"use strict"; const execa = require("execa"); const path = require("path"); const { rollup } = require("rollup"); const webpack = require("webpack"); const resolve = require("rollup-plugin-node-resolve"); const alias = require("rollup-plugin-alias"); const commonjs = require("rollup-plugin-commonjs"); const nodeGlobals = require("rollup-plugin-node-globals"); const json = require("rollup-plugin-json"); const replace = require("rollup-plugin-replace"); const uglify = require("rollup-plugin-uglify"); const babel = require("rollup-plugin-babel"); const nativeShims = require("./rollup-plugins/native-shims"); const executable = require("./rollup-plugins/executable"); const EXTERNALS = [ "assert", "buffer", "constants", "crypto", "events", "fs", "module", "os", "path", "stream", "url", "util", "readline", // See comment in jest.config.js "graceful-fs" ]; function getBabelConfig(bundle) { const config = { babelrc: false, plugins: bundle.babelPlugins || [], compact: bundle.type === "plugin" ? false : "auto" }; if (bundle.type === "core") { config.plugins.push( require.resolve("./babel-plugins/transform-custom-require") ); } const targets = { node: 4 }; if (bundle.target === "universal") { // From https://jamie.build/last-2-versions targets.browsers = [">0.25%", "not ie 11", "not op_mini all"]; } config.presets = [ [require.resolve("@babel/preset-env"), { targets, modules: false }] ]; return config; } function getRollupConfig(bundle) { const relative = fp => `./${path.basename(fp).replace(/\.js$/, "")}`; const paths = (bundle.external || []).reduce( (paths, filepath) => Object.assign(paths, { [filepath]: relative(filepath) }), { "graceful-fs": "fs" } ); const config = { entry: bundle.input, paths, onwarn(warning) { if ( // We use `eval("require")` to enable dynamic requires in the // custom parser API warning.code === "EVAL" || (warning.code === "CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY" && warning.importer.startsWith("node_modules")) ) { return; } // web bundle can't have external requires if ( warning.code === "UNRESOLVED_IMPORT" && bundle.target === "universal" ) { throw new Error( `Unresolved dependency in universal bundle: ${warning.source}` ); } console.warn(warning); } }; const replaceStrings = { "proces.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify("production") }; if (bundle.target === "universal") { // We can't reference `process` in UMD bundles and this is // an undocumented "feature" replaceStrings["process.env.PRETTIER_DEBUG"] = "global.PRETTIER_DEBUG"; } Object.assign(replaceStrings, bundle.replace); const babelConfig = getBabelConfig(bundle); config.plugins = [ replace(replaceStrings), executable(), json(), bundle.alias && alias(bundle.alias), bundle.target === "universal" && nativeShims(path.resolve(__dirname, "shims")), resolve({ extensions: [".js", ".json"], preferBuiltins: bundle.target === "node" }), commonjs(bundle.commonjs || {}), bundle.target === "universal" && nodeGlobals(), babelConfig && babel(babelConfig), bundle.type === "plugin" && uglify() ].filter(Boolean); if (bundle.target === "node") { config.external = EXTERNALS.concat(bundle.external); } return config; } function getRollupOutputOptions(bundle) { const options = { dest: `dist/${bundle.output}`, useStrict: typeof bundle.strict === "undefined" ? true : bundle.strict }; if (bundle.target === "node") { options.format = "cjs"; } else if (bundle.target === "universal") { options.format = "umd"; options.moduleName = bundle.type === "plugin" ? `prettierPlugins.${bundle.name}` : bundle.name; } return options; } function getWebpackConfig(bundle) { if (bundle.type !== "plugin" || bundle.target !== "universal") { throw new Error("Must use rollup for this bundle"); } const root = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", ".."); return { entry: path.resolve(root, bundle.input), module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, use: { loader: "babel-loader", options: getBabelConfig(bundle) } } ] }, output: { path: path.resolve(root, "dist"), filename: bundle.output, library: ["prettierPlugins", bundle.name], libraryTarget: "umd" }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ "process.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify("production") }) ] }; } function runWebpack(config) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { webpack(config, err => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } module.exports = async function createBundle(bundle, cache) { const useCache = await cache.checkBundle( bundle.output, getRollupConfig(bundle) ); if (useCache) { try { await execa("cp", [ path.join(cache.cacheDir, "files", bundle.output), "dist" ]); return { cached: true }; } catch (err) { // Proceed to build } } if (bundle.bundler === "webpack") { await runWebpack(getWebpackConfig(bundle)); } else { const result = await rollup(getRollupConfig(bundle)); await result.write(getRollupOutputOptions(bundle)); } return { bundled: true }; };