// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`directive_decl.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== directive @dir( # comment arg1: String # comment arg2: String arg3: String ) on QUERY =====================================output===================================== directive @dir( # comment arg1: String # comment arg2: String arg3: String ) on QUERY ================================================================================ `; exports[`directives.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== query MyQuery @directive( arg: 5 # comment arg2: 10 ) { field @skip( if: true # comment cursor: 10 ) @nope otherField ...fragmentSpread, @include(if: ["this isn't even a boolean", "wow, that's really odd",,,,,]) } =====================================output===================================== query MyQuery @directive( arg: 5 # comment arg2: 10 ) { field @skip( if: true # comment cursor: 10 ) @nope otherField ...fragmentSpread @include(if: ["this isn't even a boolean", "wow, that's really odd"]) } ================================================================================ `; exports[`enum.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== enum State { # pending state PENDING # visible states VISIBLE INVISIBLE # archive state ARCHIVED } =====================================output===================================== enum State { # pending state PENDING # visible states VISIBLE INVISIBLE # archive state ARCHIVED } ================================================================================ `; exports[`fields.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== query MyFirstQuery { # comment field { subfield # comment subfield } field #comment field } mutation MyFirstMutation { # comment name comment # comment kind } subscription MySubscription { name comment kind } =====================================output===================================== query MyFirstQuery { # comment field { subfield # comment subfield } field #comment field } mutation MyFirstMutation { # comment name comment # comment kind } subscription MySubscription { name comment kind } ================================================================================ `; exports[`input.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== input Params { # Id id: ID # Name name: String } =====================================output===================================== input Params { # Id id: ID # Name name: String } ================================================================================ `; exports[`interface.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== interface Actor { # Id id: ID # Actor fields name: String kind: String } =====================================output===================================== interface Actor { # Id id: ID # Actor fields name: String kind: String } ================================================================================ `; exports[`object_type_def.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== type Artist implements Node, Entity { # The ID of an object id: ID! # The MBID of the entity. mbid: MBID! # A list of recordings linked to this entity. recordings(after: String, first: Int): RecordingConnection # A list of releases linked to this entity. releases( # Filter by one or more release group types. type: [ReleaseGroupType] # Filter by one or more release statuses. status: [ReleaseStatus] after: String first: Int ): ReleaseConnection } =====================================output===================================== type Artist implements Node, Entity { # The ID of an object id: ID! # The MBID of the entity. mbid: MBID! # A list of recordings linked to this entity. recordings(after: String, first: Int): RecordingConnection # A list of releases linked to this entity. releases( # Filter by one or more release group types. type: [ReleaseGroupType] # Filter by one or more release statuses. status: [ReleaseStatus] after: String first: Int ): ReleaseConnection } ================================================================================ `; exports[`schema.graphql 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["graphql"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== # Schema schema { # Query and Mutation query: Root mutation: Mutation # Subscription subscription: Subscription } =====================================output===================================== # Schema schema { # Query and Mutation query: Root mutation: Mutation # Subscription subscription: Subscription } ================================================================================ `;