
622 lines
12 KiB

'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const {declare, define, external, provide, query, enter, exit, namespace} = require('./commands');
const {partition, isNode} = require('./utils');
const definition = {
entries: [
* TypeAlias(node) {
let schema = yield node.right;
if (typeof schema === 'string') {
schema = {type: schema};
schema.name = yield node.id;
schema.namespace = yield namespace();
yield define(schema);
return schema;
* InterfaceDeclaration(node) {
let schema = yield node.body;
if (node.extends.length > 0) {
const schemas = [];
for (const extend of node.extends) {
const name = yield extend;
const schema = yield query(name);
schema = mergeSchemas(schemas);
schema.name = yield node.id;
schema.namespace = yield namespace();
yield define(schema);
return schema;
* ClassDeclaration(node) {
let schema = yield node.body;
if (node.superClass) {
const name = yield node.superClass;
const superSchema = yield query(name);
schema = mergeSchemas([superSchema, schema]);
schema.name = yield node.id;
schema.namespace = yield namespace();
yield define(schema);
return schema;
* ClassBody(node) {
return {
type: 'record',
fields: (yield node.body).filter(Boolean),
* ClassProperty(node) {
if (node.static) {
return null;
return yield* extractProperty(node, node.typeAnnotation);
* ClassMethod(node) {
return null;
* ObjectTypeAnnotation(node) {
if (node.indexers.length > 0) {
// Allow functions, getters and setters.
const properties = (yield node.properties).filter(Boolean);
assert.equal(properties.length, 0);
assert.equal(node.indexers.length, 1);
return {
type: 'map',
values: yield node.indexers[0],
return {
type: 'record',
fields: (yield node.properties).filter(Boolean),
* ObjectTypeProperty(node) {
return yield* extractProperty(node, node.value);
* ObjectTypeIndexer(node) {
const key = yield node.key;
assert.equal(key, 'string');
return yield node.value;
* TypeAnnotation(node) {
return yield node.typeAnnotation;
* NumberTypeAnnotation(node) {
return 'double';
* StringTypeAnnotation(node) {
return 'string';
* BooleanTypeAnnotation(node) {
return 'boolean';
* ArrayTypeAnnotation(node) {
return {
type: 'array',
items: yield node.elementType,
* UnionTypeAnnotation(node) {
// TODO: flatten variants.
let [symbols, variants] = partition(node.types, isEnumSymbol);
symbols = symbols.map(unwrapEnumSymbol);
variants = yield variants;
if (symbols.length > 0) {
const enumeration = {
type: 'enum',
if (variants.length === 0) {
return enumeration;
return variants;
* IntersectionTypeAnnotation(node) {
const schemas = [];
for (const type of node.types) {
const name = yield type;
const schema = yield query(name);
return mergeSchemas(schemas);
* NullableTypeAnnotation(node) {
return ['null', yield node.typeAnnotation];
* NullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node) {
return 'null';
* StringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node) {
return {
type: 'enum',
symbols: [node.value],
* GenericTypeAnnotation(node) {
const name = yield node.id;
const params = node.typeParameters && (yield node.typeParameters);
const schema = yield query(name, params);
if (typeof schema === 'string') {
return schema;
if (schema.$unwrap) {
return schema.type;
const enclosing = yield namespace();
if (schema.namespace === enclosing) {
return schema.name;
return makeFullname(schema);
* TypeParameterInstantiation(node) {
return yield node.params;
* FunctionTypeAnnotation(node) {
return null;
* InterfaceExtends(node) {
return yield node.id;
* Identifier(node) {
return node.name;
* CommentLine(node) {
return extractPragma(node.value);
* CommentBlock(node) {
return extractPragma(node.value);
const declaration = {
entries: [
// Blocks.
// Imports.
// Exports.
* Blocks.
* Program(node) {
yield node.body;
* BlockStatement(node) {
yield enter();
yield node.body;
yield exit();
* Imports.
* TODO: warning about "import typeof".
* TODO: support form "import *".
* ImportDeclaration(node) {
const specifiers = yield node.specifiers;
const path = yield node.source;
for (const specifier of specifiers) {
specifier.path = path;
yield external(specifier);
* ImportDefaultSpecifier(node) {
return {
local: yield node.local,
imported: null,
* ImportSpecifier(node) {
return {
local: yield node.local,
imported: yield node.imported,
* VariableDeclarator(node) {
const path = extractRequire(node.init);
if (!path) {
return null;
let specifiers = yield node.id;
if (typeof specifiers === 'string') {
specifiers = [{
local: specifiers,
imported: null,
for (const specifier of specifiers) {
specifier.path = path;
yield external(specifier);
* ObjectPattern(node) {
return yield node.properties;
* ObjectProperty(node) {
const key = yield node.key;
// TODO: different roots.
if (node.value.type !== 'Identifier') {
return null;
//assert.equal(node.value.type, 'Identifier');
const value = yield node.value;
return {
local: value,
imported: key,
* Exports.
* TODO: support "export from" form.
* TODO: support commonjs.
* ExportDefaultDeclaration(node) {
const reference = yield node.declaration;
if (reference) {
yield provide(null, reference);
* ExportNamedDeclaration(node) {
if (!node.declaration) {
yield node.specifiers;
const reference = yield node.declaration;
if (reference) {
yield provide(reference);
* ExportSpecifier(node) {
const reference = yield node.local;
let name = yield node.exported;
if (name === 'default') {
name = null;
yield provide(name, reference);
* Declarations.
* TypeAlias(node) {
const name = yield node.id;
const params = node.typeParameters && (yield node.typeParameters);
yield declare(name, node, params);
return name;
* InterfaceDeclaration(node) {
const name = yield node.id;
const params = node.typeParameters && (yield node.typeParameters);
yield declare(name, node, params);
return name;
* ClassDeclaration(node) {
const name = yield node.id;
const params = node.typeParameters && (yield node.typeParameters);
// TODO: do it only for "all"-mode.
const body = node.body;
yield body.body.filter(is('ClassMethod'));
yield declare(name, node, params);
return name;
* TypeParameterDeclaration(node) {
return yield node.params;
* TypeParameter(node) {
return {
name: node.name,
default: node.default ? yield node.default : null,
* Utility.
* StringLiteral(node) {
return node.value;
* Identifier(node) {
return node.name;
function* extractLastPragma(comments) {
const pragmas = (yield comments).filter(Boolean);
return pragmas.length > 0 ? pragmas[pragmas.length - 1] : null;
function* extractProperty(prop, value) {
let type = null;
if (prop.leadingComments) {
type = yield* extractLastPragma(prop.leadingComments);
if (!type) {
type = yield value;
if (!type) {
return null;
if (type.type === 'record') {
type.namespace = yield namespace();
yield define(type, false);
type = type.name;
return {
name: yield prop.key,
function extractRequire(node) {
// XXX: refactor it!
const ok = node &&
node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
node.callee.name === 'require';
if (!ok) {
return null;
const argument = node.arguments[0];
// TODO: warning about dynamic imports.
assert.equal(argument.type, 'StringLiteral');
return argument.value;
function parsePragma(pragma) {
let [type, arg] = pragma.split(/\s+/);
if (isPrimitive(type)) {
if (arg != null) {
return null;
} else if (type === 'fixed') {
arg = Number(arg);
if (!Number.isInteger(arg)) {
return null;
} else {
return null;
return [type, arg];
function extractPragma(text) {
const marker = '$avro ';
const value = text.trimLeft();
if (!value.startsWith(marker)) {
return null;
const pragma = value.slice(marker.length).trim();
const pair = parsePragma(pragma);
const [type, arg] = pair;
if (type === 'fixed') {
return {
type: 'fixed',
size: arg,
return type;
function isEnumSymbol(node) {
return node.type === 'StringLiteralTypeAnnotation';
function isPrimitive(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'null':
case 'int':
case 'long':
case 'float':
case 'double':
case 'bytes':
case 'string':
case 'boolean':
return true;
return false;
function unwrapEnumSymbol(node) {
return node.value;
function makeFullname(schema) {
return `${schema.namespace}.${schema.name}`;
function mergeSchemas(schemas) {
const map = new Map;
// TODO: overriding?
// TODO: anonymous?
let name = '';
for (const schema of schemas) {
// TODO: enums?
assert.equal(schema.type, 'record');
for (const field of schema.fields) {
const stored = map.get(field.name);
if (stored) {
// TODO: what about enums?
// TODO: improve checking.
assert.equal(stored.type, field.type);
map.set(field.name, field);
name += '_' + schema.name;
return {
type: 'record',
fields: Array.from(map.values()),
function is(type) {
return node => Boolean(node) && node.type === type;
module.exports = {