
216 lines
6.6 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`FormData.js 1`] = `
/* @flow */
// constructor
const a: FormData = new FormData(); // correct
new FormData(''); // incorrect
new FormData(document.createElement('input')); // incorrect
new FormData(document.createElement('form')); // correct
// has
const b: boolean = a.has('foo'); // correct
// get
const c: ?(string | File) = a.get('foo'); // correct
const d: string = a.get('foo'); // incorrect
const e: Blob = a.get('foo'); // incorrect
const f: ?(string | File | Blob) = a.get('foo'); // incorrect
a.get(2); // incorrect
// getAll
const a1: Array<string | File> = a.getAll('foo'); // correct
const a2: Array<string | File | number> = a.getAll('foo'); // incorrect
const a3: Array<string | Blob | File> = a.getAll('foo'); // incorrect
a.getAll(23); // incorrect
// set
a.set('foo', 'bar'); // correct
a.set('foo', {}); // incorrect
a.set(2, 'bar'); // incorrect
a.set('foo', 'bar', 'baz'); // incorrect
a.set('bar', new File([], 'q')) // correct
a.set('bar', new File([], 'q'), 'x') // correct
a.set('bar', new File([], 'q'), 2) // incorrect
a.set('bar', new Blob) // correct
a.set('bar', new Blob, 'x') // correct
a.set('bar', new Blob, 2) // incorrect
// append
a.append('foo', 'bar'); // correct
a.append('foo', {}); // incorrect
a.append(2, 'bar'); // incorrect
a.append('foo', 'bar', 'baz'); // incorrect
a.append('foo', 'bar'); // correct
a.append('bar', new File([], 'q')) // correct
a.append('bar', new File([], 'q'), 'x') // correct
a.append('bar', new File([], 'q'), 2) // incorrect
a.append('bar', new Blob) // correct
a.append('bar', new Blob, 'x') // correct
a.append('bar', new Blob, 2) // incorrect
// delete
a.delete('xx'); // correct
a.delete(3); // incorrect
// keys
for (let x: string of a.keys()) {} // correct
for (let x: number of a.keys()) {} // incorrect
// values
for (let x: string | File of a.values()) {} // correct
for (let x: string | File | Blob of a.values()) {} // incorrect
// entries
for (let [x, y]: [string, string | File] of a.entries()) {} // correct
for (let [x, y]: [string, string | File | Blob] of a.entries()) {} // incorrect
for (let [x, y]: [number, string] of a.entries()) {} // incorrect
for (let [x, y]: [string, number] of a.entries()) {} // incorrect
for (let [x, y]: [number, number] of a.entries()) {} // incorrect
/* @flow */
// constructor
const a: FormData = new FormData(); // correct
new FormData(""); // incorrect
new FormData(document.createElement("input")); // incorrect
new FormData(document.createElement("form")); // correct
// has
const b: boolean = a.has("foo"); // correct
// get
const c: ?(string | File) = a.get("foo"); // correct
const d: string = a.get("foo"); // incorrect
const e: Blob = a.get("foo"); // incorrect
const f: ?(string | File | Blob) = a.get("foo"); // incorrect
a.get(2); // incorrect
// getAll
const a1: Array<string | File> = a.getAll("foo"); // correct
const a2: Array<string | File | number> = a.getAll("foo"); // incorrect
const a3: Array<string | Blob | File> = a.getAll("foo"); // incorrect
a.getAll(23); // incorrect
// set
a.set("foo", "bar"); // correct
a.set("foo", {}); // incorrect
a.set(2, "bar"); // incorrect
a.set("foo", "bar", "baz"); // incorrect
a.set("bar", new File([], "q")); // correct
a.set("bar", new File([], "q"), "x"); // correct
a.set("bar", new File([], "q"), 2); // incorrect
a.set("bar", new Blob()); // correct
a.set("bar", new Blob(), "x"); // correct
a.set("bar", new Blob(), 2); // incorrect
// append
a.append("foo", "bar"); // correct
a.append("foo", {}); // incorrect
a.append(2, "bar"); // incorrect
a.append("foo", "bar", "baz"); // incorrect
a.append("foo", "bar"); // correct
a.append("bar", new File([], "q")); // correct
a.append("bar", new File([], "q"), "x"); // correct
a.append("bar", new File([], "q"), 2); // incorrect
a.append("bar", new Blob()); // correct
a.append("bar", new Blob(), "x"); // correct
a.append("bar", new Blob(), 2); // incorrect
// delete
a.delete("xx"); // correct
a.delete(3); // incorrect
// keys
for (let x: string of a.keys()) {
} // correct
for (let x: number of a.keys()) {
} // incorrect
// values
for (let x: string | File of a.values()) {
} // correct
for (let x: string | File | Blob of a.values()) {
} // incorrect
// entries
for (let [x, y]: [string, string | File] of a.entries()) {
} // correct
for (let [x, y]: [string, string | File | Blob] of a.entries()) {
} // incorrect
for (let [x, y]: [number, string] of a.entries()) {
} // incorrect
for (let [x, y]: [string, number] of a.entries()) {
} // incorrect
for (let [x, y]: [number, number] of a.entries()) {
} // incorrect
exports[`MutationObserver.js 1`] = `
/* @flow */
// constructor
function callback(arr: Array<MutationRecord>, observer: MutationObserver): void {
const o: MutationObserver = new MutationObserver(callback); // correct
new MutationObserver((arr: Array<MutationRecord>) => true); // correct
new MutationObserver(() => {}); // correct
new MutationObserver(); // incorrect
new MutationObserver(42); // incorrect
new MutationObserver((n: number) => {}); // incorrect
// observe
const div = document.createElement('div');
o.observe(div, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] }); // correct
o.observe(div, { characterData: true, invalid: true }); // correct
o.observe(); // incorrect
o.observe('invalid'); // incorrect
o.observe(div); // incorrect
o.observe(div, {}); // incorrect
o.observe(div, { subtree: true }); // incorrect
o.observe(div, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: true }); // incorrect
// takeRecords
o.takeRecords(); // correct
// disconnect
o.disconnect(); // correct
/* @flow */
// constructor
function callback(
arr: Array<MutationRecord>,
observer: MutationObserver
): void {
const o: MutationObserver = new MutationObserver(callback); // correct
new MutationObserver((arr: Array<MutationRecord>) => true); // correct
new MutationObserver(() => {}); // correct
new MutationObserver(); // incorrect
new MutationObserver(42); // incorrect
new MutationObserver((n: number) => {}); // incorrect
// observe
const div = document.createElement("div");
o.observe(div, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }); // correct
o.observe(div, { characterData: true, invalid: true }); // correct
o.observe(); // incorrect
o.observe("invalid"); // incorrect
o.observe(div); // incorrect
o.observe(div, {}); // incorrect
o.observe(div, { subtree: true }); // incorrect
o.observe(div, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: true }); // incorrect
// takeRecords
o.takeRecords(); // correct
// disconnect
o.disconnect(); // correct