# style loader for webpack ## Usage [Documentation: Using loaders](http://webpack.github.io/docs/using-loaders.html) ### Simple API ``` javascript require("style!raw!./file.css"); // => add rules in file.css to document ``` It's recommended to combine it with the [`css-loader`](https://github.com/webpack/css-loader): `require("style!css!./file.css")`. It also possible to add a URL instead of a css string: ``` javascript require("style/url!file!./file.css"); // => add a to file.css to document ``` ### Reference-counted API ``` javascript var style = require("style/useable!css!./file.css"); style.use(); // = style.ref(); style.unuse(); // = style.unref(); ``` Styles are not added on require, but instead on call to `use`/`ref`. Styles are removed from page if `unuse`/`unref` is called exactly as often as `use`/`ref`. Note: Behavior is undefined when `unuse`/`unref` is called more often than `use`/`ref`. Don't do that. ### Options #### `singleton` If defined, the style-loader will re-use a single `