// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`multiple patterns (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`multiple patterns (stdout) 1`] = ` "directory/file.js directory/nested-directory/nested-directory-file.js other-directory/file.js other-directory/nested-directory/nested-directory-file.js " `; exports[`multiple patterns (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, doesn't ignore node_modules with --with-node-modules flag (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, doesn't ignore node_modules with --with-node-modules flag (stdout) 1`] = ` "node_modules/node-module.js other-directory/file.js other-directory/nested-directory/nested-directory-file.js other-regular-modules.js regular-module.js " `; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, doesn't ignore node_modules with --with-node-modules flag (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, ignores node_modules by default (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, ignores node_modules by default (stdout) 1`] = ` "other-directory/file.js other-directory/nested-directory/nested-directory-file.js other-regular-modules.js regular-module.js " `; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, ignores node_modules by default (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, ignores node_modules by with ./**/*.js (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, ignores node_modules by with ./**/*.js (stdout) 1`] = ` "other-directory/file.js other-directory/nested-directory/nested-directory-file.js other-regular-modules.js regular-module.js " `; exports[`multiple patterns by with ignore pattern, ignores node_modules by with ./**/*.js (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`multiple patterns with ignore nested directories pattern (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`multiple patterns with ignore nested directories pattern (stdout) 1`] = ` "directory/file.js other-directory/file.js other-regular-modules.js regular-module.js " `; exports[`multiple patterns with ignore nested directories pattern (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`multiple patterns with non exists pattern (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`multiple patterns with non exists pattern (stdout) 1`] = ` "directory/file.js directory/nested-directory/nested-directory-file.js " `; exports[`multiple patterns with non exists pattern (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`multiple patterns, throw error and exit with non zero code on non existing files (stderr) 1`] = ` "[error] No matching files. Patterns tried: non-existent.js other-non-existent.js !**/node_modules/** !./node_modules/** " `; exports[`multiple patterns, throw error and exit with non zero code on non existing files (stdout) 1`] = `""`; exports[`multiple patterns, throw error and exit with non zero code on non existing files (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`no errors on empty patterns (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`no errors on empty patterns (stdout) 1`] = `""`; exports[`no errors on empty patterns (write) 1`] = `Array []`;