// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`indent.js 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["flow", "typescript"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== \` Mixed tabs and spaces: \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} Tabs: \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \` =====================================output===================================== \` Mixed tabs and spaces: \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} Tabs: \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \`; ================================================================================ `; exports[`indent.js 2`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["flow", "typescript"] printWidth: 80 tabWidth: 8 useTabs: true | printWidth =====================================input====================================== \` Mixed tabs and spaces: \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} Tabs: \${() => {a}} \${() => {a}} \` =====================================output===================================== \` Mixed tabs and spaces: \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} Tabs: \${() => { a; }} \${() => { a; }} \`; ================================================================================ `;