
604 lines
16 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`show detailed usage with --help arrow-parens (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help arrow-parens (stdout) 1`] = `
"--arrow-parens <avoid|always>
Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter.
Valid options:
avoid Omit parens when possible. Example: \`x => x\`
always Always include parens. Example: \`(x) => x\`
Default: avoid
exports[`show detailed usage with --help arrow-parens (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help bracket-spacing (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help bracket-spacing (stdout) 1`] = `
Print spaces between brackets.
Default: true
exports[`show detailed usage with --help bracket-spacing (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help check (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help check (stdout) 1`] = `
"-c, --check
Check if the given files are formatted, print a human-friendly summary
message and paths to unformatted files (see also --list-different).
exports[`show detailed usage with --help check (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help color (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help color (stdout) 1`] = `
Colorize error messages.
Default: true
exports[`show detailed usage with --help color (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help config (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help config (stdout) 1`] = `
"--config <path>
Path to a Prettier configuration file (.prettierrc, package.json, prettier.config.js).
exports[`show detailed usage with --help config (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help config-precedence (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help config-precedence (stdout) 1`] = `
"--config-precedence <cli-override|file-override|prefer-file>
Define in which order config files and CLI options should be evaluated.
Valid options:
cli-override CLI options take precedence over config file
file-override Config file take precedence over CLI options
prefer-file If a config file is found will evaluate it and ignore other CLI options.
If no config file is found CLI options will evaluate as normal.
Default: cli-override
exports[`show detailed usage with --help config-precedence (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help cursor-offset (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help cursor-offset (stdout) 1`] = `
"--cursor-offset <int>
Print (to stderr) where a cursor at the given position would move to after formatting.
This option cannot be used with --range-start and --range-end.
Default: -1
exports[`show detailed usage with --help cursor-offset (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help editorconfig (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help editorconfig (stdout) 1`] = `
Take .editorconfig into account when parsing configuration.
Default: true
exports[`show detailed usage with --help editorconfig (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help end-of-line (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help end-of-line (stdout) 1`] = `
"--end-of-line <auto|lf|crlf|cr>
Which end of line characters to apply.
Valid options:
auto Maintain existing
(mixed values within one file are normalised by looking at what's used after the first line)
lf Line Feed only (\\\\n), common on Linux and macOS as well as inside git repos
crlf Carriage Return + Line Feed characters (\\\\r\\\\n), common on Windows
cr Carriage Return character only (\\\\r), used very rarely
Default: auto
exports[`show detailed usage with --help end-of-line (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help file-info (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help file-info (stdout) 1`] = `
"--file-info <path>
Extract the following info (as JSON) for a given file path. Reported fields:
* ignored (boolean) - true if file path is filtered by --ignore-path
* inferredParser (string | null) - name of parser inferred from file path
exports[`show detailed usage with --help file-info (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help find-config-path (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help find-config-path (stdout) 1`] = `
"--find-config-path <path>
Find and print the path to a configuration file for the given input file.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help find-config-path (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help help (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help help (stdout) 1`] = `
"-h, --help <flag>
Show CLI usage, or details about the given flag.
Example: --help write
exports[`show detailed usage with --help help (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help html-whitespace-sensitivity (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help html-whitespace-sensitivity (stdout) 1`] = `
"--html-whitespace-sensitivity <css|strict|ignore>
How to handle whitespaces in HTML.
Valid options:
css Respect the default value of CSS display property.
strict Whitespaces are considered sensitive.
ignore Whitespaces are considered insensitive.
Default: css
exports[`show detailed usage with --help html-whitespace-sensitivity (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help ignore-path (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help ignore-path (stdout) 1`] = `
"--ignore-path <path>
Path to a file with patterns describing files to ignore.
Default: .prettierignore
exports[`show detailed usage with --help ignore-path (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help insert-pragma (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help insert-pragma (stdout) 1`] = `
Insert @format pragma into file's first docblock comment.
Default: false
exports[`show detailed usage with --help insert-pragma (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help jsx-bracket-same-line (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help jsx-bracket-same-line (stdout) 1`] = `
Put > on the last line instead of at a new line.
Default: false
exports[`show detailed usage with --help jsx-bracket-same-line (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help jsx-single-quote (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help jsx-single-quote (stdout) 1`] = `
Use single quotes in JSX.
Default: false
exports[`show detailed usage with --help jsx-single-quote (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help list-different (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help list-different (stdout) 1`] = `
"-l, --list-different
Print the names of files that are different from Prettier's formatting (see also --check).
exports[`show detailed usage with --help list-different (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help loglevel (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help loglevel (stdout) 1`] = `
"--loglevel <silent|error|warn|log|debug>
What level of logs to report.
Valid options:
Default: log
exports[`show detailed usage with --help loglevel (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-bracket-spacing (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-bracket-spacing (stdout) 1`] = `
Do not print spaces between brackets.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-bracket-spacing (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-color (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-color (stdout) 1`] = `
Do not colorize error messages.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-color (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-config (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-config (stdout) 1`] = `
Do not look for a configuration file.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-config (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-editorconfig (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-editorconfig (stdout) 1`] = `
Don't take .editorconfig into account when parsing configuration.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-editorconfig (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-semi (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-semi (stdout) 1`] = `
Do not print semicolons, except at the beginning of lines which may need them.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help no-semi (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help parser (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help parser (stdout) 1`] = `
"--parser <flow|babel|babel-flow|typescript|css|less|scss|json|json5|json-stringify|graphql|markdown|mdx|vue|yaml|html|angular|lwc>
Which parser to use.
Valid options:
flow Flow
babel JavaScript
babel-flow Flow
typescript TypeScript
css CSS
less Less
scss SCSS
json JSON
json5 JSON5
json-stringify JSON.stringify
graphql GraphQL
markdown Markdown
mdx MDX
vue Vue
yaml YAML
html HTML
angular Angular
lwc Lightning Web Components
exports[`show detailed usage with --help parser (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help plugin (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help plugin (stdout) 1`] = `
"--plugin <path>
Add a plugin. Multiple plugins can be passed as separate \`--plugin\`s.
Default: []
exports[`show detailed usage with --help plugin (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help plugin-search-dir (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help plugin-search-dir (stdout) 1`] = `
"--plugin-search-dir <path>
Custom directory that contains prettier plugins in node_modules subdirectory.
Overrides default behavior when plugins are searched relatively to the location of Prettier.
Multiple values are accepted.
Default: []
exports[`show detailed usage with --help plugin-search-dir (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help print-width (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help print-width (stdout) 1`] = `
"--print-width <int>
The line length where Prettier will try wrap.
Default: 80
exports[`show detailed usage with --help print-width (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help prose-wrap (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help prose-wrap (stdout) 1`] = `
"--prose-wrap <always|never|preserve>
How to wrap prose.
Valid options:
always Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.
never Do not wrap prose.
preserve Wrap prose as-is.
Default: preserve
exports[`show detailed usage with --help prose-wrap (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help range-end (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help range-end (stdout) 1`] = `
"--range-end <int>
Format code ending at a given character offset (exclusive).
The range will extend forwards to the end of the selected statement.
This option cannot be used with --cursor-offset.
Default: Infinity
exports[`show detailed usage with --help range-end (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help range-start (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help range-start (stdout) 1`] = `
"--range-start <int>
Format code starting at a given character offset.
The range will extend backwards to the start of the first line containing the selected statement.
This option cannot be used with --cursor-offset.
Default: 0
exports[`show detailed usage with --help range-start (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help require-pragma (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help require-pragma (stdout) 1`] = `
Require either '@prettier' or '@format' to be present in the file's first docblock comment
in order for it to be formatted.
Default: false
exports[`show detailed usage with --help require-pragma (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help semi (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help semi (stdout) 1`] = `
Print semicolons.
Default: true
exports[`show detailed usage with --help semi (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help single-quote (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help single-quote (stdout) 1`] = `
Use single quotes instead of double quotes.
Default: false
exports[`show detailed usage with --help single-quote (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help stdin (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help stdin (stdout) 1`] = `
Force reading input from stdin.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help stdin (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help stdin-filepath (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help stdin-filepath (stdout) 1`] = `
"--stdin-filepath <path>
Path to the file to pretend that stdin comes from.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help stdin-filepath (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help support-info (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help support-info (stdout) 1`] = `
Print support information as JSON.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help support-info (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help tab-width (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help tab-width (stdout) 1`] = `
"--tab-width <int>
Number of spaces per indentation level.
Default: 2
exports[`show detailed usage with --help tab-width (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help trailing-comma (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help trailing-comma (stdout) 1`] = `
"--trailing-comma <none|es5|all>
Print trailing commas wherever possible when multi-line.
Valid options:
none No trailing commas.
es5 Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc.)
all Trailing commas wherever possible (including function arguments).
Default: none
exports[`show detailed usage with --help trailing-comma (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help use-tabs (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help use-tabs (stdout) 1`] = `
Indent with tabs instead of spaces.
Default: false
exports[`show detailed usage with --help use-tabs (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help version (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help version (stdout) 1`] = `
"-v, --version
Print Prettier version.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help version (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help with-node-modules (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help with-node-modules (stdout) 1`] = `
Process files inside 'node_modules' directory.
exports[`show detailed usage with --help with-node-modules (write) 1`] = `Array []`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help write (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed usage with --help write (stdout) 1`] = `
Edit files in-place. (Beware!)
exports[`show detailed usage with --help write (write) 1`] = `Array []`;