"use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); const prettier = require("../"); const types = require("ast-types"); const parser = require("../src/parser"); const RUN_AST_TESTS = process.env["AST_COMPARE"]; const VERIFY_ALL_PARSERS = process.env["VERIFY_ALL_PARSERS"] || false; const ALL_PASERS = process.env["ALL_PASERS"] ? JSON.parse(process.env["ALL_PASERS"]) : ["flow", "babylon", "typescript"]; // Ignoring empty statements that are added into the output removes a // lot of noise from test failures and let's us focus on the real // failures when comparing asts function removeEmptyStatements(ast) { return types.visit(ast, { visitEmptyStatement: function(path) { path.prune(); return false; } }); } function run_spec(dirname, options, additionalParsers) { fs.readdirSync(dirname).forEach(filename => { if ( (filename.endsWith(".js") || filename.endsWith(".ts")) && filename !== "jsfmt.spec.js" ) { const path = dirname + "/" + filename; if (!RUN_AST_TESTS) { const source = read(path).replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); const mergedOptions = mergeDefaultOptions(options || {}); const output = prettyprint(source, path, mergedOptions); test(`${mergedOptions.parser} - ${parser.parser}-verify`, () => { expect(raw(source + "~".repeat(80) + "\n" + output)).toMatchSnapshot( filename ); }); getParsersToVerify( mergedOptions.parser, additionalParsers || [] ).forEach(parserName => { test(`${filename} - ${parserName}-verify`, () => { const verifyOptions = Object.assign(mergedOptions, { parser: parserName }); const verifyOutput = prettyprint(source, path, verifyOptions); expect(output).toEqual(verifyOutput); }); }); } if (RUN_AST_TESTS) { const source = read(dirname + "/" + filename); const ast = removeEmptyStatements(parse(source)); let prettyprinted = false; let ppast; let pperr = null; try { ppast = removeEmptyStatements(parse(prettyprint(source, path))); } catch (e) { pperr = e.stack; } test(path + " parse", () => { expect(pperr).toBe(null); expect(ppast).toBeDefined(); if (ast.errors.length === 0) { expect(ast).toEqual(ppast); } }); } } }); } global.run_spec = run_spec; function stripLocation(ast) { if (Array.isArray(ast)) { return ast.map(e => stripLocation(e)); } if (typeof ast === "object") { const newObj = {}; for (var key in ast) { if ( key === "loc" || key === "range" || key === "raw" || key === "comments" ) { continue; } newObj[key] = stripLocation(ast[key]); } return newObj; } return ast; } function parse(string) { return stripLocation(parser.parseWithFlow(string)); } function prettyprint(src, filename, options) { return prettier.format( src, Object.assign( { filename }, options ) ); } function read(filename) { return fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf8"); } /** * Wraps a string in a marker object that is used by `./raw-serializer.js` to * directly print that string in a snapshot without escaping all double quotes. * Backticks will still be escaped. */ function raw(string) { if (typeof string !== "string") { throw new Error("Raw snapshots have to be strings."); } return { [Symbol.for("raw")]: string }; } function mergeDefaultOptions(parserConfig) { return Object.assign( { parser: "flow", printWidth: 80 }, parserConfig ); } function getParsersToVerify(parser, additionalParsers) { if (VERIFY_ALL_PARSERS) { return ALL_PASERS.splice(ALL_PASERS.indexOf(parent), 1); } return additionalParsers; }