
40 lines
1.2 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[` 1`] = `
"Snapshot Diff:
- First value
+ Second value
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
--arrow-parens <avoid|always>
Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter.
Defaults to avoid.
--no-bracket-spacing Do not print spaces between brackets.
+ --foo-option <bar|baz> foo description
+ Defaults to bar.
--jsx-bracket-same-line Put > on the last line instead of at a new line.
Defaults to false.
--parser <flow|babylon|typescript|css|less|scss|json|json5|json-stringify|graphql|markdown|vue>
Which parser to use.
--print-width <int> The line length where Prettier will try wrap."
exports[`show detailed external option with \`--help foo-option\` (stderr) 1`] = `""`;
exports[`show detailed external option with \`--help foo-option\` (stdout) 1`] = `
"--foo-option <bar|baz>
foo description
Valid options:
bar bar description
baz baz description
Default: bar
exports[`show detailed external option with \`--help foo-option\` (write) 1`] = `Array []`;