// Node v4 requires "use strict" to allow block scoped let & const "use strict"; var assert = require("assert"); var url = require('url'); describe("fix urls tests", function() { var fixUrls = require("../fixUrls"); var defaultUrl = "https://x.y.z/a/b.html"; beforeEach(function() { global.window = { location: url.parse(defaultUrl) }; }); var assertUrl = function (origCss, expectedCss, specialUrl) { if (specialUrl) { global.window = { location: url.parse(specialUrl) }; } var resultCss = fixUrls(origCss, specialUrl || defaultUrl); expectedCss = expectedCss || origCss; assert.equal(expectedCss, resultCss); }; // no change it("Null css is not modified", function() { assertUrl(null) }); it("Blank css is not modified", function() { assertUrl("") }); it("No url is not modified", function () { assertUrl("body { }") }); it("Full url isn't changed (no quotes)", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(http://example.com/bg.jpg); }") }); it("Full url isn't changed (no quotes, spaces)", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url ( http://example.com/bg.jpg ); }"); }); it("Full url isn't changed (double quotes)", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(\"http://example.com/bg.jpg\"); }") }); it("Full url isn't changed (double quotes, spaces)", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url ( \"http://example.com/bg.jpg\" ); }") }); it("Full url isn't changed (single quotes)", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url('http://example.com/bg.jpg'); }") }); it("Full url isn't changed (single quotes, spaces)", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url ( 'http://example.com/bg.jpg' ); }") }); it("Multiple full urls are not changed", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(http://example.com/bg.jpg); }\ndiv.main { background-image:url ( 'https://www.anothersite.com/another.png' ); }" ); }); it("Http url isn't changed", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(http://example.com/bg.jpg); }"); }); it("Https url isn't changed", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(https://example.com/bg.jpg); }"); }); it("HTTPS url isn't changed", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(HTTPS://example.com/bg.jpg); }") }); it("File url isn't changed", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(file:///example.com/bg.jpg); }") }); it("Double slash url isn't changed", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(//example.com/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"//example.com/bg.jpg\"); }" ) }); it("Image data uri url isn't changed", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(); }") }); it("Font data uri url isn't changed", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(data:application/x-font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,qsrwABYuwNkimqm3gAAAABJRU5ErkJggg); }" ); }); // relative urls it("Relative url", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url (bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/bg.jpg\"); }" ); }); it("Relative url case sensitivity", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:URL (bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/bg.jpg\"); }" ); }); it("Relative url with path", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(c/d/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/c/d/bg.jpg\"); }" ); }); it("Relative url with dot slash", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(./c/d/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/c/d/bg.jpg\"); }" ); }); it("Multiple relative urls", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(bg.jpg); }\ndiv.main { background-image:url(./c/d/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/bg.jpg\"); }\ndiv.main { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/c/d/bg.jpg\"); }" ); }); it("Relative url that looks like data-uri", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(data/image/png.base64); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/data/image/png.base64\"); }" ); }); // urls with hashes it("Relative url with hash are not changed", function() { assertUrl("body { background-image:url(#bg.jpg); }"); }); // rooted urls it("Rooted url", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/bg.jpg\"); }" ); }); it("Rooted url with path", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(/a/b/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"https://x.y.z/a/b/bg.jpg\"); }" ); }); //special locations it("Location with no path, filename only", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"http://x.y.z/bg.jpg\"); }", "http://x.y.z" ); }); it("Location with no path, path with filename", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(a/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"http://x.y.z/a/bg.jpg\"); }", "http://x.y.z" ); }); it("Location with no path, rel path with filename", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(./a/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"http://x.y.z/a/bg.jpg\"); }", "http://x.y.z" ); }); it("Location with no path, root filename", function() { assertUrl( "body { background-image:url(/a/bg.jpg); }", "body { background-image:url(\"http://x.y.z/a/bg.jpg\"); }", "http://x.y.z" ); }); it("Doesn't break inline SVG", function() { const svg = "url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,')"; assertUrl( "body: { background: " + svg + " }" ); }); });