // Fallthrough. case 'definition': return result.schema; } } * _grabExports(module) { for (const [scope, name] of module.exports()) { yield* this._query(scope, name, null); } } _spawn(task) { this.tasks.add(task); ++this.taskCount; } _schedule() { const {tasks} = this; let marker = null; while (!tasks.isEmpty) { const task = tasks.remove(); const {done} =; if (done) { marker = null; continue; } tasks.add(task); if ( { marker = task; = false; } else if (task === marker) { // TODO: warning. return; } } } } function pathToNamespace(path) { const pathObj = pathlib.parse(path); return pathlib.format({ dir: pathObj.dir, name:, }) // TODO: replace invalid chars. .split(pathlib.sep) .join('.'); } function isAcceptableGroup(group, node) { return group.entries.includes(node.type); } function generateGenericName(base, params) { let name = base + '_'; for (const {value} of params) { assert.equal(typeof value, 'string'); name += '_' + value; } return name; }