
227 lines
7.0 KiB

"use strict";
const dedent = require("dedent");
const coreOptions = require("../main/core-options");
const categoryOrder = [
* {
* [optionName]: {
* // The type of the option. For 'choice', see also `choices` below.
* // When passing a type other than the ones listed below, the option is
* // treated as taking any string as argument, and `--option <${type}>` will
* // be displayed in --help.
* type: "boolean" | "choice" | "int" | string;
* // Default value to be passed to the minimist option `default`.
* default?: any;
* // Alias name to be passed to the minimist option `alias`.
* alias?: string;
* // For grouping options by category in --help.
* category?: string;
* // Description to be displayed in --help. If omitted, the option won't be
* // shown at all in --help (but see also `oppositeDescription` below).
* description?: string;
* // Description for `--no-${name}` to be displayed in --help. If omitted,
* // `--no-${name}` won't be shown.
* oppositeDescription?: string;
* // Indicate if this option is simply passed to the API.
* // true: use camelified name as the API option name.
* // string: use this value as the API option name.
* forwardToApi?: boolean | string;
* // Indicate that a CLI flag should be an array when forwarded to the API.
* array?: boolean;
* // Specify available choices for validation. They will also be displayed
* // in --help as <a|b|c>.
* // Use an object instead of a string if a choice is deprecated and should
* // be treated as `redirect` instead, or if you'd like to add description for
* // the choice.
* choices?: Array<
* | string
* | { value: string, description?: string, deprecated?: boolean, redirect?: string }
* >;
* // If the option has a value that is an exception to the regular value
* // constraints, indicate that value here (or use a function for more
* // flexibility).
* exception?: ((value: any) => boolean);
* // Indicate that the option is deprecated. Use a string to add an extra
* // message to --help for the option, for example to suggest a replacement
* // option.
* deprecated?: true | string;
* }
* }
* Note: The options below are sorted alphabetically.
const options = {
check: {
type: "boolean",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_OUTPUT,
alias: "c",
description: dedent`
Check if the given files are formatted, print a human-friendly summary
message and paths to unformatted files (see also --list-different).
color: {
// The supports-color package (a sub sub dependency) looks directly at
// `process.argv` for `--no-color` and such-like options. The reason it is
// listed here is to avoid "Ignored unknown option: --no-color" warnings.
// See for more information.
type: "boolean",
default: true,
description: "Colorize error messages.",
oppositeDescription: "Do not colorize error messages."
config: {
type: "path",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_CONFIG,
"Path to a Prettier configuration file (.prettierrc, package.json, prettier.config.js).",
oppositeDescription: "Do not look for a configuration file.",
exception: value => value === false
"config-precedence": {
type: "choice",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_CONFIG,
default: "cli-override",
choices: [
value: "cli-override",
description: "CLI options take precedence over config file"
value: "file-override",
description: "Config file take precedence over CLI options"
value: "prefer-file",
description: dedent`
If a config file is found will evaluate it and ignore other CLI options.
If no config file is found CLI options will evaluate as normal.
"Define in which order config files and CLI options should be evaluated."
"debug-benchmark": {
// Run the formatting benchmarks. Requires 'benchmark' module to be installed.
type: "boolean"
"debug-check": {
// Run the formatting once again on the formatted output, throw if different.
type: "boolean"
"debug-print-doc": {
type: "boolean"
"debug-repeat": {
// Repeat the formatting a few times and measure the average duration.
type: "int",
default: 0
editorconfig: {
type: "boolean",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_CONFIG,
description: "Take .editorconfig into account when parsing configuration.",
"Don't take .editorconfig into account when parsing configuration.",
default: true
"find-config-path": {
type: "path",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_CONFIG,
"Find and print the path to a configuration file for the given input file."
"file-info": {
type: "path",
description: dedent`
Extract the following info (as JSON) for a given file path. Reported fields:
* ignored (boolean) - true if file path is filtered by --ignore-path
* inferredParser (string | null) - name of parser inferred from file path
help: {
type: "flag",
alias: "h",
description: dedent`
Show CLI usage, or details about the given flag.
Example: --help write
exception: value => value === ""
"ignore-path": {
type: "path",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_CONFIG,
default: ".prettierignore",
description: "Path to a file with patterns describing files to ignore."
"list-different": {
type: "boolean",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_OUTPUT,
alias: "l",
"Print the names of files that are different from Prettier's formatting (see also --check)."
loglevel: {
type: "choice",
description: "What level of logs to report.",
default: "log",
choices: ["silent", "error", "warn", "log", "debug"]
stdin: {
type: "boolean",
description: "Force reading input from stdin."
"support-info": {
type: "boolean",
description: "Print support information as JSON."
version: {
type: "boolean",
alias: "v",
description: "Print Prettier version."
"with-node-modules": {
type: "boolean",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_CONFIG,
description: "Process files inside 'node_modules' directory."
write: {
type: "boolean",
category: coreOptions.CATEGORY_OUTPUT,
description: "Edit files in-place. (Beware!)"
const usageSummary = dedent`
Usage: prettier [options] [file/glob ...]
By default, output is written to stdout.
Stdin is read if it is piped to Prettier and no files are given.
module.exports = {