
132 lines
4.5 KiB

// There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and
// "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking):
// test
// ? consequent
// : alternate;
// And this is JSX mode (when breaking):
// test ? (
// consequent
// ) : (
// alternate
// );
// When non-breaking, they look the same:
// test ? consequent : alternate;
// We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test,
// consequent, or alternate are JSXElements.
// Otherwise, we print in normal mode.
// This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode.
// The line does not break.
normalModeNonBreaking ? "a" : "b";
// This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode.
// Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines.
? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa
: "c";
// This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a
// JSXElement. It is non-breaking.
// Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a
// ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
<div /> ? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : "a";
// This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a
// JSXElement. It is non-breaking.
jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? <div /> : "a";
// This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a
// JSXElement. It is non-breaking.
jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? "a" : <div />;
// This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a
// JSXElement. It is breaking.
// Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a
// ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
</div> ? (
"jsx mode from element breaking"
) : (
// This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a
// JSXElement. It is breaking.
jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : (
// This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a
// JSXElement. It is breaking.
jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : (
// This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of
// the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is
// non-breaking.
{a ? "a" : b ? "b" : "c"}
// This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a
// JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking.
cable ? "satellite" : public ? "affairs" : network ? <span id="c" /> : "dunno";
// This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a
// JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is
// breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get
// wrapped in parens.
cable ? (
) : public ? (
) : network ? (
) : "dunno";
// This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a
// JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is
// breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get
// wrapped in parens.
cable ? (
) : sateline ? (
) : affairs ? (
) : "dunno";
// This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a
// JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents
// and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 ||
(properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? (
draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? (
<MigrationPropertyListItem />
) : (
<MigrationPropertyListItem apps={Immutable.List()} />
) : null}