aliases: # Cache management - &restore_yarn_cache restore_cache: keys: - v1-yarn-cache - &save_yarn_cache save_cache: paths: - ~/.cache/yarn key: v1-yarn-cache - &restore_deps_cache restore_cache: keys: - v1-deps-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - &save_deps_cache save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: v1-yarn-deps-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - &restore_build_cache restore_cache: keys: - v1-build-cache-{{ .Branch }} - v1-build-cache-master - &save_build_cache save_cache: paths: - .cache key: v1-build-cache-{{ .Branch }} # Default - &defaults working_directory: ~/prettier docker: - image: circleci/node:9 version: 2 jobs: # Install dependencies and cache everything checkout_code: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - *restore_yarn_cache - *restore_deps_cache - run: yarn install - run: yarn check-deps - *save_deps_cache - *save_yarn_cache - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - . # Create the production bundle and cache build_prod: <<: *defaults environment: NODE_ENV: production steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/prettier - *restore_build_cache - run: yarn build - *save_build_cache - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - dist - store_artifacts: path: ~/prettier/dist # Run tests on the production bundle test_prod_node4: <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/node:4 steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/prettier - run: yarn test:dist # Run tests on the production bundle test_prod_node9: <<: *defaults steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/prettier - run: command: yarn test:dist environment: REPORT_SUMMARIES: 1 - store_test_results: path: test-results # Run tests using the standalone build test_prod_standalone: <<: *defaults steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/prettier - run: command: yarn test:dist environment: TEST_STANDALONE: 1 workflows: version: 2 prod: jobs: - checkout_code - build_prod: requires: - checkout_code - test_prod_node4: requires: - build_prod - test_prod_node9: requires: - build_prod - test_prod_standalone: requires: - build_prod