// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`CLI --stdin-filepath works with --config-precedence cli-override (stdout) 1`] = ` "let x: keyof Y = foo() " `; exports[`CLI --stdin-filepath works with --config-precedence cli-override (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI --stdin-filepath works with --config-precedence file-override (stdout) 1`] = ` "let x: keyof Y = foo(); " `; exports[`CLI --stdin-filepath works with --config-precedence file-override (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI --stdin-filepath works with --config-precedence prefer-file (stdout) 1`] = ` "let x: keyof Y = foo(); " `; exports[`CLI --stdin-filepath works with --config-precedence prefer-file (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI overrides are still applied when no config is found with --config-precedence file-override (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI overrides are still applied when no config is found with --config-precedence file-override (stdout) 1`] = ` "function noConfigJs() { console.log(\\"no-config/file.js should have no semicolons\\") } " `; exports[`CLI overrides are still applied when no config is found with --config-precedence file-override (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI overrides gets applied when no config exists with --config-precedence prefer-file (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI overrides gets applied when no config exists with --config-precedence prefer-file (stdout) 1`] = ` "function noConfigJs() { console.log( \\"no-config/file.js should have no semicolons\\" ); } " `; exports[`CLI overrides gets applied when no config exists with --config-precedence prefer-file (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI overrides gets ignored when config exists with --config-precedence prefer-file (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI overrides gets ignored when config exists with --config-precedence prefer-file (stdout) 1`] = ` "function js() { console.log(\\"js/file.js should have tab width 8 (1 if CLI)\\"); } \\"use strict\\"; module.exports = { tabWidth: 8 }; " `; exports[`CLI overrides gets ignored when config exists with --config-precedence prefer-file (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI overrides take lower precedence with --config-precedence file-override (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI overrides take lower precedence with --config-precedence file-override (stdout) 1`] = ` "function js() { console.log(\\"js/file.js should have tab width 8 (1 if CLI)\\"); } \\"use strict\\"; module.exports = { tabWidth: 8 }; " `; exports[`CLI overrides take lower precedence with --config-precedence file-override (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI overrides take precedence with --config-precedence cli-override (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI overrides take precedence with --config-precedence cli-override (stdout) 1`] = ` "function f() { console.log( \\"should have tab width 8\\" ) } function f() { console.log( \\"should have space width 2\\" ) } function f() { console.log( \\"should have space width 8\\" ) } function f() { console.log( \\"should have space width 2 despite ../.editorconfig specifying 8, because ./.hg is present\\" ) } console.log( \\"jest/__best-tests__/file.js should have semi\\" ); console.log( \\"jest/Component.js should not have semi\\" ) console.log( \\"jest/Component.test.js should have semi\\" ); function js() { console.log( \\"js/file.js should have tab width 8 (1 if CLI)\\" ); } \\"use strict\\"; module.exports = { tabWidth: 8 }; function noConfigJs() { console.log( \\"no-config/file.js should have no semicolons\\" ) } function packageJs() { console.log( \\"package/file.js should have tab width 3\\" ); } function rcJson() { console.log.apply( null, [ 'rc-json/file.js', 'should have trailing comma', 'and single quotes', ], ); } function rcYaml() { console.log.apply( null, [ 'rc-yaml/file.js', 'should have trailing comma', 'and single quotes', ], ); } " `; exports[`CLI overrides take precedence with --config-precedence cli-override (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI overrides take precedence without --config-precedence (stderr) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI overrides take precedence without --config-precedence (stdout) 1`] = ` "function f() { console.log( \\"should have tab width 8\\" ) } function f() { console.log( \\"should have space width 2\\" ) } function f() { console.log( \\"should have space width 8\\" ) } function f() { console.log( \\"should have space width 2 despite ../.editorconfig specifying 8, because ./.hg is present\\" ) } console.log( \\"jest/__best-tests__/file.js should have semi\\" ); console.log( \\"jest/Component.js should not have semi\\" ) console.log( \\"jest/Component.test.js should have semi\\" ); function js() { console.log( \\"js/file.js should have tab width 8 (1 if CLI)\\" ); } \\"use strict\\"; module.exports = { tabWidth: 8 }; function noConfigJs() { console.log( \\"no-config/file.js should have no semicolons\\" ) } function packageJs() { console.log( \\"package/file.js should have tab width 3\\" ); } function rcJson() { console.log.apply( null, [ 'rc-json/file.js', 'should have trailing comma', 'and single quotes', ], ); } function rcYaml() { console.log.apply( null, [ 'rc-yaml/file.js', 'should have trailing comma', 'and single quotes', ], ); } " `; exports[`CLI overrides take precedence without --config-precedence (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence cli-override (stderr) 1`] = ` "[error] Invalid \`\\"printWidth\\"\` value. Expected an integer, but received \`0.5\`. " `; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence cli-override (stdout) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence cli-override (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence file-override (stderr) 1`] = ` "[error] Invalid \`\\"printWidth\\"\` value. Expected an integer, but received \`0.5\`. " `; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence file-override (stdout) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence file-override (write) 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence prefer-file (stderr) 1`] = ` "[error] Invalid \`\\"printWidth\\"\` value. Expected an integer, but received \`0.5\`. " `; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence prefer-file (stdout) 1`] = `""`; exports[`CLI validate options with --config-precedence prefer-file (write) 1`] = `Array []`;