--- id: configuration title: Configuration File --- Prettier uses [cosmiconfig](https://github.com/davidtheclark/cosmiconfig) for configuration file support. This means you can configure prettier via: - A `.prettierrc` file, written in YAML or JSON, with optional extensions: `.yaml/.yml/.json`. - A `.prettierrc.toml` file, written in TOML (the `.toml` extension is _required_). - A `prettier.config.js` or `.prettierrc.js` file that exports an object. - A `"prettier"` key in your `package.json` file. The configuration file will be resolved starting from the location of the file being formatted, and searching up the file tree until a config file is (or isn't) found. The options to the configuration file are the same as the [API options](options.md). ## Basic Configuration JSON: ```json { "trailingComma": "es5", "tabWidth": 4, "semi": false, "singleQuote": true } ``` JS: ```js // prettier.config.js or .prettierrc.js module.exports = { trailingComma: "es5", tabWidth: 4, semi: false, singleQuote: true }; ``` YAML: ```yaml # .prettierrc or .prettierrc.yaml trailingComma: "es5" tabWidth: 4 semi: false singleQuote: true ``` TOML: ```toml # .prettierrc.toml trailingComma = "es5" tabWidth = 4 semi = false singleQuote = true ``` ## Configuration Overrides Overrides let you have different configuration for certain file extensions, folders and specific files. Prettier borrows ESLint’s [override format](http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#example-configuration). JSON: ```json { "semi": false, "overrides": [ { "files": "*.test.js", "options": { "semi": true } }, { "files": ["*.html", "legacy/**/*.js"], "options": { "tabWidth": 4 } } ] } ``` YAML: ```yaml semi: false overrides: - files: "*.test.js" options: semi: true - files: - "*.html" - "legacy/**/*.js" options: tabWidth: 4 ``` `files` is required for each override, and may be a string or array of strings. `excludeFiles` may be optionally provided to exclude files for a given rule, and may also be a string or array of strings. ## Sharing configurations Sharing a Prettier configuration is simple: just publish a module that exports a configuration object, say `@company/prettier-config`, and reference it in your `package.json`: ```json { "name": "my-cool-library", "version": "9000.0.1", "prettier": "@company/prettier-config" } ``` If you don't want to use `package.json`, you can use any of the supported extensions to export a string, e.g. `.prettierrc.json`: ```json "@company/prettier-config" ``` An example configuration repository is available [here](https://github.com/azz/prettier-config). > Note: This method does **not** offer a way to _extend_ the configuration to overwrite some properties from the shared configuration. If you need to do that, import the file in a `.prettierrc.js` file and export the modifications, e.g: > > ```js > module.exports = { > ...require("@company/prettier-config"), > semi: false > }; > ``` ## Setting the [parser](options.md#parser) option By default, Prettier automatically infers which parser to use based on the input file extension. Combined with `overrides` you can teach Prettier how to parse files it does not recognize. For example, to get Prettier to format its own `.prettierrc` file, you can do: ```json { "overrides": [ { "files": ".prettierrc", "options": { "parser": "json" } } ] } ``` You can also switch to the `flow` parser instead of the default `babel` for .js files: ```json { "overrides": [ { "files": "*.js", "options": { "parser": "flow" } } ] } ``` **Note:** _Never_ put the `parser` option at the top level of your configuration. _Only_ use it inside `overrides`. Otherwise you effectively disable Prettier's automatic file extension based parser inference. This forces Prettier to use the parser you specified for _all_ types of files – even when it doesn't make sense, such as trying to parse a CSS file as JavaScript. ## Configuration Schema If you'd like a JSON schema to validate your configuration, one is available here: http://json.schemastore.org/prettierrc.