// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`binaryish.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` function f() { return ( property.isIdentifier() && FUNCTIONS[property.node.name] && (object.isIdentifier(JEST_GLOBAL) || (callee.isMemberExpression() && shouldHoistExpression(object))) && FUNCTIONS[property.node.name](expr.get('arguments')) ); return ( chalk.bold( 'No tests found related to files changed since last commit.\\n', ) + chalk.dim( patternInfo.watch ? 'Press \`a\` to run all tests, or run Jest with \`--watchAll\`.' : 'Run Jest without \`-o\` to run all tests.', ) ); return !filePath.includes(coverageDirectory) && !filePath.endsWith(\`.\${SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION}\`); } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function f() { return ( property.isIdentifier() && FUNCTIONS[property.node.name] && (object.isIdentifier(JEST_GLOBAL) || (callee.isMemberExpression() && shouldHoistExpression(object))) && FUNCTIONS[property.node.name](expr.get("arguments")) ); return ( chalk.bold("No tests found related to files changed since last commit.\\n") + chalk.dim( patternInfo.watch ? "Press \`a\` to run all tests, or run Jest with \`--watchAll\`." : "Run Jest without \`-o\` to run all tests." ) ); return ( !filePath.includes(coverageDirectory) && !filePath.endsWith(\`.\${SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION}\`) ); } `; exports[`comment.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` function f() { return /* a */; } function x() { return func2 //comment .bar(); } function f() { return ( foo // comment .bar() ); } fn(function f() { return ( foo // comment .bar() ); }); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function f() { return /* a */; } function x() { return ( func2 //comment .bar() ); } function f() { return ( foo // comment .bar() ); } fn(function f() { return ( foo // comment .bar() ); }); `;