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// @noflow
* Test that shows how the implementation of union types is broken
// example with object types
function obj(a: { x: number } | { x: string }) { }
obj(({ x: "" }: A1));
type A1 = { x: B1 };
type B1 = string;
// similar example with function types
function fun(a: (() => number) | (() => string)) { }
fun(((() => ""): A2));
type A2 = () => B2;
type B2 = string;
// similar example with generic class instance types
class C<X> { }
function inst(a: C<number> | C<string>) { }
inst((new C: A3));
type A3 = C<B3>;
type B3 = string;
// similar example with generic type aliases
function alias(a: T<number> | T<string>) { }
alias({ x: (x: V<B4>) => { } });
type T<X> = { x: U<X> }
type U<X> = (x: V<X>) => void;
type V<X> = X;
type B4 = string;
// class statics
function stat(a: { x: number } | { x: string }) { }
class D {
static x: B5;
type B5 = string;
// tuples
function tup(a: [number,boolean] | [string,boolean]) { }
tup((["",false]: A6));
type A6 = [B6,boolean];
type B6 = string;