
114 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env node
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
const pkg = require("../../package.json");
2017-09-14 01:14:35 +03:00
const formatMarkdown = require("../../website/static/markdown");
const shell = require("shelljs");
const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..");
const parsers = [
feat: support markdown (#2943) * feat(markdown): inital implementation * feat(markdown): support strong * fix: add missing default value * feat(markdown): support inlineCode * feat: support delete * feat: support link * feat: support image * feat: support blockquote * feat: support heading * feat: support code * feat: support yaml * feat: support html * feat: support list * feat: support thematicBreak * feat: support table * feat: support linkReference * feat: support imageReference * feat: support definition * feat: support footnote * feat: support footnoteReference * feat: support footnoteDefinition * test(cli): update snapshots * refactor: extract SINGLE_LINE_NODE_TYPES * refactor: printChildren * fix: correct newlines * test: add trailing newline * fix: blockquote formatting * fix: node types * fix: break line correctly * fix: remove unnecessary properties to make AST_COMPARE happy * fix: escape `|` in tableCell content * fix: unexpected line break * fix: ast difference from loose list * fix: html break lines * refactor: fix linting * fix: normalize ast * fix: escape specific chars * test: add more tests * fix: build markdown parser * chore: remove unnecessary *.log * fix: escape html entity * feat: support prettier-ignore * fix: line break for non-loose listItem * feat: support formatting `code` based on `lang` * fix: add `jsx` and `tsx` * fix: use multiparser * refactor: fix linting * test: update test case 😉 * feat: switch to `_` style emphasis * fix: sequence list should use different prefix * test: add tests * fix: do not print additional new line after `prettier-ignore` * fix(list): enforce `1.` to avoid unnecessary git diff * feat: enable `commonmark` option * feat: support `break` * fix: escape backslash * refactor: escape html entity using backslash * fix: respect autolink-style link * feat: support md`...` and markdown`...` * docs: replace ands with commas * fix: respect indented code block * fix: respect html entity * docs: add docs for modified MDAST * fix: inlineCode is breakline-able * feat: support backtick in inlineCode * feat: support a-lot-of-backtick in fenced code block * feat: use `~~~`-style code block in js template * fix: respect escaped chars * fix: use `*`-style emphasis for invalid `_`-style output * test: add test cases * fix: use `- - -`-style thematicBreak to avoid conflict with yaml * fix: remain the same content for linkReference identifier * fix: `inlineCode` gap can be a line break * fix: `html` should not print trailing spaces if it's in root * refactor: fix typo * fix: wrap `definition`'s url if there's whitespace * fix: remove unnecessary whitespace at the end of paragraph * fix: fix: remove unnecessary whitespace at the start of paragraph * fix: setence children length is possible 0 * fix: support continuous ordered list * fix: do not print addtional hardline after loose list * fix: use double-backtick style for single-backtick value in inlineCode * fix: support nested emphasis * fix: support space-url in link/image * fix: escape `)` in link/image url * fix: support single-quote in link/image/definition title * fix: respect alt in image/imageReference * fix: use `*`-style thematicBreak in list * fix: loose/tight list linebreaks * fix: print third linebreak before indented code block with a tight list in the previous * test: move bug cases * fix: remove unnecessary linebreaks * refactor: fix typo
2017-10-12 01:46:44 +03:00
process.env.PATH += path.delimiter + path.join(rootDir, "node_modules", ".bin");
function pipe(string) {
return new shell.ShellString(string);
shell.rm("-Rf", "dist/");
// --- Lib ---
shell.echo("Bundling lib index...");
shell.exec("rollup -c scripts/build/rollup.index.config.js");
shell.echo("Bundling lib bin...");
shell.exec("rollup -c scripts/build/rollup.bin.config.js");
shell.chmod("+x", "./dist/bin/prettier.js");
shell.echo("Bundling lib third-party...");
shell.exec("rollup -c scripts/build/rollup.third-party.config.js");
for (const parser of parsers) {
if (parser === "postcss") {
shell.echo(`Bundling lib ${parser}...`);
`rollup -c scripts/build/rollup.parser.config.js --environment parser:${parser}`
shell.echo("Bundling lib postcss...");
// PostCSS has dependency cycles and won't work correctly with rollup :(
"webpack --hide-modules src/parser-postcss.js dist/parser-postcss.js"
// Prepend module.exports =
const content ="dist/parser-postcss.js").stdout;
pipe(`module.exports = ${content}`).to("dist/parser-postcss.js");
// --- Misc ---
shell.echo("Remove eval");
2017-09-14 01:14:35 +03:00
const issueTemplate =".github/").stdout;
const newIssueTemplate = issueTemplate.replace(
"-->\n\n" +
"// code snippet",
"// code snippet",
{ parser: "babylon" },
[["# Options (if any):", true], ["--single-quote", true]],
2017-09-14 01:14:35 +03:00
shell.echo("Copy package.json");
const pkgWithoutDependencies = Object.assign({}, pkg);
delete pkgWithoutDependencies.dependencies;
pkgWithoutDependencies.scripts = {
"node -e \"assert.equal(require('.').version, require('..').version)\""
pipe(JSON.stringify(pkgWithoutDependencies, null, 2)).to("dist/package.json");
shell.cp("", "dist/");
shell.echo("How to test against dist:");
2017-10-03 12:44:02 +03:00
shell.echo(" 1) yarn test:dist");
shell.echo("How to publish:");
shell.echo(" 1) IMPORTANT!!! Go to dist/");
shell.echo(" 2) npm publish");