// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`test.js 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["flow"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== x = First , Second x = First , Second x = First,Second x = First , Second x = Prefix comes before suffix x = Prefix comes before suffix suffix x = Count Chocula knows the the number is awesome x = ( {hour}:{minute}:{second} ); x = ( {hour} : {minute} : {second} ); x = ( {hour}: {minute}: {second} ); first = ( Text
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); second = ( Text
More text
And more
); third = ( Text
More text
And more
); =====================================output===================================== x = ( First, Second ); x = ( First , Second ); x = ( First,Second ); x = ( First,Second ); x = ( Prefix comes before suffix ); x = ( Prefix comes before suffix suffix ); x = ( Count Chocula knows the the number is awesome ); x = ( {hour}:{minute}:{second} ); x = ( {hour} : {minute} : {second} ); x = ( {hour}: {minute}: {second} ); first = ( Text
More text
And more
); second = ( Text
More text
And more
); third = ( Text
More text
And more
); ================================================================================ `;